3 research outputs found

    XML-driven exploitation of combined scalability in scalable H.264/AVC bitstreams

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    The heterogeneity in the contemporary multimedia environments requires a format-agnostic adaptation framework for the consumption of digital video content. Scalable bitstreams can be used in order to satisfy as many circumstances as possible. In this paper, the scalable extension on the H.264/AVC specification is used to obtain the parent bitstreams. The adaptation along the combined scalability axis of the bitstreams is done in a format-independent manner. Therefore, an abstraction layer of the bitstream is needed. In this paper, XML descriptions are used representing the high-level structure of the bitstreams by relying on the MPEG-21 Bitstream Syntax Description Language standard. The exploitation of the combined scalability is executed in the XML domain by implementing the adaptation process in a Streaming Transformation for XML (STX) stylesheet. The algorithm used in the transformation of the XML description is discussed in detail in this paper. From the performance measurements, one can conclude that the STX transformation in the XML domain and the generation of the corresponding adapted bitstream can be realized in real time

    XML-driven Exploitation of Combined Scalability in Scalable H.264/AVC Bitstreams

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    Abstract — The heterogeneity in the contemporary multimedia environments requires a format-agnostic adaptation framework for the consumption of digital video content. Scalable bitstreams can be used in order to satisfy as many circumstances as possible. In this paper, the scalable extension on the H.264/AVC specification is used to obtain the parent bitstreams. The adaptation along the combined scalability axis of the bitstreams is done in a format-independent manner. Therefore, an abstraction layer of the bitstream is needed. In this paper, XML descriptions are used representing the high-level structure of the bitstreams by relying on the MPEG-21 Bitstream Syntax Description Language standard. The exploitation of the combined scalability is executed in the XML domain by implementing the adaptation process in a Streaming Transformation for XML (STX) stylesheet. The algorithm used in the transformation of the XML description is discussed in detail in this paper. From the performance measurements, one can conclude that the STX transformation in the XML domain and the generation of the corresponding adapted bitstream can be realized in real time. I

    Description-driven Adaptation of Media Resources

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    The current multimedia landscape is characterized by a significant diversity in terms of available media formats, network technologies, and device properties. This heterogeneity has resulted in a number of new challenges, such as providing universal access to multimedia content. A solution for this diversity is the use of scalable bit streams, as well as the deployment of a complementary system that is capable of adapting scalable bit streams to the constraints imposed by a particular usage environment (e.g., the limited screen resolution of a mobile device). This dissertation investigates the use of an XML-driven (Extensible Markup Language) framework for the format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams. Using this approach, the structure of a bit stream is first translated into an XML description. In a next step, the resulting XML description is transformed to reflect a desired adaptation of the bit stream. Finally, the transformed XML description is used to create an adapted bit stream that is suited for playback in the targeted usage environment. The main contribution of this dissertation is BFlavor, a new tool for exposing the syntax of binary media resources as an XML description. Its development was inspired by two other technologies, i.e. MPEG-21 BSDL (Bitstream Syntax Description Language) and XFlavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation, extended with XML features). Although created from a different point of view, both languages offer solutions for translating the syntax of a media resource into an XML representation for further processing. BFlavor (BSDL+XFlavor) harmonizes the two technologies by combining their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. The expressive power and performance of a BFlavor-based content adaptation chain, compared to tool chains entirely based on either BSDL or XFlavor, were investigated by several experiments. One series of experiments targeted the exploitation of multi-layered temporal scalability in H.264/AVC, paying particular attention to the use of sub-sequences and hierarchical coding patterns, as well as to the use of metadata messages to communicate the bit stream structure to the adaptation logic. BFlavor was the only tool to offer an elegant and practical solution for XML-driven adaptation of H.264/AVC bit streams in the temporal domain