222,701 research outputs found

    Heitler-London model for acceptor-acceptor interactions in doped semiconductors

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    The interactions between acceptors in semiconductors are often treated in qualitatively the same manner as those between donors. Acceptor wave functions are taken to be approximately hydrogenic and the standard hydrogen molecule Heitler-London model is used to describe acceptor-acceptor interactions. But due to valence band degeneracy and spin-orbit coupling, acceptor states can be far more complex than those of hydrogen atoms, which brings into question the validity of this approximation. To address this issue, we develop an acceptor-acceptor Heitler-London model using single-acceptor wave functions of the form proposed by Baldereschi and Lipari, which more accurately capture the physics of the acceptor states. We calculate the resulting acceptor-pair energy levels and find, in contrast to the two-level singlet-triplet splitting of the hydrogen molecule, a rich ten-level energy spectrum. Our results, computed as a function of inter-acceptor distance and spin-orbit coupling strength, suggest that acceptor-acceptor interactions can be qualitatively different from donor-donor interactions, and should therefore be relevant to the control of two-qubit interactions in acceptor-based qubit implementations, as well as the magnetic properties of a variety of p-doped semiconductor systems. Further insight is drawn by fitting numerical results to closed-form energy-level expressions obtained via an acceptor-acceptor Hubbard model.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, text revised, figure quality improved, additional references adde

    Charge manipulation and imaging of the Mn acceptor state in GaAs by Cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

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    An individual Mn acceptor in GaAs is mapped by Cross-sectional Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (X-STM) at room temperature and a strongly anisotropic shape of the acceptor state is observed. An acceptor state manifests itself as a cross-like feature which we attribute to a valence hole weakly bound to the Mn ion forming the (Mn2+3d5+hole^{2+}3d^5+hole) complex. We propose that the observed anisotropy of the Mn acceptor wave-function is due to the d-wave present in the acceptor ground state.Comment: Proceedings of the SIMD-4 conference. Hawaii, USA (December 1-5, 2003

    Lithium related deep and shallow acceptors in Li-doped ZnO nanocrystals

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 107, 024311 (2010) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3275889.We study the existence of Li-related shallow and deep acceptor levels in Li-doped ZnO nanocrystals using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. ZnO nanocrystals with adjustable Li concentrations between 0% and 12% have been prepared using organometallic precursors and show a significant lowering of the Fermi energy upon doping. The deep Li acceptor with an acceptor energy of 800 meV could be identified in both EPR and PL measurements and is responsible for the yellow luminescence at 2.2 eV. Additionally, a shallow acceptor state at 150 meV above the valence band maximum is made responsible for the observed donor-acceptor pair and free electron-acceptor transitions at 3.235 and 3.301 eV, possibly stemming from the formation of Li-related defect complexes acting as acceptors.DFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement

    Impact of interfacial molecular orientation on radiative recombination and charge generation efficiency.

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    A long standing question in organic electronics concerns the effects of molecular orientation at donor/acceptor heterojunctions. Given a well-controlled donor/acceptor bilayer system, we uncover the genuine effects of molecular orientation on charge generation and recombination. These effects are studied through the point of view of photovoltaics-however, the results have important implications on the operation of all optoelectronic devices with donor/acceptor interfaces, such as light emitting diodes and photodetectors. Our findings can be summarized by two points. First, devices with donor molecules face-on to the acceptor interface have a higher charge transfer state energy and less non-radiative recombination, resulting in larger open-circuit voltages and higher radiative efficiencies. Second, devices with donor molecules edge-on to the acceptor interface are more efficient at charge generation, attributed to smaller electronic coupling between the charge transfer states and the ground state, and lower activation energy for charge generation.Molecular orientation profoundly affects the performance of donor-acceptor heterojunctions, whilst it has remained challenging to investigate the detail. Using a controllable interface, Ran et al. show that the edge-on geometries improve charge generation at the cost of non-radiative recombination loss

    Long-Range Electron Transfer and Electronic Transport Through Macromolecules

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    A theory of electrical transport through molecular wires is used to estimate the electronic factor in the intramolecular electron transfer (ET) in porphyrin-nitrobenzene supermolecules, and to analyze its structure. The chosen molecules have complex donor and acceptor configurations, and relatively simple structure of the bridge, which enables us to concentrate our studies on the donor/acceptor coupling to the bridge. We present analytical and numerical results concerning the effect of donor/acceptor coupling to the bridge on the ET process in molecules with complex donor/acceptor subsystems. PACS 05.60.Gg, 36.20.-rComment: 4 pages, 2 figures, text edde