505,071 research outputs found

    Starting with Me: A Guide to Person-Centered Planning for Job Seekers

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    [Excerpt] Work is an important part of life. People with disabilities benefit from working as much as or more than people without disabilities do. The benefits from work include financial independence and security; increased self-confidence; personal growth; skill development; and a better social life. Perhaps you would like to work but have not been encouraged to do so by your family, friends, or support people in your life. Maybe you are not certain if you can work or what kind of work might be right for you. This is a guide for you. This guide reviews a three- stage career development process. Career development is an approach to help you make satisfying job choices. In person-centered career planning, your personal preferences, goals, and dreams are the focus. A person-centered approach does not mean you have to tackle job exploration all on your own. It does mean that anyone who helps you in your career search and the development of your career dreams respects your wishes and helps you to focus on your skills and abilities. Career development is an ongoing process. Finding satisfying work doesn’t usually just happen by applying for a job in the newspaper. The process involves several phases—and it all begins with you

    An empirical study of web surfers\u27 privacy concerns

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    Just imagine how you would feel if you found out that someone secretly followed you for months. This person knows your name, address, and birth date, but it does not stop there. They have discovered what medications you currently take, that you plan to vacation in Cocoa Beach, Florida from March 10th to the 18th, what kind of music you listen to, even how old your children are and the fact that you think your spouse is cheating on you. Do you think that this only happens to people in the movies? Think again. This is but a sample of what marketers and websites can deduce from tracking you online

    Customer Service: The Rural Grocery Competitive Advantage

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    This presentation will cover the golden rules to great customer service. The Golden Rule is: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is translated into golden rules for customer service by finding your ‘golden egg’

    The Reasonable Robot Standard: How the Federal Government Needs to Regulate Ethical Decision Programming in Highly Autonomous Vehicles

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    (Excerpt) A steam train is chugging along down a country track. You are a passenger, watching red and orange clustered hills pass by; fall is already here. You start to daydream about the last time you took this trip, how the summer had just begun and how quickly it went. Suddenly, reality hits. You awake from your daydream when you glance up and see five people strapped to the train tracks ahead of you. You know there is not enough time for the train to brake. Luckily, you happen to be sitting right next to the emergency switch, which would divert the train to another path at the fork just before the train reached the five captives. They would be saved. Just as you grasp the switch with both hands, ready to pull as hard as you can, the train approaches the fork revealing another unfortunate person, strapped to the alternate tracks. What should you do? If you pull the switch, your action will result in the death of one person. Five people will be saved, but you will have made the choice to alter the train’s path when you knew it would kill one person. The eager answer might be to save as many lives as possible and allow harm to come to as few lives as possible. But does your action of pulling the switch knowing someone will die count as killing someone? If you do not pull the switch, a chain of causation that has already been set in motion will result in the deaths of five people. You will not have acted, so you would not be responsible for their deaths. Or would you be? Does the fact that you could have acted to save their lives make you more responsible? Is inaction less culpable than action, in this case

    My precious information : How to preserve it?

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    Do you think your information remains safe inside a cloud? Do you have another truly trustworthy place where you can store all your precious information? These questions lead us to the basic problem behind this paper: None of the official instances are interested in materials possessed by average Joes and Janes. You will have to be politically or otherwise important person to get your personal life story into official digital repositories. We at the Digitalia1 (Research Center on Digital Information Management) at South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, believe that there is a strong need for a digital preservation service that would give ordinary citizens the right to decide what to do with their personal information. It is not right that common folks must rely on cloud drives with dubious terms and conditions or unreliable portable or optical devices to store their precious digital information. This article describes an initiative of a low cost full-scale digital archive solution that will be available to common people

    Reaching Through the “Ghost Doxer:” An Argument for Imposing Secondary Liability on Online Intermediaries

