211,391 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Vascular Spiders and related LesiollS of the Skin. By William Bennett Bean, M.D. Pp. xix + 372. 130 figures. 63s. net. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications.. 1958.The Nursing and Management ofSkin Diseases. By D. S. Wilkin. son, M.D., M.R.C.P. Pp. 288. 13 figures. 32s. 6d. London: Faber and Faber. 1958.Hermaphroditism, Genital Anomalies and Related Endocrine Disorders. By Howard W. Jones, Jr., M.D. and William Wallace Scott, M.D., Ph.D. Pp. xvi + 456. 466 illustrations. 128s. London: Bailliere, Tindall and Cox Ltd. 1958.Progress in Radiation Therapy. Edited by Franz Buschke, M.D. with 13 contributors. pp. iii + 284. illustrations. 9.75. New York and London: Grune & Stratton, Inc. 1958.The Year Book 0/ Ophthalmology 1958-59. Edited by Derrick Vajl, B.A., M.D., D.Oph. (Oxon.), EA.CS., ER.CS. (Hon.). Pp. 407. 78 figures. 7.50. Chicago: Year Book Publishers, Inc. 1959.Staphylococcus Pyogenes and its Relation to Dise7Jse. By Stephen D. Elek, M.D., D.Sc., Ph.D., D.P.H. Pp. vii+767. 44 figures. XXII tables. 84s. net + 3s. postage abroad. Edinburgh and London: E. & S. Livingstone Ltd. 1959.The Sella in Health and Disease. By Mahmoud El Sayed Mah· moud, Ph.D. Red., M.B., B.Ch., D.M.R.E. Supplement No. 8 to the British Journal 0/ Radiology. Pp. xii + 100. 120 figures. 35s. London: The British Institute of Radiology. 1958.An Atlas 0/ Surgery. By F. Wilson Hadow, M.B.? B.S. cpurham), F.R.C.S. (Eng.). Pp. xiii + 363. 1,2.92 illustratIons. 50s. net. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1958.The Care 0/ the Geriatric Patient. Edited by E. V. Cowdry, Ph.D., Sc.D. (Hon.). Pp. 438. South African price 68s. St. Louis: The C. V. Mosby Company. 1958.A History 0/ Sexual Customs. By Richard Lewinsohn, Dr. Med., Dr. Rerum Politicarum (Berlin). Translated by Alexander Mayce. Pp. xiv + 424. Illustrations. 31s. London- ew York-Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co. 1958.Physiology of Spinal Anaesthesia. By . M. Greene! B.S., M.A., M.D. pp. xi + 195. illustrations. 6.00. Baltunore: The Williams & Wilkins Company. 1958.A Synopsis of Hygiene (Jameson and Parkinson). 11th edition. By L1ywelyn Roberts, M.D., M.R.C.P., D.P.H., assisted by Kathleen M. Shaw, M.B.E. Pp. viii + 694. 22 illustrations. 60s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1958.Recent Advances in Paediatrics. 2nd edition. Edited by Douglas Gairdner, D.M., F.R.C.P. Pp. viii + 378. 82 illustrations. 48s. net. London: J. & A. Churchill Ltd. 1958.. Radium-Isodosen. Die Radiumdosierung in "r". Von Dr. A. Verhagen. Mit einen Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. K. ]'Iordmeyer (Deutscher und Englischer Text). viii + 96 Seiten. 34 Abbildungen. DM 19.50. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag. 1958.Symposium on Nuclear Sex. Edited for the Organizing Committee by the Secretary, D. :Robertson Smith, M.A., M.D. and William M. Davidson, M.D. pp. xvii + 188. 14 figures. 21s. net. London: William Heinemann Medical Books Ltd. 1958.

    XVII. The Transformation of Liberalism and Nationalism, 1871-1914

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    In the first half of the nineteenth century liberalism and nationalism were key concepts of the major political and economic movements within Western Civilization, As has been explained in the preceding chapter, by the end of the century new radical movements — socialism, syndicalism, and anarchism — had supplanted them on the extreme left of the political spectrum. By 1914 this new Left was a significant factor in many countries. However, it was still a minority movement and, for most people living in the Western World between 1871 and 1914, nationalism and liberalism were more important in determining the texture of politics. Even many conservatives now compromised with them. That these were not the same liberalism and nationalism which had been the watchwords of reform half a century before should not be surprising because the world in which they operated and often conquered had also changed. [excerpt

