1,479 research outputs found

    Extraction of vocal-tract system characteristics from speechsignals

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    We propose methods to track natural variations in the characteristics of the vocal-tract system from speech signals. We are especially interested in the cases where these characteristics vary over time, as happens in dynamic sounds such as consonant-vowel transitions. We show that the selection of appropriate analysis segments is crucial in these methods, and we propose a selection based on estimated instants of significant excitation. These instants are obtained by a method based on the average group-delay property of minimum-phase signals. In voiced speech, they correspond to the instants of glottal closure. The vocal-tract system is characterized by its formant parameters, which are extracted from the analysis segments. Because the segments are always at the same relative position in each pitch period, in voiced speech the extracted formants are consistent across successive pitch periods. We demonstrate the results of the analysis for several difficult cases of speech signals

    Refining a Deep Learning-based Formant Tracker using Linear Prediction Methods

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    In this study, formant tracking is investigated by refining the formants tracked by an existing data-driven tracker, DeepFormants, using the formants estimated in a model-driven manner by linear prediction (LP)-based methods. As LP-based formant estimation methods, conventional covariance analysis (LP-COV) and the recently proposed quasi-closed phase forward-backward (QCP-FB) analysis are used. In the proposed refinement approach, the contours of the three lowest formants are first predicted by the data-driven DeepFormants tracker, and the predicted formants are replaced frame-wise with local spectral peaks shown by the model-driven LP-based methods. The refinement procedure can be plugged into the DeepFormants tracker with no need for any new data learning. Two refined DeepFormants trackers were compared with the original DeepFormants and with five known traditional trackers using the popular vocal tract resonance (VTR) corpus. The results indicated that the data-driven DeepFormants trackers outperformed the conventional trackers and that the best performance was obtained by refining the formants predicted by DeepFormants using QCP-FB analysis. In addition, by tracking formants using VTR speech that was corrupted by additive noise, the study showed that the refined DeepFormants trackers were more resilient to noise than the reference trackers. In general, these results suggest that LP-based model-driven approaches, which have traditionally been used in formant estimation, can be combined with a modern data-driven tracker easily with no further training to improve the tracker's performance.Comment: Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 81, Article 101515, June 202

    Glottal Spectral Separation for Speech Synthesis

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    Arabic Isolated Word Speaker Dependent Recognition System

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    In this thesis we designed a new Arabic isolated word speaker dependent recognition system based on a combination of several features extraction and classifications techniques. Where, the system combines the methods outputs using a voting rule. The system is implemented with a graphic user interface under Matlab using G62 Core I3/2.26 Ghz processor laptop. The dataset used in this system include 40 Arabic words recorded in a calm environment with 5 different speakers using laptop microphone. Each speaker will read each word 8 times. 5 of them are used in training and the remaining are used in the test phase. First in the preprocessing step we used an endpoint detection technique based on energy and zero crossing rates to identify the start and the end of each word and remove silences then we used a discrete wavelet transform to remove noise from signal. In order to accelerate the system and reduce the execution time we make the system first to recognize the speaker and load only the reference model of that user. We compared 5 different methods which are pairwise Euclidean distance with MelFrequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC), Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) with Formants features, Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) with MFCC, MFCC+DTW and Itakura distance with Linear Predictive Coding features (LPC) and we got a recognition rate of 85.23%, 57% , 87%, 90%, 83% respectively. In order to improve the accuracy of the system, we tested several combinations of these 5 methods. We find that the best combination is MFCC | Euclidean + Formant | DTW + MFCC | DTW + LPC | Itakura with an accuracy of 94.39% but with large computation time of 2.9 seconds. In order to reduce the computation time of this hybrid, we compare several subcombination of it and find that the best performance in trade off computation time is by first combining MFCC | Euclidean + LPC | Itakura and only when the two methods do not match the system will add Formant | DTW + MFCC | DTW methods to the combination, where the average computation time is reduced to the half to 1.56 seconds and the system accuracy is improved to 94.56%. Finally, the proposed system is good and competitive compared with other previous researches

    Robust Estimation of Tone Break Indices from Speech Signal using Multi-Scale Analysis and their Applications