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    Imagine you have decided to run for office, to speak out publicly against an injustice, to enter the job market, or even to join a new online forum. Now, imagine after starting your chosen endeavor, you go online to discover that someone who disagrees with your position posted your personal information on the internet and called for others to harass you. To make matters worse, you realize that you cannot determine who posted your personal data. You have been doxed. Because you cannot identify the person who posted your information, where can you turn for recourse? The next logical party is the website where your personal information was posted. Unfortunately, under current laws online intermediaries are typically immunized from liability in these situations. This Note argues that this lack of legal recourse is no longer acceptable in the internet-dominated modern world. Despite growing awareness of doxing’s pernicious consequences, existing laws do not adequately address either the underlying behavior or its consequences. Some signs of progress, however, are emerging. Proposed legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives — the Online Safety Modernization Act of 2017 (Online Safety Act) — would provide for federal criminal and civil liability for doxing. This bill is a step forward, but it does not address the lack of legal recourse for a victim if the person posting the information cannot be identified. This Note aims to explain why it is appropriate, and necessary, to hold online intermediaries secondarily liable when the doxer cannot be identified

    arden 2019

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    How do I begin to describe how this experience has been? Do I explain the frustrations, excitements...anxieties? The one thing I can point to as an excellent learning experience is putting dependable people by your side to help when you feel so. damn, inadequate. Take Toni, for instance—I asked her in a time of desperation for some help with InDesign. She was there and was dependable. Toni put in the hours, and we built this together. Or, take Zach, my main reader. He was ready to receive 15 emails at a time when I needed things read over quickly. The staff at Columbus State was always ready to help if I needed a key or an answer to a question. I suppose the most valuable thing about this journey has been growing in humility and out of the humility learning it’s okay to ask forhelp .If I hadn’t, I would have dropped this project a long time ago, and it would have never seen the light of day. So,many thanks to all of you who have stood by my side during this endeavor. Thank you to all who have submitted, because we definitely wouldn’t be anywhere without your dedication to your craft. Thank you to the CSU staff. And, thank you to all of our readers. May our words embody our hearts, attitudes, and love for the world around us. And may they live in the hands and in the minds of our readers for many years.https://csuepress.columbusstate.edu/arden/1021/thumbnail.jp

    An Exploratory Study of Patient Satisfaction and Servant Leadership

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    Servant Leadership is a theory of leadership in which the Servant Leader is motivated primarily by an intuitive desire to serve his/her followers. The leadership aspect is secondary. In this study, the concept of Servant Leadership was applied to the physician-patient relationship in a healthcare setting. The purpose of the research was to determine the satisfaction level of patients with their physicians. Questionnaires were mailed to one hundred randomly selected patients at a large mid-western outpatient clinic. Following are several of the questions included in the questionnaire. On the average, how long do you have to wait to see your physician? What is your level of trust with your physician? How well does your physician respond to your concerns? Does your physician tell you what you need to know? Do you feel that your physician would go the extra mile for you? Do you view physicians as leaders in the Clinic? The responses generally indicated high satisfaction with and a high level of trust in the physicians, and an indication that Servant Leadership is being practiced, although the respondents did not use that terminology. However, several respondents indicated that improvement is needed. Continuation of this research is important because physicians need to know what patients expect from them, and how they are performing in their patients\u27 eyes. Physicians are naturally seen as leaders. The decisions they make and how they behave affects their patients, the clinic as an organization, and the community in which the physicians practice. Patient satisfaction is an important tool for measuring quality of healthcare. Research that builds on or adds to previous research benefits patients and physicians alike. The goal of the researcher is to gather and present information that could be used to develop a model of Servant leadership, which could then be used in healthcare settings to enhance patient satisfaction and improve the quality of patient care

    Thriving as a business person in the crafts industry by Rebecca Skeels Published: May 2015

