154,769 research outputs found

    Five-country Study on Service and Volunteering in Southern Africa: Zambia Country Report

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    The study documents and analyses civic service and volunteering in Zambia and also identifies formal and informal civic service programmes in Zambia

    Industrial mineral resources of Zambia

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    Zambia has for many years been heavily dependent upon the mining of copper which, combined with cobalt production, represents over 98% of mineral sales and 75% of export earnings (1997 figures). The industrial minerals industry within Zambia has therefore been inevitably tied to the fortunes of these two metals. The recent privatization, and break up, of ZCCM (Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines) has led to a resurgence in investment in the mining sector. Many analysts have predicted that there will be a positive effect on the Zambian economy, stimulating construction and infrastructure development and increasing the demand for industrial minerals. This paper summarises the available information on the industrial mineral resources of Zambia. Ten industrial minerals are described, with reference to some of the work carried out over recent years by the British Geological Survey, in conjunction with the Geological Survey Department of Zambia

    Fertilizer use on smallholder farms in Eastern Province, Zambia:

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    Fertilizers Zambia Eastern Province., Farms, Small Zambia Eastern Province.,

    Improving aid effectiveness in aid-dependent countries : lessons from Zambia

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    Zambia was a middle-income country when it achieved independence from Great Britain in 1964. After decades of international aid Zambia has become a low-income country, and its per capita GDP is only now returning to the levels it had reached over forty years ago. While aid is far from the only variable at work in Zambia's development, its impact has been questionable. This paper examines the issue of aid effectiveness in Zambia, especially in terms of how the incentive structure faced by donors may lead to decreased accountability and inadequate concern for long-term outcomes, rendering aid less beneficial. The paper concludes by proposing a revised approach to the provision and use of international aid in Zambia, as well as in other aid-dependent countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.Aid effectiveness, Zambia, donors, projects, aid incentives.

    Is the Glass Half-empty or Half Full? An Analysis of Agricultural Production Trends in Zambia

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    This policy brief highlights some of the key trends in Zambia agricultural production since the implementation of partial agricultural reform.food security, food policy, Zambia, agricultural production, Farm Management, Q18,

    Mineralogical appraisal and beneficiation tests on some industrial minerals from Zambia

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    In March 1990, a visit to Zambia was made by D A Briggs of the Mineralogy and Petrology Group on behalf of the British Geological Survey/Overseas Development Administration project "Minerals for Development". The visit, which was described in Technical Report No. WG/90/15R, aimed to establish contact with the Geological Survey Department and other organisations concerned with minerals in Zambia to offer assistance in the field of mineral resource development. This primarily involved discussions with Mr N J Money and Mr J G G Tether, respectively Director and Deputy Director of the Geological Survey . department and their colleagues. The Ministry of Mines and the Mineral Exploration Department (Minex) of the Zambia Industrial and Mining Corporation and other bodies were also involved in the discussions

    Zambia: 'One Zambia, One Nation, Many Languages'

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    Registration and ranking of company charges in Zambia

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    Copyright @ School of Oriental and African Studies.This article discusses the effect of the registration requirements under the Zambian Companies Act on the rules for determining priority among company charges in Zambia. In light of the Supreme Court decision in Zambia National Commercial Bank Ltd v Mwila, the article also analyses the scope for applying common law rules on the ranking of charges, vis-Ă -vis section 101 of the Companies Act

    Occurrence of Eimeria species parasites on small-scale commercial chicken farms in Africa and indication of economic profitability.

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    Small-scale commercial poultry production is emerging as an important form of livestock production in Africa, providing sources of income and animal protein to many poor households, yet the occurrence and impact of coccidiosis on this relatively new production system remains unknown. The primary objective of this study was to examine Eimeria parasite occurrence on small-scale commercial poultry farms in Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia. Additionally, farm economic viability was measured by calculating the farm gross margin and enterprise budget. Using these economic measures as global assessments of farm productivity, encompassing the diversity present in regional husbandry systems with a measure of fundamental local relevance, we investigated the detection of specific Eimeria species as indicators of farm profitability. Faecal samples and data on production parameters were collected from small-scale (less than 2,000 birds per batch) intensive broiler and layer farms in peri-urban Ghana, Tanzania and Zambia. All seven Eimeria species recognised to infect the chicken were detected in each country. Furthermore, two of the three genetic variants (operational taxonomic units) identified previously in Australia have been described outside of Australia for the first time. Detection of the most pathogenic Eimeria species associated with decreased farm profitability and may be considered as an indicator of likely farm performance. While a causal link remains to be demonstrated, the presence of highly pathogenic enteric parasites may pose a threat to profitable, sustainable small-scale poultry enterprises in Africa
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