16,330 research outputs found

    A Generic Transform from Multi-Round Interactive Proof to NIZK

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    We present a new generic transform that takes a multi-round interactive proof for the membership of a language L\mathcal{L} and outputs a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof (not of knowledge) in the common reference string model. Similar to the Fiat-Shamir transform, it requires a hash function H\mathsf{H}. However, in our transform the zero-knowledge property is in the standard model, and the adaptive soundness is in the non-programmable random oracle model (NPROM\mathsf{NPROM}). Behind this new generic transform, we build a new generic OR-composition of two multi-round interactive proofs. Note that the two common techniques for building OR-proofs (parallel OR-proof and sequential OR-proof) cannot be naturally extended to the multi-round setting. We also give a proof of security for our OR-proof in the quantum oracle model (QROM\mathsf{QROM}), surprisingly the security loss in mathsfQROM\\mathsf{QROM} is independent from the number of rounds

    A smart contract system for decentralized borda count voting

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    In this article, we propose the first self-tallying decentralized e-voting protocol for a ranked-choice voting system based on Borda count. Our protocol does not need any trusted setup or tallying authority to compute the tally. The voters interact through a publicly accessible bulletin board for executing the protocol in a way that is publicly verifiable. Our main protocol consists of two rounds. In the first round, the voters publish their public keys, and in the second round they publish their randomized ballots. All voters provide Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge (NIZK) proofs to show that they have been following the protocol specification honestly without revealing their secret votes. At the end of the election, anyone including a third-party observer will be able to compute the tally without needing any tallying authority. We provide security proofs to show that our protocol guarantees the maximum privacy for each voter. We have implemented our protocol using Ethereum's blockchain as a public bulletin board to record voting operations as publicly verifiable transactions. The experimental data obtained from our tests show the protocol's potential for the real-world deployment

    Compressed Σ-protocol theory

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    In analogy to mathematical proofs, the goal of a proof system is for a prover to convince a verifier of the correctness of a claim. However, by contrast, probabilistic proofs allow the verifier to make mistakes, i.e., to accept false claims or reject true claims. Further, probabilistic proofs may have multiple rounds of interaction between the prover and the verifier, in which case they are also referred to as interactive proofs. These two relaxations revolutionized the theory of proofs. For instance, by trading absolute certainty for high probability and allowing interaction, it is possible to prove claims without revealing anything beyond their correctness, i.e., in zero-knowledge. Nowadays, zero-knowledge proofs are widely deployed; they are for instance essential in the public-key infrastructures (PKIs) that manage digital identities and secure communication channels on the internet. Especially the theory of Σ-protocols provides a well-understood basis for the modular design of zero-knowledge proof systems in a wide variety of application domains. However, recently a new folding mechanism was introduced as a drop-in replacement for Σ-protocols, significantly reducing the communication costs in many practical scenarios. In this dissertation, we show that the folding mechanism can be cast as a significant strengthening, rather than a replacement, of Σ-protocol theory, thereby reconciling it with the established theory. In addition, we close several gaps in the theory of probabilistic proofs that were exposed due to the introduction of these efficiency improvements. This research has been supported by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and carried out at the Cryptology Group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI).Number theory, Algebra and Geometr

    On Statistical Security in Two-Party Computation

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    There has been a large body of work characterizing the round complexity of general-purpose maliciously secure two-party computation (2PC) against probabilistic polynomial time adversaries. This is particularly true for zero-knowledge, which is a special case of 2PC. In fact, in the special case of zero knowledge, optimal protocols with unconditional security against one of the two players have also been meticulously studied and constructed. On the other hand, general-purpose maliciously secure 2PC with statistical or unconditional security against one of the two participants has remained largely unexplored so far. In this work, we initiate the study of such protocols, which we refer to as 2PC with one-sided statistical security. We settle the round complexity of 2PC with one-sided statistical security with respect to black-box simulation by obtaining the following tight results: In a setting where only one party obtains an output, we design 2PC in 44 rounds with statistical security against receivers and computational security against senders. In a setting where both parties obtain outputs, we design 2PC in 55 rounds with computational security against the party that obtains output first and statistical security against the party that obtains output last. Katz and Ostrovsky (CRYPTO 2004) showed that 2PC with black-box simulation requires at least 44 rounds when one party obtains an output and 55 rounds when both parties obtain outputs, even when only computational security is desired against both parties. Thus in these settings, not only are our results tight, but they also show that statistical security is achievable at no extra cost to round complexity. This still leaves open the question of whether 2PC can be achieved with black-box simulation in 44 rounds with statistical security against senders and computational security against receivers. Based on a lower bound on computational zero-knowledge proofs due to Katz (TCC 2008), we observe that the answer is negative unless the polynomial hierarchy collapses

    Efficient Zero-Knowledge for NP from Secure Two-Party Computation

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    Ishai et al. [28, 29] introduced a powerful technique that provided a general transformation from secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols to zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs in a black-box way, called “MPC-in-the-head”. A recent work [27] extends this technique and shows two ZK proof protocols from a secure two-party computation (2PC) protocol. The works [28, 27] both show a basic three-round ZK proof protocol which can be made negligibly sound by standard sequential repetition [19]. Under general black-box zero knowledge notion, neither ZK proofs nor arguments with negligible soundness error can be achieved in less than four rounds without additional assumptions [15]. In this paper, we address this problem under the notion of augmented black-box zero knowledge [26], which is defined with a new simulation method, called augmented black-box simulation. It is presented by permitting the simulator to have access to the verifier’s current private state (i.e. “random coins” used to compute the current message) in a special manner. We first show a three-round augmented black-box ZK proof for the language graph 3-colorability, denoted G3C. And then we generalize the construction to a three-round augmented black-box ZK proof for any NP relation R(x, w) without relying on expensive Karp reductions. The two constructions are based on a family of claw-free permutations and the general construction is additionally based on a black-box use of a secure 2PC for a related two-party functionality. Besides, we show our protocols can be made negligibly sound by directly parallel repetition

