15 research outputs found

    Humanities and Sciences as Complementary Aspects of an Afrikan=Black Whole: Evidence from Archeoastronomy

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    In ancient Afrika, science, technology, engineering and mathematics were not seen as separate from or at odds with what is now referred to in English as the Humanities. Focusing on archeoastronomy of  Kmt ‘land of Black people (i.e. Ancient Egypt)’, we demonstrate that the scientific principles used to build pyramids, temples, and other edifices were rooted in and fused with Afrikan systems of deep thought and spirituality. The method adopted in this study examines alignments of structures of  Kmt ‘land of Black people’ with respect to solar and celestial phenomena in an attempt to establish systematic patterns and correlations between architectural alignments and astronomical phenomena. This method is adopted to show the relationship between structures constructed and knowledge of the oneness of humanities and sciences. Therefore, in this study, we find that the dichotomization and fragmentation of knowledge and disciplines should move towards a more holistic  Kmtyw ‘Black people, people of Kmt’ perspective. &nbsp

    Contribution to the kownledge of cultural heritage via a Heritage Information System (HIS): the case of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos, Badajoz (Spain)

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    Modern science is going through a period of important reflection on the role of different agents and multiple disciplines in the management and safeguarding of architectural heritage. This new focus generates a greater amount and diversity of information, so the implementation of a unifying tool in the framework of digital information models would mean a better knowledge of cultural heritage as well as aiding its safeguarding and protection. In addition, it must be taken into account that, for the correct management of information in its broadest dimension, this tool must make it possible to relate alphanumeric data about an item of heritage to its spatial location. In this sense, this article proposes a Heritage Information System (HIS)—understood as a digital knowledge tool—that consists of a relational database and a map manager with Geographic Information System (GIS) technology (a geodatabase). The methodology suggested here sets out the steps that make up the HIS, so that the system can be applied to other geographical elements or realities. For this reason, a study was made of “La Cultura del Agua” in Valverde de Burguillos (Spain), a heritage ensemble that consists of rural architecture and dispersed preindustrial elements, which are currently at risk. The HIS seeks to develop a more complete identification of these elements (individually and as a system) and a justified argument for their being given value and great visibility. This new approach encourages sustainable development in terms of efficiency and effectiveness for the analysis, diagnosis, and reactivation of cultural heritage, always placing importance on the balance of social participation with the territory in which the system is applied, and with global societ

    Les gravures rupestres Ă  parcellaire

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Les gravures Ă  parcellaire, appelĂ©es aussi gravures topographiques, datent des Âges du Bronze et du Fer. InterprĂ©tĂ©es depuis leur dĂ©couverte comme des reprĂ©sentations planimĂ©triques d'espaces agraires, elles ne sont guĂšre Ă©tudiĂ©es en tant que telles. L'objet de cet article est de combler cette lacune. L'auteur propose une analyse de morphologie agraire portant sur plusieurs gravures de l'arc alpin. Ces pĂ©troglyphes figurent effectivement des formes agraires et prĂ©sentent des analogies troublantes avec des parcellaires protohistoriques connus des archĂ©ologues qui travaillent sur l'Europe de l'Ouest.ĂŸAbstractTopographic drawings date back to the Bronze and Iron ages. Interpreted since their discovery as planimetrical representations of farmland, they have hardly been studied as such. To make up for this shortcoming, an analysis of agrarian morphology is made using several of these cave drawings from the Alps. These petroglyphs represent farmland, and are disturbingly similar to the protohistorical plots of land familiar to archeologists who have studied western Europe.

    Paysages et relations : archéologie, géographie, archéogéographie

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Sam Turner, Paysages et relations : archĂ©ologie, gĂ©ographie, archĂ©ogĂ©ographieDans cette brĂšve contribution l’auteur se propose d’observer comment l’archĂ©ologie des paysages a Ă©voluĂ© ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Ayant Ă©tĂ© lui-mĂȘme sollicitĂ© pour mettre au point une mĂ©thode appelĂ©e, au Royaume-Uni, « caractĂ©risation des paysages historiques » (Historic Landscape Characterisation : HLC), il observe que cette mĂ©thode gagnerait Ă  s’engager plus loin dans les possibilitĂ©s thĂ©oriques qu’offre l’archĂ©ogĂ©ographie. Par voie de consĂ©quence, une nouvelle opportunitĂ© s’ouvrirait aux archĂ©ologues du paysage de replacer leur discipline au cƓur des dĂ©bats sur la sociĂ©tĂ© et l’environnement. Ce qui marque un vĂ©ritable changement par rapport aux dĂ©cennies prĂ©cĂ©dentes.AbstractSam Turner, Landscapes and relationships: archaeology, geography, archaeogeographyIn this short article the author examines recent developments in landscape archaeology. Having been involved in developing the method known as “Historic Landscape Characterisation” (HLC) in the UK, he argues that the theoretical perspectives of archaeogeography have much to offer modern landscape archaeologies. As a consequence of such engagements, new opportunities are opening for archaeologists to put their discipline back at the heart of debates about the environment and society in the present and the future. This marks a notable change in comparison to earlier decades

