148 research outputs found

    Research and development study related to the synthesis of formaldehyde from CO2 and H2 Quarterly progress report, Aug. - Oct. 1967

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    Air oxidation of methane to formaldehyde using gaseous nitric oxide catalyst with solid heated reaction beds - oxidation of methane with ozonized air over potassium tetraborate be

    An investigation of the solar cycle response of odd-nitrogen in the thermosphere

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    This annual report covers the first year of funding for the study of the solar cycle variations of odd-nitrogen (N((sup 2)D), N((sup 4)S), NO) in the Earth's thermosphere. The study uses the extensive data base generated by the Atmosphere Explorer (AE) satellites, and the Solar Mesosphere Explorer Satellite. The AE data are being used, for the first time, to define the solar variability effect on the odd-nitrogen species through analysis of the emissions at 520 nano-m from N((sup 2)D) and the emission from O(+)((sup 2)P). Additional AE neutral and ion density data are used to help define and quantify the physical processes controlling the variations. The results from the airglow study will be used in the next two years of this study to explain the solar cycle changes in NO measured by the Solar Mesosphere Explorer

    Geologic application of thermal-inertia mapping from satellite

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Approximately 400 miles of low altitude scanner data of good quality was acquired over the Powder River Basin between 13-16 Oct. 1978. Radiometric and meteorological data from three ground stations were also acquired in support of low altitude U.S.G.S. overflights

    Thermodynamics and applications of bioelectro- chemical energy conversion systems

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    Biochemical energy conversion systems, and suggested application

    Possibility of growth of airborne microbes in the Jovian atmosphere

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    Efforts to show growth activity of anaerobic bacteria in aerosolized particles suspended in anaerobic gas (N2) are described. Evidence of spore generation in nitrogen was obtained. Results are discussed

    Study to develop improved spacecraft snow survey methods using Skylab/EREP data

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    A Study of the Breakup Characteristics of the Chena River Basin Using ERTS Imagery: Completion Report

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    ERTS Project 110-5Snowmelt and rainfall floodinq is a major water resource problem in Alaska. At the present time, forecastinq of these floods is based on a sparse hydrological and climatological network. Numerous basins with drainage areas of 5,000 km2 and less remain completely ungaged. The lack of data causes uncertainty in the design of transportation schemes such as tile Trans-Alaska oil pipeline. This project studied the utility of using ERTS-l imagery as a source of additional data for the prediction of snowmelt runoff, the most dynamic hydroloqic event in arctic and subarctic basins. Snow distribution as determined from the satellite imagery was compared with values determined from the conventional snow course stations and with the results of a snowmelt energy model. The Chena River Basin was selected because of the availability of ground truth data for comparison. Very good agreement for snow distribution and rates of ablation was found between the ERTS-l imagery, the snowmelt model, and field measurements. Monitoring snowmelt rates for relatively small basins appears to be practical. The main limitation of the ERTS-l imagery is the interval of coverage. More frequent overflights providing coverage are needed for the study of transient hydrologic events. ERTS-l data is most useful when used in conjunction with snowmelt prediction models and existing snow course data. These results should prove very useful in preliminary assessment of hydrologic conditions in ungaged watersheds and will provide a tool for month-to-month volume forecasting.This work was supported by National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Grant NAS 5-21833

    Ecology and thermal inactivation of microbes in and on interplanetary space vehicle components

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    The experiments conducted to determine the heat resistance of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 6458 at 90 and 100 C were completed. Estimates from replicate experiments at eight percent relative humidities (less than 0.001 to 100% RH) for each temperature were computed. A Bacillus cereus strain with high heat resistance was cultured and the resistance determined in phosphate buffer (D sub 121.1 = 2.16 min and z = 8.7 C). The profile of the dry heat resistance of B. megaterium is summarized and the most resistant condition to the three spores (Bacillus subtilis var. niger, ATCC 29669, and Bacillus stearothermophilus, strain 1518) is compared

    A Study of the Reliability of Electronic Components in a Nuclear-radiation Environment Twelfth Quarterly Report, Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 1965

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    Total radiation dose and failure modes given for semiconductor devices exposed to neutron and gamma irradiatio

    Fundamental studies of the metallurgical, electrical and optical properties of gallium arsenide Quarterly progress report, 1 Oct. - 31 Dec. 1969

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    Melting points of GaP-metal systems and growth of GaP by vertical liquid epitax