    Batch Proofs are Statistically Hiding

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    Batch proofs are proof systems that convince a verifier that x1,,xtLx_1,\dots,x_t \in \mathcal{L}, for some NP\mathsf{NP} language L\mathcal{L}, with communication that is much shorter than sending the tt witnesses. In the case of statistical soundness (where the cheating prover is unbounded but the honest prover is efficient given the witnesses), interactive batch proofs are known for UP\mathsf{UP}, the class of unique witness NP\mathsf{NP} languages. In the case of computational soundness (a.k.a. arguments, where both honest and dishonest provers are efficient), non-interactive solutions are now known for all of NP\mathsf{NP}, assuming standard cryptographic assumptions. We study the necessary conditions for the existence of batch proofs in these two settings. Our main results are as follows. 1. Statistical Soundness: the existence of a statistically-sound batch proof for L\mathcal{L} implies that L\mathcal{L} has a statistically witness indistinguishable (SWI\mathsf{SWI}) proof, with inverse polynomial SWI\mathsf{SWI} error, and a non-uniform honest prover. The implication is unconditional for obtaining honest-verifier SWI\mathsf{SWI} or for obtaining full-fledged SWI\mathsf{SWI} from public-coin protocols, whereas for private-coin protocols full-fledged SWI\mathsf{SWI} is obtained assuming one-way functions. This poses a barrier for achieving batch proofs beyond UP\mathsf{UP} (where witness indistinguishability is trivial). In particular, assuming that NP\mathsf{NP} does not have SWI\mathsf{SWI} proofs, batch proofs for all of NP\mathsf{NP} do not exist. 2. Computational Soundness: the existence of batch arguments (BARG\mathsf{BARG}s) for NP\mathsf{NP}, together with one-way functions, implies the existence of statistical zero-knowledge (SZK\mathsf{SZK}) arguments for NP\mathsf{NP} with roughly the same number of rounds, an inverse polynomial zero-knowledge error, and non-uniform honest prover. Thus, constant-round interactive BARG\mathsf{BARG}s from one-way functions would yield constant-round SZK\mathsf{SZK} arguments from one-way functions. This would be surprising as SZK\mathsf{SZK} arguments are currently only known assuming constant-round statistically-hiding commitments (which in turn are unlikely to follow from one-way functions). 3. Non-interactive: the existence of non-interactive BARG\mathsf{BARG}s for NP\mathsf{NP} and one-way functions, implies non-interactive statistical zero-knowledge arguments (NISZKA\mathsf{NISZKA}) for NP\mathsf{NP}, with negligible soundness error, inverse polynomial zero-knowledge error, and non-uniform honest prover. Assuming also lossy public-key encryption, the statistical zero-knowledge error can be made negligible and the honest prover can be made uniform. All of our results stem from a common framework showing how to transform a batch protocol for a language L\mathcal{L} into an SWI\mathsf{SWI} protocol for L\mathcal{L}

    Precise Time and Space Simulatable Zero-Knowledge

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    Traditionally, the definition of zero-knowledge states that an interactive proof of xLx\in L provides zero (additional) knowledge if the view of any \emph{polynomial-time} verifier can be reconstructed by a \emph{polynomial-time} simulator. Since this definition only requires that the worst-case running-time of the verifier and simulator are polynomials, zero-knowledge becomes a worst-case notion. In STOC\u2706, Micali and Pass proposed a new notion of precise zero-knowledge, which captures the idea that the view of any verifier in every interaction can be reconstructed in (almost) the same time (i.e., the view can be ``indistinguishably reconstructed\u27\u27). This is the strongest notion among the known works towards precislization of the definition of zero-knowledge. However, as we know, there are two kinds of computational resources (i.e. time and space) that every algorithm consumes in computation. Although the view of a verifier in the interaction of a precise zero-knowledge protocol can be reconstructed in almost the same time, the simulator may run in very large space while at the same time the verifier only runs in very small space. In this case it is still doubtful to take indifference for the verifier to take part in the interaction or to run the simulator. Thus the notion of precise zero-knowledge may be still insufficient. This shows that precislization of the definition of zero-knowledge needs further investigation. In this paper, we propose a new notion of precise time and space simulatable zero-knowledge (PTSSZK), which captures the idea that the view of any verifier in each interaction can be reconstructed \emph{not only} in the same time, \emph{but also} in the same space. We construct the first PTSSZK proofs and arguments with simultaneous linear time and linear space precisions for all languages in \NP. Our protocols do not use noticeably more rounds than the known precise zero-knowledge protocols, and the probability analysis of the successful extraction of the new simulation strategy may be of independent interests

    Dining Cryptographers are Practical

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    The dining cryptographers protocol provides information-theoretically secure sender and recipient untraceability. However, the protocol is considered to be impractical because a malicious participant may disrupt the communication. We propose an implementation which provides information-theoretical security for senders and recipients, and in which a disruptor with limited computational capabilities can easily be detected.Comment: 12 page

    Dining Cryptographers with 0.924 Verifiable Collision Resolution

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    The dining cryptographers protocol implements a multiple access channel in which senders and recipients are anonymous. A problem is that a malicious participant can disrupt communication by deliberately creating collisions. We propose a computationally secure dining cryptographers protocol with collision resolution that achieves a maximum stable throughput of 0.924 messages per round and which allows to easily detect disruptors.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure