10 research outputs found

    Using an instrumented manikin for Space Station Freedom analysis

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    One of the most intriguing and complex areas of current computer graphics research is animating human figures to behave in a realistic manner. Believable, accurate human models are desirable for many everyday uses including industrial and architectural design, medical applications, and human factors evaluations. For zero-gravity (0-g) spacecraft design and mission planning scenarios, they are particularly valuable since 0-g conditions are difficult to simulate in a one-gravity Earth environment. At NASA/JSC, an in-house human modeling package called PLAID is currently being used to produce animations for human factors evaluation of Space Station Freedom design issues. Presented here is an introductory background discussion of problems encountered in existing techniques for animating human models and how an instrumented manikin can help improve the realism of these models

    Workspace and singularity determination of a 7-DoF wrist-partitioned serial manipulator towards graffiti painting

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    Els robots estan sent utilitzats, cada cop més, en la realització de tasques en la indústria. Molts d'ells també són dissenyats pensats per a realitzar les tasques de la llar. En general, els robots són dissenyats per a facilitar el dia a dia del éssers humans. Però quan es tracta d'obres artístiques, és menys comú trobar-se robots realitzant-les. Nosaltres pretenem sortir de la norma mitjançant l'ús d'un robot per a pintar un grafiti. La motivació per a aconseguir-ho convergeix en la formulació de dues preguntes: "Quin és el volum de treball d'un robot, quan l'orientació del seu efector final està fixada?" i "Donat un pla arbitrari, quina és la major àrea de treball lliure de singularitats en aquest?" Aquesta tesi proposa un mètode per a l'obtenció de les singularitats de posició en un pla qualsevol d'un manipulador serial amb un canell esfèric. El mètode s'ha obtingut mitjançant la combinació d'un mètode de determinació de singularitats de posició, el qual està basat en una tècnica per al decoplat de manipuladors que presenten un canell esfèric, i un algorisme branch-and-prune per a la resolució de sistemes d'equacions. S'ha obtingut el volum de treball d'un manipulador serial de 7 graus de llibertat a través d'un enfocament de cinemàtica directa. Es presenta una metodologia per a obtenir el volum de treball del manipulador serial quan el seu efector final té l'orientació constant i s'aplica per a obtenir aproximacions per al cas de certes orientacions. Es mostra com les singularitats poden ser analitades a través de separar-les en singularitats de posició i d'orientació. el mètode proposat formula i resol les equacions que determinen les singularitats de posició. Pel que fa a les singularitats d'orientació, es mostra que poden ser evitades sense perdre una quantitat significant de volum de treball, des del punt de vista de la posició.Los robots estén siendo utilizados, cada vez más, en la realización de tareas en la industria. Muchos de ellos también son diseñados pensados para realizar las tareas del hogar. En general, los robots son diseñados para facilitar el día a día de los seres humanos. Pero cuando se trata de obras artíticas, es menos común encontrarse a robots realizándolas. Nosotros pretendemos salirnos de lo común mediante el uso de un robot para pintar un grafiti. La motivación por lograrlo converge en la formulación de dos preguntas: "¿Cuál es el volumen de trabajo de un robot, cuando la orientación de su efector final está fijada?" y "Dado un plano arbitrario, ¿cuál es la mayor área de trabajo libre de singularidades en éste?" Esta tesis propone un método para la obtención de las singularidades de posición en un plano cualquiera de un manipulador serial con una muñeca esférica. El método ha sido obtenido mediante la combinación de un método de determinación de singularidades de posición, el cual está basado en una técnica para el decoplado de manipuladores que presentan una muñeca esférica, y un algoritmo branch-and-prune para la resolución de sistemas de ecuaciones. Se ha obtenido el volumen de trabajo de un manipulador serial de 7 grados de libertad a través de un enfoque de cinemática directa. Se presenta la metodología para obtener el volumen de trabajo del manipulador serial cuando su efector final tiene una orientación constante y se aplica para obtener aproximaciones para el caso de ciertas orientaciones. Se muestra cómo las singularidades pueden ser analizadas a través de separarlas en singularidades de posición y de orientación. El método propuesto formula y resuelve las ecuaciones que determinan las singularidades de posición. En cuanto a las singularidades de orientación, se muestra que pueden ser evitadas sin perder una cantidad significante de volumen de trabajo, desde el punto de vista de la posición.Robots are overtaking every day more tasks in the industry. A lot of them are even designed for performing household chores. In general, robots are designed to facilitate the day-to-day of human beings. But when it comes to artistic tasks, it is less usual to see robots performing them. We pretend to stay out of the crowd by using a robot to paint a graffiti. The motivation to achieve this task converges into the statement of two questions: "What is the workspace of a robot, when the orientation of its end-effector is fixed?" and "For a given plane, what is the largest singularity free surface on it?". This thesis proposes a method for the computation of the position singularities of a wrist-partitioned serial manipulator for a given plane. The method is obtained from the combination of a position singularity determination method, which is based on the decoupling technique of a wrist-partitioned manipulator, and a branch-and-prune algorithm for the resolution of systems of equations. The workspace of a 7-DoF serial manipulator is obtained by a forward kinematics approach. A methodology to obtain the constant orientation workspace of a serial manipulator is presented and applied to get approximations for some specific orientations. It is shown how singularities can be analyzed by decoupling them into position singularities and orientation singularities. The proposed method formulates and solves the equation that determines the position singularities. In the case of the orientation singularities, it is shown that they can be avoided without losing a significant amount of the workspace's volume, from the point of view of the position.Outgoin

