3,417 research outputs found

    Writing Reusable Digital Geometry Algorithms in a Generic Image Processing Framework

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    Digital Geometry software should reflect the generality of the underlying mathe- matics: mapping the latter to the former requires genericity. By designing generic solutions, one can effectively reuse digital geometry data structures and algorithms. We propose an image processing framework focused on the Generic Programming paradigm in which an algorithm on the paper can be turned into a single code, written once and usable with various input types. This approach enables users to design and implement new methods at a lower cost, try cross-domain experiments and help generalize resultsComment: Workshop on Applications of Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology, Istanb : France (2010

    On morphological hierarchical representations for image processing and spatial data clustering

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    Hierarchical data representations in the context of classi cation and data clustering were put forward during the fties. Recently, hierarchical image representations have gained renewed interest for segmentation purposes. In this paper, we briefly survey fundamental results on hierarchical clustering and then detail recent paradigms developed for the hierarchical representation of images in the framework of mathematical morphology: constrained connectivity and ultrametric watersheds. Constrained connectivity can be viewed as a way to constrain an initial hierarchy in such a way that a set of desired constraints are satis ed. The framework of ultrametric watersheds provides a generic scheme for computing any hierarchical connected clustering, in particular when such a hierarchy is constrained. The suitability of this framework for solving practical problems is illustrated with applications in remote sensing

    Current State of the Art Historic Building Information Modelling

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    In an extensive review of existing literature a number of observations were made in relation to the current approaches for recording and modelling existing buildings and environments: Data collection and pre-processing techniques are becoming increasingly automated to allow for near real-time data capture and fast processing of this data for later modelling applications. Current BIM software is almost completely focused on new buildings and has very limited tools and pre-defined libraries for modelling existing and historic buildings. The development of reusable parametric library objects for existing and historic buildings supports modelling with high levels of detail while decreasing the modelling time. Mapping these parametric objects to survey data, however, is still a time-consuming task that requires further research. Promising developments have been made towards automatic object recognition and feature extraction from point clouds for as-built BIM. However, results are currently limited to simple and planar features. Further work is required for automatic accurate and reliable reconstruction of complex geometries from point cloud data. Procedural modelling can provide an automated solution for generating 3D geometries but lacks the detail and accuracy required for most as-built applications in AEC and heritage fields

    A quasi-linear algorithm to compute the tree of shapes of n-D images

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    International audienceTo compute the morphological self-dual representation of images, namely the tree of shapes, the state-of-the-art algorithms do not have a satisfactory time complexity. Furthermore the proposed algorithms are only effective for 2D images and they are far from being simple to implement. That is really penalizing since a self-dual representation of images is a structure that gives rise to many powerful operators and applications, and that could be very useful for 3D images. In this paper we propose a simple-to-write algorithm to compute the tree of shapes; it works for \nD images and has a quasi-linear complexity when data quantization is low, typically 12~bits or less. To get that result, this paper introduces a novel representation of images that has some amazing properties of continuity, while remaining discrete

    TREE-D-SEEK: A Framework for Retrieving Three-Dimensional Scenes

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    In this dissertation, a strategy and framework for retrieving 3D scenes is proposed. The strategy is to retrieve 3D scenes based on a unified approach for indexing content from disparate information sources and information levels. The TREE-D-SEEK framework implements the proposed strategy for retrieving 3D scenes and is capable of indexing content from a variety of corpora at distinct information levels. A semantic annotation model for indexing 3D scenes in the TREE-D-SEEK framework is also proposed. The semantic annotation model is based on an ontology for rapid prototyping of 3D virtual worlds. With ongoing improvements in computer hardware and 3D technology, the cost associated with the acquisition, production and deployment of 3D scenes is decreasing. As a consequence, there is a need for efficient 3D retrieval systems for the increasing number of 3D scenes in corpora. An efficient 3D retrieval system provides several benefits such as enhanced sharing and reuse of 3D scenes and 3D content. Existing 3D retrieval systems are closed systems and provide search solutions based on a predefined set of indexing and matching algorithms Existing 3D search systems and search solutions cannot be customized for specific requirements, type of information source and information level. In this research, TREE-D-SEEK—an open, extensible framework for retrieving 3D scenes—is proposed. The TREE-D-SEEK framework is capable of retrieving 3D scenes based on indexing low level content to high-level semantic metadata. The TREE-D-SEEK framework is discussed from a software architecture perspective. The architecture is based on a common process flow derived from indexing disparate information sources. Several indexing and matching algorithms are implemented. Experiments are conducted to evaluate the usability and performance of the framework. Retrieval performance of the framework is evaluated using benchmarks and manually collected corpora. A generic, semantic annotation model is proposed for indexing a 3D scene. The primary objective of using the semantic annotation model in the TREE-D-SEEK framework is to improve retrieval relevance and to support richer queries within a 3D scene. The semantic annotation model is driven by an ontology. The ontology is derived from a 3D rapid prototyping framework. The TREE-D-SEEK framework supports querying by example, keyword based and semantic annotation based query types for retrieving 3D scenes

