139 research outputs found

    Zero Shot Learning with the Isoperimetric Loss

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    We introduce the isoperimetric loss as a regularization criterion for learning the map from a visual representation to a semantic embedding, to be used to transfer knowledge to unknown classes in a zero-shot learning setting. We use a pre-trained deep neural network model as a visual representation of image data, a Word2Vec embedding of class labels, and linear maps between the visual and semantic embedding spaces. However, the spaces themselves are not linear, and we postulate the sample embedding to be populated by noisy samples near otherwise smooth manifolds. We exploit the graph structure defined by the sample points to regularize the estimates of the manifolds by inferring the graph connectivity using a generalization of the isoperimetric inequalities from Riemannian geometry to graphs. Surprisingly, this regularization alone, paired with the simplest baseline model, outperforms the state-of-the-art among fully automated methods in zero-shot learning benchmarks such as AwA and CUB. This improvement is achieved solely by learning the structure of the underlying spaces by imposing regularity.Comment: Accepted to AAAI-2

    Graph signal processing for machine learning: a review and new perspectives

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    The effective representation, processing, analysis, and visualization of large-scale structured data, especially those related to complex domains, such as networks and graphs, are one of the key questions in modern machine learning. Graph signal processing (GSP), a vibrant branch of signal processing models and algorithms that aims at handling data supported on graphs, opens new paths of research to address this challenge. In this article, we review a few important contributions made by GSP concepts and tools, such as graph filters and transforms, to the development of novel machine learning algorithms. In particular, our discussion focuses on the following three aspects: exploiting data structure and relational priors, improving data and computational efficiency, and enhancing model interpretability. Furthermore, we provide new perspectives on the future development of GSP techniques that may serve as a bridge between applied mathematics and signal processing on one side and machine learning and network science on the other. Cross-fertilization across these different disciplines may help unlock the numerous challenges of complex data analysis in the modern age

    Graph signal processing for machine learning: A review and new perspectives

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    The effective representation, processing, analysis, and visualization of large-scale structured data, especially those related to complex domains such as networks and graphs, are one of the key questions in modern machine learning. Graph signal processing (GSP), a vibrant branch of signal processing models and algorithms that aims at handling data supported on graphs, opens new paths of research to address this challenge. In this article, we review a few important contributions made by GSP concepts and tools, such as graph filters and transforms, to the development of novel machine learning algorithms. In particular, our discussion focuses on the following three aspects: exploiting data structure and relational priors, improving data and computational efficiency, and enhancing model interpretability. Furthermore, we provide new perspectives on future development of GSP techniques that may serve as a bridge between applied mathematics and signal processing on one side, and machine learning and network science on the other. Cross-fertilization across these different disciplines may help unlock the numerous challenges of complex data analysis in the modern age

    Beyond Separability: Analyzing the Linear Transferability of Contrastive Representations to Related Subpopulations

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    Contrastive learning is a highly effective method which uses unlabeled data to produce representations which are linearly separable for downstream classification tasks. Recent works have shown that contrastive representations are not only useful when data come from a single domain, but are also effective for transferring across domains. Concretely, when contrastive representations are trained on data from two domains (a source and target) and a linear classification head is trained to predict labels using only the labeled source data, the resulting classifier also exhibits good transfer to the target domain. In this work, we analyze this linear transferability phenomenon, building upon the framework proposed by HaoChen et al (2021) which relates contrastive learning to spectral clustering of a positive-pair graph on the data. We prove that contrastive representations capture relationships between subpopulations in the positive-pair graph: linear transferability can occur when data from the same class in different domains (e.g., photo dogs and cartoon dogs) are connected in the graph. Our analysis allows the source and target classes to have unbounded density ratios and be mapped to distant representations. Our proof is also built upon technical improvements over the main results of HaoChen et al (2021), which may be of independent interest

    Zero-shot causal learning

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    Predicting how different interventions will causally affect a specific individual is important in a variety of domains such as personalized medicine, public policy, and online marketing. There are a large number of methods to predict the effect of an existing intervention based on historical data from individuals who received it. However, in many settings it is important to predict the effects of novel interventions (\emph{e.g.}, a newly invented drug), which these methods do not address. Here, we consider zero-shot causal learning: predicting the personalized effects of a novel intervention. We propose CaML, a causal meta-learning framework which formulates the personalized prediction of each intervention's effect as a task. CaML trains a single meta-model across thousands of tasks, each constructed by sampling an intervention, along with its recipients and nonrecipients. By leveraging both intervention information (\emph{e.g.}, a drug's attributes) and individual features~(\emph{e.g.}, a patient's history), CaML is able to predict the personalized effects of novel interventions that do not exist at the time of training. Experimental results on real world datasets in large-scale medical claims and cell-line perturbations demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Most strikingly, CaML's zero-shot predictions outperform even strong baselines trained directly on data from the test interventions

    February 2, 2015

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    NCP: Neural Correspondence Prior for Effective Unsupervised Shape Matching

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    We present Neural Correspondence Prior (NCP), a new paradigm for computing correspondences between 3D shapes. Our approach is fully unsupervised and can lead to high-quality correspondences even in challenging cases such as sparse point clouds or non-isometric meshes, where current methods fail. Our first key observation is that, in line with neural priors observed in other domains, recent network architectures on 3D data, even without training, tend to produce pointwise features that induce plausible maps between rigid or non-rigid shapes. Secondly, we show that given a noisy map as input, training a feature extraction network with the input map as supervision tends to remove artifacts from the input and can act as a powerful correspondence denoising mechanism, both between individual pairs and within a collection. With these observations in hand, we propose a two-stage unsupervised paradigm for shape matching by (i) performing unsupervised training by adapting an existing approach to obtain an initial set of noisy matches, and (ii) using these matches to train a network in a supervised manner. We demonstrate that this approach significantly improves the accuracy of the maps, especially when trained within a collection. We show that NCP is data-efficient, fast, and achieves state-of-the-art results on many tasks. Our code can be found online: https://github.com/pvnieo/NCP.Comment: NeurIPS 2022, 10 pages, 9 figure

    SPECTRE : Spectral Conditioning Helps to Overcome the Expressivity Limits of One-shot Graph Generators

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    We approach the graph generation problem from a spectral perspective by first generating the dominant parts of the graph Laplacian spectrum and then building a graph matching these eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Spectral conditioning allows for direct modeling of the global and local graph structure and helps to overcome the expressivity and mode collapse issues of one-shot graph generators. Our novel GAN, called SPECTRE, enables the one-shot generation of much larger graphs than previously possible with one-shot models. SPECTRE outperforms state-of-the-art deep autoregressive generators in terms of modeling fidelity, while also avoiding expensive sequential generation and dependence on node ordering. A case in point, in sizable synthetic and real-world graphs SPECTRE achieves a 4-to-170 fold improvement over the best competitor that does not overfit and is 23-to-30 times faster than autoregressive generators.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure