94 research outputs found

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Gene Expression during Early Arabidopsis Flower Development

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    Detailed information about stage-specific changes in gene expression is crucial for the understanding of the gene regulatory networks underlying development. Here, we describe the global gene expression dynamics during early flower development, a key process in the life cycle of a plant, during which floral patterning and the specification of floral organs is established. We used a novel floral induction system in Arabidopsis, which allows the isolation of a large number of synchronized floral buds, in conjunction with whole-genome microarray analysis to identify genes with differential expression at distinct stages of flower development. We found that the onset of flower formation is characterized by a massive downregulation of genes in incipient floral primordia, which is followed by a predominance of gene activation during the differentiation of floral organs. Among the genes we identified as differentially expressed in the experiment, we detected a significant enrichment of closely related members of gene families. The expression profiles of these related genes were often highly correlated, indicating similar temporal expression patterns. Moreover, we found that the majority of these genes is specifically up-regulated during certain developmental stages. Because co-expressed members of gene families in Arabidopsis frequently act in a redundant manner, these results suggest a high degree of functional redundancy during early flower development, but also that its extent may vary in a stage-specific manner

    Transcription factors MhyFIL1 and MhyFIL3 <i>(Monotropa hypopitys)</i> determine the asymmetric development of above-ground lateral organs in plants

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    It is believed that the complete mycoheterotroph pinesap Monotropa hypopitys adaptively evolved from a photosynthetic mycorrhizal ancestor, which had lost its photosynthetic apparatus and vegetative organs (stem and leaves). The aerial part of the plant is a reproductive axis with sterile bracts and inflorescence with a flower type canonical for higher plants. The origin of leaves and leaf-like lateral organs is associated, among other factors, with the evolution of the YABBY genes, which are divided into“vegetative” and evolutionarily recent“reproductive” genes, with regard to their expression profiles. The study of the vegetative YABBY genes in pinesap will determine whether their functions (identification of cell identity on the abaxial surface of the lateral organs) are preserved in the leafless plant. In this study, the structural and phylogenetic analysis of the pinesap vegetative genes MhyFIL1 and MhyFIL3 is performed, the main conserved domains and motifs of the encoded proteins are characterized, and it is confirmed that the genes belong to the vegetative clade YABBY3/FIL. The effect of heterologous ectopic expression of the MhyFIL1 and MhyFIL3 genes on the phenotype of transgenic tobacco Nicotiana tabacum is evaluated. The leaves formed by both types of plants, 35S::MhyFIL1 and 35S::MhyFIL3, were narrower than in control plants and were twisted due to the changed identity of adaxial surface cells. Also, changes in the architecture of the aerial part and the root system of transgenic plants, including aberrant phyllotaxis and arrest of the shoot and root apical meristem development, were noted. Some of the 35S::MhyFIL1 and 35S::MhyFIL3 plants died as early as the stage of the formation of the first leaves, others did not bloom, and still others had a greatly prolonged vegetation period and formed fewer flowers than normal ones. The flowers had no visible differences from the control except for fragile pedicles. Thus, the absence of structural changes from the M. hypopitys flower in comparison to autotrophic species and the effect of MhyFIL1/3 heterologous expression on the development of tobacco plants indicate the preservation of the functions of the vegetative YABBY genes by the MhyFIL1/3 genes in pinesap. Moreover, the activity of YABBY transcription factors of the FIL clade in M. hypopitys is not directly related to the loss of the ability of pinesap to form leaves during the evolutionary transition from autotrophic nutrition to heterotrophy

    Loss of YABBY2-Like Gene Expression May Underlie the Evolution of the Laminar Style in Canna and Contribute to Floral Morphological Diversity in the Zingiberales.

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    The Zingiberales is an order of tropical monocots that exhibits diverse floral morphologies. The evolution of petaloid, laminar stamens, staminodes, and styles contributes to this diversity. The laminar style is a derived trait in the family Cannaceae and plays an important role in pollination as its surface is used for secondary pollen presentation. Previous work in the Zingiberales has implicated YABBY2-like genes, which function in promoting laminar outgrowth, in the evolution of stamen morphology. Here, we investigate the evolution and expression of Zingiberales YABBY2-like genes in order to understand the evolution of the laminar style in Canna. Phylogenetic analyses show that multiple duplication events have occurred in this gene lineage prior to the diversification of the Zingiberales. Reverse transcription-PCR in Canna, Costus, and Musa reveals differential expression across floral organs, taxa, and gene copies, and a role for YABBY2-like genes in the evolution of the laminar style is proposed. Selection tests indicate that almost all sites in conserved domains are under purifying selection, consistent with their functional relevance, and a motif unique to monocot YABBY2-like genes is identified. These results contribute to our understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of floral morphologies

    Floral gene resources from basal angiosperms for comparative genomics research

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    BACKGROUND: The Floral Genome Project was initiated to bridge the genomic gap between the most broadly studied plant model systems. Arabidopsis and rice, although now completely sequenced and under intensive comparative genomic investigation, are separated by at least 125 million years of evolutionary time, and cannot in isolation provide a comprehensive perspective on structural and functional aspects of flowering plant genome dynamics. Here we discuss new genomic resources available to the scientific community, comprising cDNA libraries and Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) sequences for a suite of phylogenetically basal angiosperms specifically selected to bridge the evolutionary gaps between model plants and provide insights into gene content and genome structure in the earliest flowering plants. RESULTS: Random sequencing of cDNAs from representatives of phylogenetically important eudicot, non-grass monocot, and gymnosperm lineages has so far (as of 12/1/04) generated 70,514 ESTs and 48,170 assembled unigenes. Efficient sorting of EST sequences into putative gene families based on whole Arabidopsis/rice proteome comparison has permitted ready identification of cDNA clones for finished sequencing. Preliminarily, (i) proportions of functional categories among sequenced floral genes seem representative of the entire Arabidopsis transcriptome, (ii) many known floral gene homologues have been captured, and (iii) phylogenetic analyses of ESTs are providing new insights into the process of gene family evolution in relation to the origin and diversification of the angiosperms. CONCLUSION: Initial comparisons illustrate the utility of the EST data sets toward discovery of the basic floral transcriptome. These first findings also afford the opportunity to address a number of conspicuous evolutionary genomic questions, including reproductive organ transcriptome overlap between angiosperms and gymnosperms, genome-wide duplication history, lineage-specific gene duplication and functional divergence, and analyses of adaptive molecular evolution. Since not all genes in the floral transcriptome will be associated with flowering, these EST resources will also be of interest to plant scientists working on other functions, such as photosynthesis, signal transduction, and metabolic pathways

    ABERRANT TESTA SHAPE encodes a KANADI family member, linking polarity determination to separation and growth of Arabidopsis ovule integuments

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    The Arabidopsis aberrant testa shape (ats) mutant produces a single integument instead of the two integuments seen in wild-type ovules. Cellular anatomy and patterns of marker gene expression indicate that the single integument results from congenital fusion of the two integuments of the wild type. Isolation of the ATS locus showed it to encode a member of the KANADI (KAN) family of putative transcription factors, previously referred to as KAN4. ATS was expressed at the border between the two integuments at the time of their initiation, with expression later confined to the abaxial layer of the inner integument. In an inner no outer (ino) mutant background, where an outer integument does not form, the ats mutation led to amorphous inner integument growth. The kan1 kan2 double mutant exhibits a similar amorphous growth of the outer integument without affecting inner integument growth. We hypothesize that ATS and KAN1/KAN2 play similar roles in the specification of polarity in the inner and outer integuments, respectively, that parallel the known roles of KAN proteins in promoting abaxial identity during leaf development. INO and other members of the YABBY gene family have been hypothesized to have similar parallel roles in outer integument and leaf development. Together, these two hypotheses lead us to propose a model for normal integument growth that also explains the described mutant phenotypes

    Die Funktion des Responseregulators ARR2 in der Entwicklung von Arabidopsis thaliana

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    In dieser Arbeit konnte mittels physiologischer Experimente, Expressionsanalysen, Phosphorylierungsassays und Transaktivierungsanalysen eine komplexe Funktion von ARR2 in verschiedenen Signaltransduktionswegen von Arabidopsis aufgedeckt werden. Die Analyse von Keimlingen in der arr2-Nullmutante zeigt eine hyposensitive Reaktion auf Cytokinin. Mit transienten Transaktivierungsanalysen in Protoplasten konnte die Induktion Cytokinin-responsiver Gene durch ARR2 und ARR2D80E nachgewiesen werden. Zusammenfassend führen diese Ergebnisse zur Hypothese, dass ARR2 eine regulierende Funktion in der Cytokininantwort einnimmt. Die vergleichende physiologische Analyse von Dunkelrotlicht-bestrahlten Keimlingen sowie die Expression des Chalkonsynthasegens identifizieren ARR2 als einen positiven Regulator in der phyA-vermittelten "high irradiance response". Der Nachweis, dass ARR2 in die Ethylensignaltransduktion involviert ist, wurde in verschiedenen Ansätze erbracht. Durch physiologische Analysen unter Verwendung einer arr2-Nullmutante sowie ARR2D80E-überexprimierenden Linien wurde ARR2 als regulierende Komponente der Ethylensignaltransduktion identifiziert. Dies wurde mittels transienter Transaktivierungsanalysen in Arabidopsis-Protoplasten bestätigt. Der zellfreie Phosphorelayassay identifizierte die Ethylenrezeptorhybridkinase ETR1 als putative, stromaufwärtsliegende, phosphorylierende Komponente von ARR2. Die Untersuchungen unter Einsatz der pathogenen Pilze Botrytis cinerea und Peronospora parasitica sowie Trockenstress-Exyperimente lassen eine Rolle von ARR2 in der Pathogen- und dieser abiotischen Stressantwort vermuten. Auf Mikroarrays-basierende Expressionsanalysen der arr2-Nullmutante und ARR2D80E-Pflanzen deuten darauf hin, dass das Zwei-Komponentennetzwerk direkt oder indirekt verschiedene Signaltransduktionswege beeinflussen kann. Zusammenfassend zeigen diese Daten, dass das Zwei-Komponentensystem nicht nur einen primären Signalmechanismus darstellt, sondern zusätzlich das molekulare Grundgerüst für ein komplexes Signaltransduktionsnetzwerk bildet, welches die Feinabstimmung von Signalen übernimmt und die Kommunikation von verschiedenen Signalwegen untereinander ermöglicht

    The Arabidopsis JAGGED gene encodes a zinc finger protein that promotes leaf tissue development

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    Important goals in understanding leaf development are to identify genes involved in pattern specification, and also genes that translate this information into cell types and tissue structure. Loss-of-function mutations at the JAGGED (JAG) locus result in Arabidopsis plants with abnormally shaped lateral organs including serrated leaves, narrow floral organs, and petals that contain fewer but more elongate cells. jag mutations also suppress bract formation in leafy, apetala1 and apetala2 mutant backgrounds. The JAG gene was identified by map-based cloning to be a member of the zinc finger family of plant transcription factors and encodes a protein similar in structure to SUPERMAN with a single C2H2-type zinc finger, a proline-rich motif and a short leucine-rich repressor motif. JAG mRNA is localized to lateral organ primordia throughout the plant but is not found in the shoot apical meristem. Misexpression of JAG results in leaf fusion and the development of ectopic leaf-like outgrowth from both vegetative and floral tissues. Thus, JAG is necessary for proper lateral organ shape and is sufficient to induce the proliferation of lateral organ tissue

    BOLITA, an Arabidopsis AP2/ERF-like transcription factor that affects cell expansion and proliferation/differentiation pathways

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    The BOLITA (BOL) gene, an AP2/ERF transcription factor, was characterized with the help of an activation tag mutant and overexpression lines in Arabidopsis and tobacco. The leaf size of plants overexpressing BOL was smaller than wild type plants due to a reduction in both cell size and cell number. Moreover, severe overexpressors showed ectopic callus formation in roots. Accordingly, global gene expression analysis using the overexpression mutant reflected the alterations in cell proliferation, differentiation and growth through expression changes in RBR, CYCD, and TCP genes, as well as genes involved in cell expansion (i.e. expansins and the actin remodeling factor ADF5). Furthermore, the expression of hormone signaling (i.e. auxin and cytokinin), biosynthesis (i.e. ethylene and jasmonic acid) and regulatory genes was found to be perturbed in bol-D mutant leave

    Transcriptomic characterization of a synergistic genetic interaction during carpel margin meristem development in \u3cem\u3eArabidopsis thaliana\u3c/em\u3e

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    In flowering plants the gynoecium is the female reproductive structure. In Arabidopsis thalianaovules initiate within the developing gynoecium from meristematic tissue located along the margins of the floral carpels. When fertilized the ovules will develop into seeds. SEUSS (SEU) and AINTEGUMENTA (ANT) encode transcriptional regulators that are critical for the proper formation of ovules from the carpel margin meristem (CMM). The synergistic loss of ovule initiation observed in the seu ant double mutant suggests that SEU and ANT share overlapping functions during CMM development. However the molecular mechanism underlying this synergistic interaction is unknown. Using the ATH1 transcriptomics platform we identified transcripts that were differentially expressed in seu ant double mutant relative to wild type and single mutant gynoecia. In particular we sought to identify transcripts whose expression was dependent on the coordinated activities of the SEU and ANT gene products. Our analysis identifies a diverse set of transcripts that display altered expression in the seu ant double mutant tissues. The analysis of overrepresented Gene Ontology classifications suggests a preponderance of transcriptional regulators including multiple members of the REPRODUCTIVE MERISTEMS (REM) and GROWTH-REGULATING FACTOR (GRF) families are mis-regulated in the seu ant gynoecia. Our in situ hybridization analyses indicate that many of these genes are preferentially expressed within the developing CMM. This study is the first step toward a detailed description of the transcriptional regulatory hierarchies that control the development of the CMM and ovule initiation. Understanding the regulatory hierarchy controlled by SEU and ANT will clarify the molecular mechanism of the functional redundancy of these two genes and illuminate the developmental and molecular events required for CMM development and ovule initiation