2 research outputs found

    ZnO-Bi2O3-based varistor ceramics prepared by direct high-energy ball milling of the dopants

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    The microstructure and electrical properties of ZnO-Bi2O3-based varistor ceramics prepared by direct high-energy ball milling of the dopants were studied. The varistor ceramics samples were characterized by XRD and SEM analysis, as well as by dc electrical measurements, such as the nonlinearity coefficients, leakage current and threshold voltage. The best electrical characteristics were found in sample P2, which exhibited the threshold voltage was347 V/mm, nonlinear coefficient was39.2 and leakage current was0.18μA.?2011 IEEE

    Preparation of zinc oxide varistors with submicronic grain size and ultra-high breakdown field

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    Cink-oksidni varistori sa izrazito visokim poljem proboja potrebni su u savremenim tehnologijama, gde je poželjno da prenaponska zaštita bude što manjih dimenzija, a istovremeno i električno funkcionalna. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji za postizanje visokog polja proboja primenjena su dva smera: dobijanje varistora iz pojedinačno sintetisanih nanodimenzionalnih prekursora (Co/Mn-dopiranog ZnO, Bi2O3 i Sb2O3), kao i metoda uvođenja Bi2O3 i Sb2O3 aditiva u već sintetisani Co/Mn-dopirani ZnO preko rastvora odgovarajućih soli...Zinc oxide varistors with ultra-high breakdown field are necessary for applications in modern technologies, where the overvoltage protection should be simultaneously as small as possible and electrically functional. Preparation of ultra-high breakdown field varistors, that was presented in this work, included two routes: preparation of varistors via separately synthesized nanoprecursors (Co/Mn-doped ZnO, Bi2O3 and Sb2O3), and also by the addition of Bi2O3 and Sb2O3 additives through the solutions of appropriate salts..