    Osvrt na VIII. ocjenjivanje mliječnih proizvoda

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    Dne 27.VI.1958. održano je XVII. redovno ocjenjivanje mliječnih proizvoda u poslovnici Stručnog udruženja mljekarskih privrednih organizacija Hrvatske. Na ocjenjivanju sudjelovalo je 10 mljekarskih organizacija sa 60 uzoraka iz 25 pogona

    State Trading and International Organization

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    Dispute Resolution of Foreign Direct Investment in China

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    Praktek korupsi di zaman modern ini masih melukai upaya penyelesaian sengketa penanaman modal asing di Indonesia. Namun sebenarnya pada saat ini Indonesia sedang menjadi negara tujuan menarik bagi kegiatan penanaman modal asing, terutama bagi produsen barang-barang manufaktur, hal ini tidak lain disebabkan karena sumber daya alam Indonesia yang mendukung kegiatan perekonomian. Dalam tulisan ini ditujukan agar dapat memacu pengembangan sistem hukum di Indonesia terutama dalam hal penanaman modal asing dan untuk membahas mengenai bagaimana penyelesaian sengketa pada penanaman modal asing dalam kaitannya dengan Chinese Regime dan pengaruh akan budaya Cina pada metode negosiasi, mediasi, arbitrasi. Dalam penulisan ini juga dibahas mengenai upaya penyelesaian sengketa melalui litigasi, penegakan hukum dari putusan arbitrase asing serta penegakan hukum terhadap hasil keputusan pengadilan asing, dalam kaitannya dengan Chinese Regime.Corruption activity in this modern era keeps hurting the implementation of foreign investment in Indonesia, especially for the dispute settlement aspect. Unfortunately, today, Indonesia is one of the interesting place for foreign investment destination, especially for consumer goods manufacturers. This situation happened because of Indonesia's great resources which is totally supportive to business development activity. This article was intended to spur the development of Indonesia's legal system, especially about foreign investment, and also to explain how the dispute resolution on foreign investment in Chinese Regime perspective, including considerations of how Chinese culture and settlement in foreign investment, methods of negotiation, mediation, arbitration. It will also be discussed how the practice of the settlement of disputes through litigation also the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the enforcement of a foreign court related to Chinese Regime

    Directions in research of the oldest Polish press (1501–1729)

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    This article contains a brief overview of the research on Polish press from the years 1501–1729, and discusses its directions and results conducted by historians and press experts after 1945. A citation analysis is widely used in the evaluation of the research output. The interest in the oldest Polish press is relatively high. A total of 55 scholars worked in the field, publishing 102 works (including 16 books), cited 524 times (including 267 times below the half-life period). Eight authors had the largest contribution: Konrad Zawadzki, Kazimierz Maliszewski, Jan Lankau, Władysław Myk, Adam Przyboś, Jan Pirożyński, Janusz A. Drob and Urszula Augustyniak. The most frequent subjects of research were ephemeral and serial newspapers, Merkuriusz Polski and handwritten newspapers, as well as other periodic newspapers and press from Gdańs

    1. The Advent of Modern Democracy

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    Everywhere there was a strong tendency to modify the concepts of political liberalism into a justification of democracy. By and large, this was not the result of the creation of a completely new political theory. The advocates of democracy tended to justify their doctrine with natural-rights theories from the Enlightenment, with a utilitarianism reminiscent of John Stuart Mill, with deductions drawn from the romantic glorification of the individual, or with appeals to the record of the United States. In general, they took over the concepts of the middle-class liberalism of the nineteenth century. However, the very logic of the liberal position in an increasingly industrialized world forced democrats to advocate the removal of many of those limitations on popular participation in government which liberals earlier had thought necessary. With victory apparently in sight in the years 1871-1914, democracy can be studied through its acts, in the difficult task of putting into practice under widely divergent conditions those general concepts which had been forged in an earlier age. In the process strongly egalitarian institutions were developed which became identified with democracy in the minds of most Westerners. It is in the observations of this process that we can test the definition of democracy as government responsible to the will of the people. [excerpt

    3. Nationalism Transformed

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    Many of the same governments which were introducing the institutions of democracy and the welfare state between 1871 and 1914 were also engaged during those very years in a form of territorial and economic expansion called colonialism or imperialism. The latter term is a tricky one because it often carries two overtones. It is sometimes used to include any territorial expansion, and it now exudes a strong odor of disapproval. Here it will be used, without any connotation of condemnation or approbation, to mean economic and political penetration of fairly remote areas populated by people with a culture quite different from that of the expansionist power. Although there are still difficulties, this definition will cover such similar events as the establishment and expansion of the British, French, Italian, German, and Belgian colonial empires in Asia and Africa, the extension of Russian power in Asia, and the penetration of Latin American and the Pacific Islands by the United States. [excerpt