171,753 research outputs found

    Partially Constrained Group Variable Selection to Adjust for Complementary Unit Performance in American College Football

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    Given the importance of accurate team rankings in American college football (CFB) -- due to heavy title and playoff implications -- strides have been made to improve evaluation metrics across statistical categories, going from basic averages (e.g. points scored per game) to metrics that adjust for a team's strength of schedule, but one aspect that hasn't been emphasized is the complementary nature of American football. Despite the same team's offensive and defensive units typically consisting of separate player sets, some aspects of your team's defensive (offensive) performance may affect the complementary side: turnovers forced by your defense could lead to easier scoring chances for your offense, while your offense's ability to control the clock may help your defense. For 2009-2019 CFB seasons, we incorporate natural splines with group penalty approaches to identify the most consistently influential features of complementary football in a data-driven way, conducting partially constrained optimization in order to additionally guarantee the full adjustment for strength of schedule and homefield factor. We touch on the issues arising due to reverse-causal nature of certain within-game dynamics, discussing several potential remedies. Lastly, game outcome prediction performances are compared across several ranking adjustment approaches for method validation purposes.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables; Submitted to Journal of Applied Statistics, currently under minor revisio

    Teaching Security Defense Through Web-Based Hacking at the Undergraduate Level

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    The attack surface for hackers and attackers is growing every day. Future cybersecurity professionals must have the knowledge and the skills to defend against these cyber attacks. Learning defensive techniques and tools can help defend against today’s attacks but what about tomorrow\u27s? As the types of attacks change so must the cybersecurity professional. The only way for the cybersecurity professional to achieve this nimbleness is to understand the structural anatomy of the various attack types. Understanding the threat environment is the key to future success. Security defense through offensive techniques should and can be taught at the undergraduate level. Using the OWASP Mutillidae project [5], students can have a self-contained, sandbox environment for dissecting and discussing cyber attacks

    Anarchy, Groups, and Conflict: An Experiment on the Emergence of Protective Associations

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    In this paper, we investigate the implications of the philosophical considerations presented in Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia, by examining group formation in a laboratory setting where subjects engage in both cooperative and conflictual interactions. We endow participants with a commodity used to generate earnings, plunder others, or protect against plunder. In our primary treatment, we allow participants to form groups to pool their resources. We conduct a baseline comparison treatment that does not allow group formation. We find that allowing subjects to organize themselves into groups does not lead to more cooperation and may in fact exacerbate tendencies for conflict.Nozickian protective associations, Conflict, Anarchy, Experimental economics

    2005 Press Release

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    2005 Men\u27s Soccer Press Release, George Fox Universit

    Spartan Daily, November 8, 2018

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    Volume 151, Issue 35https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartan_daily_2018/1077/thumbnail.jp

    Employer Defenses to Sexual Harassment Claims

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    Chimera or Jackalope? Department of Defense Efforts to Apply Civilian Sexual Harassment Criteria to the Military

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    Syftet med den hĂ€r uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka vilka ickepedagogiska texter som anvĂ€nds i gymnasieskolans religionsundervisning samt i vilket syfte lĂ€rarna vĂ€ljer att anvĂ€nda dem. Med begreppet ”ickepedagogiska texter” menas texter som inte, som lĂ€roböcker och skrivna i pedagogiskt syfte, utan mer autentiska texter som exempelvis artiklar, urkunder, prosa och lyrik. Uppsatsen bestĂ„r dels av en bakgrundsdel, dĂ€r jag kort redogör för religionsĂ€mnet, dess utveckling samt de bĂ„da begreppen religionsdidaktik och textdidaktik, dels av en forskningsstudie. I den senare har jag intervjuat Ă„tta gymnasielĂ€rare i religionskunskap om deras anvĂ€ndning av och syn pĂ„ ickepedagogiska texter. Resultatet visar att ickepedagogiska texter anvĂ€nds av alla lĂ€rare i studien, men i betydligt varierande grad. Vanligast Ă€r anvĂ€ndningen av religiösa urkunder, företrĂ€delsevis Bibeln och Koranen, och olika artiklar. I nĂ„gon mĂ„n anvĂ€nds ocksĂ„ skönlitteratur och vetenskapliga texter. Syftet med anvĂ€ndningen Ă€r i första hand att utveckla kunskap om och förstĂ„else för olika religioner. I viss mĂ„n anvĂ€nds ocksĂ„ texterna för att trĂ€na elevernas analytiska förmĂ„ga och för, via livsfrĂ„gepedagogik, frĂ€mja elevernas personlighetsutveckling
