7 research outputs found

    A Study of Parameters Setting of the STADZT

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    This paper deals with the new time-frequency Short-Time Approximated Discrete Zolotarev Transform (STADZT), which is based on symmetrical Zolotarev polynomials. Due to the special properties of these polynomials, STADZT can be used for spectral analysis of stationary and non-stationary signals with the better time and frequency resolution than the widely used Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). This paper describes the parameters of STADZT that have the main influence on its properties and behaviour. The selected parameters include the shape and length of the segmentation window, and the segmentation overlap. Because STADZT is very similar to STFT, the paper includes a comparison of the spectral analysis of a non-stationary signal created by STADZT and by STFT with various settings of the parameters

    Induction motor diagnosis by advanced notch FIR filters and the wigner-ville distribution

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    During the last years, several time-frequency decomposition tools have been applied for the diagnosis of induction motors, for those cases in which the traditional procedures, such as motor current signature analysis, cannot yield the necessary response. Among them, the Cohen distributions have been widely selected to study transient and even stationary operation due to their high-resolution and detailed information provided at all frequencies. Their main drawback, the cross-terms, has been tackled either modifying the distribution, or carrying out a pretreatment of the signal before computing its time-frequency decomposition. In this paper, a filtering process is proposed that uses advanced notch filters in order to remove constant frequency components present in the current of an induction motor, prior to the computation of its distribution, to study rotor asymmetries and mixed eccentricities. In transient operation of machines directly connected to the grid, this procedure effectively eliminates most of the artifacts that have prevented the use of these tools, allowing a wideband analysis and the definition of a precise quantification parameter able to follow the evolution of their state. © 1982-2012 IEEE

    Zolotarev polynomials utilization in spectral analysis

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na vybrané problémy Zolotarevových polynomů a jejich vyuľití ke spektrální analýze. Pokud jde o Zolotarevovy polynomy, jsou popsány základní vlastnosti symetrických Zolotarevových polynomů včetně ortogonality. Rovněľ se provádí prozkoumání numerických vlastností algoritmů generujících dokonce Zolotarevovy polynomy. Pokud jde o aplikaci Zolotarevových polynomů na spektrální analýzu, je implementována aproximovaná diskrétní Zolotarevova transformace, která umoľňuje výpočet spektrogramu (zologramu) v reálném čase. Aproximovaná diskrétní zolotarevská transformace je navíc upravena tak, aby lépe fungovala při analýze tlumených exponenciálních signálů. A nakonec je navrľena nová diskrétní Zolotarevova transformace implementovaná plně v časové oblasti. Tato transformace také ukazuje, ľe některé rysy pozorované u aproximované diskrétní Zolotarevovy transformace jsou důsledkem pouľití Zolotarevových polynomů.This thesis is focused on selected problems of symmetrical Zolotarev polynomials and their use in spectral analysis. Basic properties of symmetrical Zolotarev polynomials including orthogonality are described. Also, the exploration of numerical properties of algorithms generating even Zolotarev polynomials is performed. As regards to the application of Zolotarev polynomials to spectral analysis the Approximated Discrete Zolotarev Transform is implemented so that it enables computing of zologram in real–time. Moreover, the Approximated Discrete Zolotarev Transform is modified to perform better in the analysis of damped exponential signals. And finally, a novel Discrete Zolotarev Transform implemented fully in the time domain is suggested. This transform also shows that some features observed using the Approximated Discrete Zolotarev Transform are a consequence of using Zolotarev polynomials

    Aportación al mantenimiento predictivo de motores de inducción mediante modernas técnicas de análisis de la señal

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    La presente tesis cuenta con dos objetivos. Por una parte introducir y validar un método de análisis de corrientes estatóricas para el diagnóstico de máquinas de inducción conectadas a la red que operan en estado transitorio, basado en el uso de filtros de rechazo de frecuencia en combinación con la distribución de Wigner-Ville, con especial interés en su aplicación para la detección incipiente de defectos. El segundo objetivo consiste en replicar de la manera más fidedigna posible el proceso de rotura de una barra en el rótor de un motor de inducción. Para ello se ha diseñado un ensayo encaminado a provocar dicha avería sometiendo un motor a fatiga. Con este objetivo se ha construido un banco de pruebas y emplazado los sensores necesarios, así como un sistema de recogida de datos de manera automatizada. Adicionalmente, se ha diseñado los programas de procesamiento de los mismos, también para ser llevado a cabo de la manera lo más desatendida posible.Climente Alarcón, V. (2012). Aportación al mantenimiento predictivo de motores de inducción mediante modernas técnicas de análisis de la señal [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/15915Palanci