665,541 research outputs found

    Algebraic entropy for algebraic maps

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    We propose an extension of the concept of algebraic entropy, as introduced by Bellon and Viallet for rational maps, to algebraic maps (or correspondences) of a certain kind. The corresponding entropy is an index of the complexity of the map. The definition inherits the basic properties from the definition of entropy for rational maps. We give an example with positive entropy, as well as two examples taken from the theory of Backlund transformations

    Fast Algebraic Attacks and Decomposition of Symmetric Boolean Functions

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    Algebraic and fast algebraic attacks are power tools to analyze stream ciphers. A class of symmetric Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity were found vulnerable to fast algebraic attacks at EUROCRYPT'06. Recently, the notion of AAR (algebraic attack resistant) functions was introduced as a unified measure of protection against both classical algebraic and fast algebraic attacks. In this correspondence, we first give a decomposition of symmetric Boolean functions, then we show that almost all symmetric Boolean functions, including these functions with good algebraic immunity, behave badly against fast algebraic attacks, and we also prove that no symmetric Boolean functions are AAR functions. Besides, we improve the relations between algebraic degree and algebraic immunity of symmetric Boolean functions.Comment: 13 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Almost algebraic actions of algebraic groups and applications to algebraic representations

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    Let G be an algebraic group over a complete separable valued field k. We discuss the dynamics of the G-action on spaces of probability measures on algebraic G-varieties. We show that the stabilizers of measures are almost algebraic and the orbits are separated by open invariant sets. We discuss various applications, including existence results for algebraic representations of amenable ergodic actions. The latter provides an essential technical step in the recent generalization of Margulis-Zimmer super-rigidity phenomenon due to Bader and Furman.Comment: Correction of a small mistake in Proposition 5.

    Algebraic models for higher categories

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    We introduce the notion of algebraic fibrant objects in a general model category and establish a (combinatorial) model category structure on algebraic fibrant objects. Based on this construction we propose algebraic Kan complexes as an algebraic model for oo-groupoids and algebraic quasi-categories as an algebraic model for (oo,1)-categories. We furthermore give an explicit proof of the homotopy hypothesis.Comment: 23 pages, minor change

    Approximation of complex algebraic numbers by algebraic numbers of bounded degree

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    We investigate how well complex algebraic numbers can be approximated by algebraic numbers of degree at most n. We also investigate how well complex algebraic numbers can be approximated by algebraic integers of degree at most n+1. It follows from our investigations that for every positive integer n there are complex algebraic numbers of degree larger than n that are better approximable by algebraic numbers of degree at most n than almost all complex numbers. As it turns out, these numbers are more badly approximable by algebraic integers of degree at most n+1 than almost all complex numbers.Comment: 34 page

    Algebraic geometry over algebraic structures II: Foundations

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    In this paper we introduce elements of algebraic geometry over an arbitrary algebraic structure. We prove Unification Theorems which gather the description of coordinate algebras by several ways.Comment: 55 page

    The algebraic hyperstructure of elementary particles in physical theory

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    Algebraic hyperstructures represent a natural extension of classical algebraic structures. In a classical algebraic structure, the composition of two elements is an element, while in an algebraic hyperstructure, the composition of two elements is a set. Algebraic hyperstructure theory has a multiplicity of applications to other disciplines. The main purpose of this paper is to provide examples of hyperstructures associated with elementary particles in physical theory.Comment: 13 page
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