673 research outputs found

    XML stream transformer generation through program composition and dependency analysis

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    AbstractXML stream transformation, which sequentially processes the input XML data on the fly, makes it possible to process large sized data within a limited amount of memory. Though being efficient in memory-use, stream transformation requires stateful programming, which is error-prone and hard to manage.This paper proposes a scheme for generating XML stream transformers. Given an attribute grammar definition of transformation over an XML tree structure, we systematically derive a stream transformer in two steps. First, an attribute grammar definition of the XML stream transformation is inferred by applying a program composition method. Second, a finite state transition machine is constructed through a dependency analysis. Due to the closure property of the program composition method, our scheme also allows modular construction of XML stream transformers.We have implemented a prototype XML stream transformer generator, called altSAX. The experimental results show that the generated transformers are efficient in memory consumption as well as in execution time

    XML stream transformer generation through program composition and dependency analysis

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    AbstractXML stream transformation, which sequentially processes the input XML data on the fly, makes it possible to process large sized data within a limited amount of memory. Though being efficient in memory-use, stream transformation requires stateful programming, which is error-prone and hard to manage.This paper proposes a scheme for generating XML stream transformers. Given an attribute grammar definition of transformation over an XML tree structure, we systematically derive a stream transformer in two steps. First, an attribute grammar definition of the XML stream transformation is inferred by applying a program composition method. Second, a finite state transition machine is constructed through a dependency analysis. Due to the closure property of the program composition method, our scheme also allows modular construction of XML stream transformers.We have implemented a prototype XML stream transformer generator, called altSAX. The experimental results show that the generated transformers are efficient in memory consumption as well as in execution time

    Dilated Context Integrated Network with Cross-Modal Consensus for Temporal Emotion Localization in Videos

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    Understanding human emotions is a crucial ability for intelligent robots to provide better human-robot interactions. The existing works are limited to trimmed video-level emotion classification, failing to locate the temporal window corresponding to the emotion. In this paper, we introduce a new task, named Temporal Emotion Localization in videos~(TEL), which aims to detect human emotions and localize their corresponding temporal boundaries in untrimmed videos with aligned subtitles. TEL presents three unique challenges compared to temporal action localization: 1) The emotions have extremely varied temporal dynamics; 2) The emotion cues are embedded in both appearances and complex plots; 3) The fine-grained temporal annotations are complicated and labor-intensive. To address the first two challenges, we propose a novel dilated context integrated network with a coarse-fine two-stream architecture. The coarse stream captures varied temporal dynamics by modeling multi-granularity temporal contexts. The fine stream achieves complex plots understanding by reasoning the dependency between the multi-granularity temporal contexts from the coarse stream and adaptively integrates them into fine-grained video segment features. To address the third challenge, we introduce a cross-modal consensus learning paradigm, which leverages the inherent semantic consensus between the aligned video and subtitle to achieve weakly-supervised learning. We contribute a new testing set with 3,000 manually-annotated temporal boundaries so that future research on the TEL problem can be quantitatively evaluated. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our approach on temporal emotion localization. The repository of this work is at https://github.com/YYJMJC/Temporal-Emotion-Localization-in-Videos.Comment: Accepted by ACM Multimedia 202

    CHRONOS: Time-Aware Zero-Shot Identification of Libraries from Vulnerability Reports

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    Tools that alert developers about library vulnerabilities depend on accurate, up-to-date vulnerability databases which are maintained by security researchers. These databases record the libraries related to each vulnerability. However, the vulnerability reports may not explicitly list every library and human analysis is required to determine all the relevant libraries. Human analysis may be slow and expensive, which motivates the need for automated approaches. Researchers and practitioners have proposed to automatically identify libraries from vulnerability reports using extreme multi-label learning (XML). While state-of-the-art XML techniques showed promising performance, their experiment settings do not practically fit what happens in reality. Previous studies randomly split the vulnerability reports data for training and testing their models without considering the chronological order of the reports. This may unduly train the models on chronologically newer reports while testing the models on chronologically older ones. However, in practice, one often receives chronologically new reports, which may be related to previously unseen libraries. Under this practical setting, we observe that the performance of current XML techniques declines substantially, e.g., F1 decreased from 0.7 to 0.24 under experiments without and with consideration of chronological order of vulnerability reports. We propose a practical library identification approach, namely CHRONOS, based on zero-shot learning. The novelty of CHRONOS is three-fold. First, CHRONOS fits into the practical pipeline by considering the chronological order of vulnerability reports. Second, CHRONOS enriches the data of the vulnerability descriptions and labels using a carefully designed data enhancement step. Third, CHRONOS exploits the temporal ordering of the vulnerability reports using a cache to prioritize prediction of...Comment: Accepted to the Technical Track of ICSE 202

    Finding Neurons in a Haystack: Case Studies with Sparse Probing

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    Despite rapid adoption and deployment of large language models (LLMs), the internal computations of these models remain opaque and poorly understood. In this work, we seek to understand how high-level human-interpretable features are represented within the internal neuron activations of LLMs. We train kk-sparse linear classifiers (probes) on these internal activations to predict the presence of features in the input; by varying the value of kk we study the sparsity of learned representations and how this varies with model scale. With k=1k=1, we localize individual neurons which are highly relevant for a particular feature, and perform a number of case studies to illustrate general properties of LLMs. In particular, we show that early layers make use of sparse combinations of neurons to represent many features in superposition, that middle layers have seemingly dedicated neurons to represent higher-level contextual features, and that increasing scale causes representational sparsity to increase on average, but there are multiple types of scaling dynamics. In all, we probe for over 100 unique features comprising 10 different categories in 7 different models spanning 70 million to 6.9 billion parameters

    Business rules based legacy system evolution towards service-oriented architecture.

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    Enterprises can be empowered to live up to the potential of becoming dynamic, agile and real-time. Service orientation is emerging from the amalgamation of a number of key business, technology and cultural developments. Three essential trends in particular are coming together to create a new revolutionary breed of enterprise, the service-oriented enterprise (SOE): (1) the continuous performance management of the enterprise; (2) the emergence of business process management; and (3) advances in the standards-based service-oriented infrastructures. This thesis focuses on this emerging three-layered architecture that builds on a service-oriented architecture framework, with a process layer that brings technology and business together, and a corporate performance layer that continually monitors and improves the performance indicators of global enterprises provides a novel framework for the business context in which to apply the important technical idea of service orientation and moves it from being an interesting tool for engineers to a vehicle for business managers to fundamentally improve their businesses