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    The aim of this study is to develop robust algorithm to automatically detect the Tone and Break Indices(ToBI) from the speech signal and explore their applications. iLAST was introduced to analyze the acoustic and prosodic features to detect the ToBI indices. Both expert and data driven rules were used to improve the robustness. The integration of multi-scale signal analysis with rule-based classification has helped in robustly identifying tones that can be used in applications, such as identifying Vowel triangle, emotions from speech etc. Empirical analyses using labeled dataset were performed to illustrate the utility of the proposed approach. Further analyses were conducted to identify the inefficiencies with the proposed approach and address those issues through co-analyses of prosodic features in identifying the major contributors to robust detection of ToBI. It was demonstrated that the proposed approach performs robustly and can be used for developing a wide variety of applications

    Time-Varying Quasi-Closed-Phase Analysis for Accurate Formant Tracking in Speech Signals

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for the accurate estimation and tracking of formants in speech signals using time-varying quasi-closed-phase (TVQCP) analysis. Conventional formant tracking methods typically adopt a two-stage estimate-and-track strategy wherein an initial set of formant candidates are estimated using short-time analysis (e.g., 10--50 ms), followed by a tracking stage based on dynamic programming or a linear state-space model. One of the main disadvantages of these approaches is that the tracking stage, however good it may be, cannot improve upon the formant estimation accuracy of the first stage. The proposed TVQCP method provides a single-stage formant tracking that combines the estimation and tracking stages into one. TVQCP analysis combines three approaches to improve formant estimation and tracking: (1) it uses temporally weighted quasi-closed-phase analysis to derive closed-phase estimates of the vocal tract with reduced interference from the excitation source, (2) it increases the residual sparsity by using the L1L_1 optimization and (3) it uses time-varying linear prediction analysis over long time windows (e.g., 100--200 ms) to impose a continuity constraint on the vocal tract model and hence on the formant trajectories. Formant tracking experiments with a wide variety of synthetic and natural speech signals show that the proposed TVQCP method performs better than conventional and popular formant tracking tools, such as Wavesurfer and Praat (based on dynamic programming), the KARMA algorithm (based on Kalman filtering), and DeepFormants (based on deep neural networks trained in a supervised manner). Matlab scripts for the proposed method can be found at: https://github.com/njaygowda/ftrac

    Identification of Transient Speech Using Wavelet Transforms

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    It is generally believed that abrupt stimulus changes, which in speech may be time-varying frequency edges associated with consonants, transitions between consonants and vowels and transitions within vowels are critical to the perception of speech by humans and for speech recognition by machines. Noise affects speech transitions more than it affects quasi-steady-state speech. I believe that identifying and selectively amplifying speech transitions may enhance the intelligibility of speech in noisy conditions. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the use of wavelet transforms to identify speech transitions. Using wavelet transforms may be computationally efficient and allow for real-time applications. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT), stationary wavelet transform (SWT) and wavelet packets (WP) are evaluated. Wavelet analysis is combined with variable frame rate processing to improve the identification process. Variable frame rate can identify time segments when speech feature vectors are changing rapidly and when they are relatively stationary. Energy profiles for words, which show the energy in each node of a speech signal decomposed using wavelets, are used to identify nodes that include predominately transient information and nodes that include predominately quasi-steady-state information, and these are used to synthesize transient and quasi-steady-state speech components. These speech components are estimates of the tonal and nontonal speech components, which Yoo et al identified using time-varying band-pass filters. Comparison of spectra, a listening test and mean-squared-errors between the transient components synthesized using wavelets and Yoo's nontonal components indicated that wavelet packets identified the best estimates of Yoo's components. An algorithm that incorporates variable frame rate analysis into wavelet packet analysis is proposed. The development of this algorithm involves the processes of choosing a wavelet function and a decomposition level to be used. The algorithm itself has 4 steps: wavelet packet decomposition; classification of terminal nodes; incorporation of variable frame rate processing; synthesis of speech components. Combining wavelet analysis with variable frame rate analysis provides the best estimates of Yoo's speech components