    La transmission de la « nature » et du « rural » dans la ville : le cas de Tours

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    RĂ©sumĂ©L'Ă©tude, dans la longue durĂ©e, des modes de transmission des informations spatiales sur le site de la ville de Tours atteste l'importance du rĂŽle des chenaux fluviaux et du parcellaire rural dans le processus dit urbain. La cohĂ©rence entre la nature, le statut et la chronologie d'objets trĂšs diffĂ©rents est morphologique, et il faut inventer des notions hybrides pour en rendre compte. Ainsi du concept de «corridor fluviaire» appliquĂ© au castrum de Saint-Martin, hypothĂšse au centre du propos. ĂŸAbstractThe long-term study of how spatial information about the site of the city of Tours has been transmitted shows the importance of river channels and plots of land in the so-called urban process. The coherence between the nature, status and chronology of quite different objects is morphological. Hybrid concepts, such as “river corridor” as applied to the castrum of St. Martin (a central hypothesis herein), have to be devised to account for it.

    Association de formes et de dynamiques dans le bassin-versant de l’Aubriùre (Indre-et-Loire)

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Dans le contexte d’une archĂ©ogĂ©ographie Ă©mergente sont ici prĂ©sentĂ©s les rĂ©sultats d’une dĂ©marche exploratoire de croisement de la morphologie paysagĂšre avec l’écologie du paysage. L’étude des Ă©lĂ©ments structurants du paysage a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e sur l’actuel site de l’AubriĂšre sur lequel ont Ă©tĂ© testĂ©es les notions de corridor et de bassin-versant. L’articulation des approches des deux disciplines s’avĂšre possible par l’identification d’une organisation paysagĂšre spĂ©cifique : un rĂ©seau fluvio-vĂ©gĂ©talo-parcellaire constituĂ© de corridors morphologiques Ă©mergents dans lesquels s’insĂšrent les principaux habitats biologiques. Ce rĂ©seau induit le rĂ©seau viaire et des formes parcellaires ponctuelles. La spatialisation des fonctions agricoles du site montre que ce rĂ©seau est prĂ©gnant encore aujourd’hui car il accueille prairies et exploitations laitiĂšres.AbstractGiven developments in archeogeography, the results of an exploratory approach to crossing the morphology with the ecology of landscapes are presented. This study of formgiving elements in the landscape at AubriĂšre tests the notions of corridor and catchment basin. Combining these two disciplines into a single approach became possible once a specific pattern in organizing the landscape was identified: a river-plant-parcel network made up of emerging morphological corridors with a place for major biological habitats. This produces a network with scattered parcels. As can be seen through the geographical distribution of farming operations, this network still has pertinence since it includes meadows and dairy farms

    L'émergence de la planimétrie agraire à l'ùge du fer

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Dans la masse des changements qui affectent l'espace gĂ©ographique durant la protohistoire, l'auteur repĂšre et met en Ă©vidence l'Ă©mergence de la planimĂ©trie Ă  l'Âge du Fer. En quelques siĂšcles, parfois mĂȘme en quelques dĂ©cennies, les voies, les habitats et les parcellaires donnent forme Ă  l'espace rural. L'occupation de cet espace passe de l'Ă©tat de points mal reliĂ©s Ă  celui de trames plus continues. Une typologie est suggĂ©rĂ©e: la planification n'est pas propre Ă  la conquĂȘte romaine; elle existe aussi dans les territoires gaulois, avec des formes spĂ©cifiques. L'Ă©mergence de la planimĂ©trie est un fait irrĂ©versible dans la longue durĂ©e: elle initie une Ă©volution des formes agraires, qui, malgrĂ© l'importance des changements ultĂ©rieurs, ne pourra plus s'affranchir de ce qui a Ă©tĂ© installĂ© Ă  cette Ă©poque.ĂŸAbstractAmong the vast number of changes affecting geography during protohistory, attention is drawn to the emergence of planimetry in farming during the Iron Age. Within a few centuries, sometimes a few decades, pathways, dwellings and plots of land shaped rural space. Land occupation changed from a pattern of poorly connected points to a more interlinked web. A typology is suggested. Prior to the Roman conquest, land planning existed in specific forms in Gaul. Irreversible in the long run, planimetry set off an evolution in land forms that, despite important changes later on, could no longer break with what had been done during the Iron Age.