    Wrist-Partitioned Inverse Kinematic Accelerations and Manipulator Dynamics

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    An efficient algorithm is presented for the calculation of the inverse kinematic accelerations for a 6 degree-of-freedom manipulator with a spherical wrist. The inverse kinematic calculation is shown to work synergistically with the inverse dynamic calculation, producing kinematic parameters needed in the recursive Newton-Euler dynamics formulation. Additional savings in the dynamics computation are noted for a class of kinematically well-structured manipulators such as spherical-wrist arms and for manipulators with simply-structured inertial parameters

    Control system design for robots used in simulating dynamic force and moment interaction in virtual reality applications

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    This dissertation presents an approach to simulating the dynamic force and moment interaction between a human and a virtual object using a robotic manipulator as the force transmitter. Accurate control of the linear and angular accelerations of the robot end effector is required in order for the correct forces and moments to be imparted on a human operating in a computer generated virtual environment. A control system has been designed which is robust in terms of stability and performance. This control system is derived from abbreviated linear and nonlinear models of the manipulator dynamics which are efficient enough for real-time implementation yet retain a sufficient level of complexity for accurate calculations. An efficient multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) pole placement scheme has also been devised which locates the pre-specified system eigenvalues. The controller gains are given as explicit functions of a desired trajectory to be followed and, thus, are time varying such that the overall closed-loop system is rendered time-invariant. Key software elements were automatically derived and output in compiler-ready form demonstrating the feasibility of automatic, computer generated control laws for complex robotic systems. Test results are given for a PUMA 560 used to impart dynamic forces on a user operating in a virtual environment

    NASA space station automation: AI-based technology review

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    Research and Development projects in automation for the Space Station are discussed. Artificial Intelligence (AI) based automation technologies are planned to enhance crew safety through reduced need for EVA, increase crew productivity through the reduction of routine operations, increase space station autonomy, and augment space station capability through the use of teleoperation and robotics. AI technology will also be developed for the servicing of satellites at the Space Station, system monitoring and diagnosis, space manufacturing, and the assembly of large space structures

    Graphics Technology in Space Applications (GTSA 1989)

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    This document represents the proceedings of the Graphics Technology in Space Applications, which was held at NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center on April 12 to 14, 1989 in Houston, Texas. The papers included in these proceedings were published in general as received from the authors with minimum modifications and editing. Information contained in the individual papers is not to be construed as being officially endorsed by NASA