    The Pandora software development kit for pattern recognition

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    The development of automated solutions to pattern recognition problems is important in many areas of scientific research and human endeavour. This paper describes the implementation of the Pandora Software Development Kit, which aids the process of designing, implementing and running pattern recognition algorithms. The Pandora Application Programming Interfaces ensure simple specification of the building-blocks defining a pattern recognition problem. The logic required to solve the problem is implemented in algorithms. The algorithms request operations to create or modify data structures and the operations are performed by the Pandora framework. This design promotes an approach using many decoupled algorithms, each addressing specific topologies. Details of algorithms addressing two pattern recognition problems in High Energy Physics are presented: reconstruction of events at a high-energy e+e- linear collider and reconstruction of cosmic ray or neutrino events in a liquid argon time projection chamber.This work was funded in part by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council and by the European Union under the Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors and Accelerators (AIDA) project.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-015-3659-

    Configurable nD-visualization for complex Building Information Models

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    With the ongoing development of building information modelling (BIM) towards a comprehensive coverage of all construction project information in a semantically explicit way, visual representations became decoupled from the building information models. While traditional construction drawings implicitly contained the visual representation besides the information, nowadays they are generated on the fly, hard-coded in software applications dedicated to other tasks such as analysis, simulation, structural design or communication. Due to the abstract nature of information models and the increasing amount of digital information captured during construction projects, visual representations are essential for humans in order to access the information, to understand it, and to engage with it. At the same time digital media open up the new field of interactive visualizations. The full potential of BIM can only be unlocked with customized task-specific visualizations, with engineers and architects actively involved in the design and development process of these visualizations. The visualizations must be reusable and reliably reproducible during communication processes. Further, to support creative problem solving, it must be possible to modify and refine them. This thesis aims at reconnecting building information models and their visual representations: on a theoretic level, on the level of methods and in terms of tool support. First, the research seeks to improve the knowledge about visualization generation in conjunction with current BIM developments such as the multimodel. The approach is based on the reference model of the visualization pipeline and addresses structural as well as quantitative aspects of the visualization generation. Second, based on the theoretic foundation, a method is derived to construct visual representations from given visualization specifications. To this end, the idea of a domain-specific language (DSL) is employed. Finally, a software prototype proofs the concept. Using the visualization framework, visual representations can be generated from a specific building information model and a specific visualization description.Mit der fortschreitenden Entwicklung des Building Information Modelling (BIM) hin zu einer umfassenden Erfassung aller Bauprojektinformationen in einer semantisch expliziten Weise werden Visualisierungen von den GebĂ€udeinformationen entkoppelt. WĂ€hrend traditionelle Architektur- und Bauzeichnungen die visuellen ReprĂ€Ìˆsentationen implizit als TrĂ€ger der Informationen enthalten, werden sie heute on-the-fly generiert. Die Details ihrer Generierung sind festgeschrieben in Softwareanwendungen, welche eigentlich fĂŒr andere Aufgaben wie Analyse, Simulation, Entwurf oder Kommunikation ausgelegt sind. Angesichts der abstrakten Natur von Informationsmodellen und der steigenden Menge digitaler Informationen, die im Verlauf von Bauprojekten erfasst werden, sind visuelle ReprĂ€sentationen essentiell, um sich die Information erschließen, sie verstehen, durchdringen und mit ihnen arbeiten zu können. Gleichzeitig entwickelt sich durch die digitalen Medien eine neues Feld der interaktiven Visualisierungen. Das volle Potential von BIM kann nur mit angepassten aufgabenspezifischen Visualisierungen erschlossen werden, bei denen Ingenieur*innen und Architekt*innen aktiv in den Entwurf und die Entwicklung dieser Visualisierungen einbezogen werden. Die Visualisierungen mĂŒssen wiederverwendbar sein und in Kommunikationsprozessen zuverlĂ€ssig reproduziert werden können. Außerdem muss es möglich sein, Visualisierungen zu modifizieren und neu zu definieren, um das kreative Problemlösen zu unterstĂŒtzen. Die vorliegende Arbeit zielt darauf ab, GebĂ€udemodelle und ihre visuellen ReprĂ€sentationen wieder zu verbinden: auf der theoretischen Ebene, auf der Ebene der Methoden und hinsichtlich der unterstĂŒtzenden Werkzeuge. Auf der theoretischen Ebene trĂ€gt die Arbeit zunĂ€chst dazu bei, das Wissen um die Erstellung von Visualisierungen im Kontext von Bauprojekten zu erweitern. Der verfolgte Ansatz basiert auf dem Referenzmodell der Visualisierungspipeline und geht dabei sowohl auf strukturelle als auch auf quantitative Aspekte des Visualisierungsprozesses ein. Zweitens wird eine Methode entwickelt, die visuelle ReprĂ€sentationen auf Basis gegebener Visualisierungsspezifikationen generieren kann. Schließlich belegt ein Softwareprototyp die Realisierbarkeit des Konzepts. Mit dem entwickelten Framework können visuelle ReprĂ€sentationen aus jeweils einem spezifischen GebĂ€udemodell und einer spezifischen Visualisierungsbeschreibung generiert werden