    L’ülot du lac : entre archĂ©ogĂ©ographie et histoire des formes urbaines

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    RĂ©sumĂ©Anne-Sophie ClĂ©mençon, L’ülot du lac : entre archĂ©ogĂ©ographie et histoire des formes urbainesÀ partir d’une observation fine de « l’ülot du lac », situĂ© sur la rive gauche du RhĂŽne Ă  Lyon, cet article vise deux objectifs principaux. En trois cents ans, cet Ăźlot, Ă  l’instar de nombreux autres, est passĂ© de l’état rural Ă  l’état urbain. Il s’agira donc ici d’approfondir certains points de la « fabrication de la ville ordinaire ». Que se passe-t-il au sein des Ăźlots lorsque seul le rĂ©seau viaire est rigoureusement planifiĂ©, le reste Ă©tant laissĂ© Ă  une urbanisation non contrĂŽlĂ©e ? Quelles sont les consĂ©quences de la gestion fonciĂšre sur la morphologie, en particulier autour de la question complexe de la location du sol plus courante qu’on ne le croit ? Le deuxiĂšme objectif consiste Ă  Ă©valuer ce que « l’histoire des formes urbaines » peut apporter Ă  la dĂ©marche archĂ©ogĂ©ographique. L’idĂ©e, Ă  terme, est de tester la validitĂ© des transferts de connaissance en comparant ces deux mĂ©thodes.AbstractAnne-Sophie ClĂ©mençon, The “ülot du lac”: between archaeogeography and the history of urban formsBased on a detailed examination of the “ülot du lac”, located on the left bank of the River RhĂŽne in Lyon, this paper has two main objectives. Over the course of the past three hundred years, this originally rural island has been incorporated, like many others of its kind, into an urban landscape. The aim will be to probe deeper into various aspects of the “making of the ordinary city”. What happens on Ăźlots when the road network is the only rigorously planned feature of urban development, while everything else is subject to uncontrolled urbanization? What is the impact of land management on land morphology, particularly in relation to the complex problem of land rent (a more common issue than is often assumed)? The second objective is to evaluate the potential contribution of “the history of urban forms” to archaeological research. Ultimately, the aim is to assess the validity of knowledge transfers by comparing the two methods


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    How we see the world and ourselves in relation to it is largely achieved by the lens we are looking through and associated experiences within this relationship. This is additionally true when considering the acknowledged fact that Indigenous Knowledges are derived from natural and cultural sources and these assist in constituting the cultural identities of those Peoples associated with these sources. Presently there is a hunger for access and use of Indigenous Knowledges (IK) as never before seen in public ways, through a national Call for collaborative means to apply these knowledges to such as the issues we globally face as a result of Climate Change. What are Indigenous Knowledges? How are they created? Who holds these and can utilize them in public ways? These questions are an embedded aspect of this Call that requires attention. Further, what impacts exist that benefit, but also challenge, the endeavor to utilize Indigenous Knowledges outside local areas where they are derived? What of these sacred ways of knowing are being negotiated to attain their use? Five areas of concern were identified in response to these questions through application of An Indigenous Research Way (AIRW), a novel continuous improvement model for implementing Indigenous Research Methodologies and Methods, within research design and practice. Synthesizing these concerns into three themes, Education, Technology, and Tribal Leader Decision-Making, awareness was revealed of these as first level and gateway impacts. Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing operationalizes Indigenous worldviews about relationality and this as central to how Indigenous Knowledges Systems (IKS) are created and in turn create Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledges (ITEK). Understanding how we “see” ourselves in relation to this process is imperative. A burgeoning method for seeing landscapes, and they as sources of IK, is through use of remote sensing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). This Phase I study, through a Kin-based Case Study and mixed-methods approach, sought to understand impacts to IKS and ITEK from use of these technologies within tribal landscapes through review and assessment of 73 ESRI tribal GIS public StoryMap projects, led by tribal practitioners, accomplished in 2017 - 2021. Assessment provides there exists an assumption that identifying as being Indigenous includes being a holder of cultural knowledges and that these are utilized at will and regularly. The data troubles this assumption with respect to tribal individuals trained as practitioners of these technologies and their use of ITEK then provided through public digital media. Impacts to IKS and ITEK reveal enhancements and also replacement of the “seeing” accomplished by Indigenous People through technological means and the public perceptions of their cultural lifeways and persona of being Holders of Indigenous Knowledges. These impacts are broad in their implications as they attend to not only understandings of past and present access to ITEK but also future applications that brings the conversation into the realms of understanding being Indigenous off-earth

    Archéologie(s) du Paysage et Paysage Archéologique dans la région du Danube inférieur. Histoire d'un projet, méthodologie, et sélection de quelques résultats

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    Landscape Archaeology(ies) and Archaelogical Landscape in the Danubes inferior region. A project history, methodology and a selection of some results. Archaeological practising has changed a lot with the new technologies and new intellectual approaches. IT tools, such as GIS, usually used by geographers may open innovative perspectives, only if archaeologists integrate their thinking in a process of "longue durée" with a special attention to the quality and nature of the information processed. The techniques should not be separated from an epistemological reflection. This is what the archeogeography provides in having an analytical and critical view of the geo-historical objects. To show the status of these issues in Romania, we replace the recent works in the history of the Romanian "national archaeological map". Then, five examples of analyzes of historical and archaeological sites around the Lower Danube Valley suggest five research topics, among others, in the fiel of « understanding the landscape systems » : role of hydraulic systems, notion of landscape stability, resilient landscape elements, landscape planning