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    Thriving as a business person in the crafts industry By Rebecca Skeels, Subject Leader for Postgraduate School of Craft and Design Growing a business does not always mean making it bigger or becoming famous. It can mean changing to enable your business to continue to do what is wanted or desired. Each person is unique, which makes every business plan and structure unique. Each individual needs to find their own way of working and developing to ensure that their business grows. This is how you make your business thrive. The environment is always changing; customers’ tastes and ideals vary, the economic climate adjusts, the market goes up and down and how we feel about our own work can change. It’s crucial to remember that something that was successful in the past may not be the answer to great success in the future. A business needs to be able to grow throughout with these changes in order to survive. Artists and their businesses need to continue to grow and develop constantly – sometimes in small gradual steps, at other times in bolder, courageous leaps. Here are some thoughts on how you can ensure to thrive as a business person in the crafts industry. Produce a business plan Business plans are important for showing potential stakeholders that you’re serious about your work and you know what your intentions are, whether it’s securing a funding opportunity, opening a bank account or getting new premises. A business plan is also really valuable for you as an artist, as it helps to get everything down on paper to enable an idea to be put into some sort of structure. Do not worry; the plan is not set in stone – it may even need to be flexible for some stakeholders. Flexibility within your business plan also allows for you to make changes and alterations as further you learn and develop as an artist. A business plan can be rewritten if ideals change, and do not be put off creating a plan simply because you know it will change! It is never a waste of time. Consider what you really want to do, what you enjoy and how you can have fun! Create a time plan By planning your time and mapping out key dates throughout the year, you will ensure that you are getting the most out of every opportunity for your business. Construct a timetable for the year to include deadlines – whether it is external deadlines for things like award entries or applying to be part of a competition, or personal deadlines to ensure that you are on track with your own market research, marketing, and design work. Running the business whilst also focusing on these different aspects is hard, so creating and keeping to the plan will help you to stay on target. Remember to line up jobs, commissions and commitments rather than taking them all on at the same time, however enthusiastic you are. Equally, do not just take one at a time - think ahead. Consider your working environment It is essential that your environment helps you develop and work efficiently. Create a workspace that will encourage creativity, help you to avoid distractions and enable you to focus on any projects and commissions that you have. Consider where your workspace is located: is it easy to travel to, can you interact with likeminded people, and are their other opportunities available in the surrounding areas? Do you need to have an environment suitable for customers to visit or for collaboration work to take place? To allow space for development, reflection or repositioning yourself as a practitioner, you may consider artist residency positions. At UCA, we have artists in residence that have the freedom to work on their own projects, whilst they help to provide support for the students. These opportunities give you the chance to explore skills in areas such as teaching, curating, and working with others, whilst developing your own work in workshops with a broad range of facilities and equipment. Expand your knowledge Writing your business plan may highlight key skillsets that you need or would like to develop for your business. Though it is not a decision to take lightly, one of the best ways to do this is to study for a qualification. Pick the course that suits you best – depending on your prior study, a foundation diploma or access course may be most appropriate, or perhaps an undergraduate or postgraduate degree or even PhD research is for you. A specialist creative arts university like UCA gives students the chance to collaborate and learn from others, whatever level they are studying at, and they are immersed in a creative atmosphere. As well as developing your thinking, reflection and making skills, these courses include elements that will help your businesses to become more sustainable and expand your understanding of costing, photography, publicity, promotion and marketing. After you have graduated, keep in touch with universities for short courses and training, work with local galleries that run courses for makers and artists and contact associations and guilds that run training and events in specific skills and processes. Consider subscribing to a selection of magazines, newsletters and groups, as this will allow you to see articles about other practitioners, news within the industry and the opportunities available to you such as training, competitions, commissions, exhibitions and events. Make time for you Ensure time is allocated for you. Make sure breaks are taken, holidays are included and any time for reflecting, development and thinking is accounted for. If a business will only survive when an individual is constantly working all hours, without time to get a good night’s sleep or to develop as an artist, then it is not sustainable and it sounds like it is time to plan and organise. Health and fitness are important too, so that you are ready and well for the next job, and the one after that. Allow time for family and friends; they are your support network, sometimes giving help or assistance and at other times, providing a healthy reality check or a distraction. Good luck with your new ventures and the growing of your businesses. Enable yourselves to survive and enjoy life with a career that you love doing

    Pregnancy and performance : rights to the unveiling.

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    Imagine you are an actress auditioning for a role, and the director asks, “If cast”, would you have conflicts?” You know you’re pregnant, but the director does not.You are also aware of the theatre’s production calendar; the production will be over before you start showing, or a couple of months before your due date. What do you do? Should you reveal the pregnancy, even though you know there is a possibility you may be discriminated against? Or do you hide it? What are the benefits and risks involved when the pregnant performer decides to conceal her pregnancy? This thesis serves to answer those questions, explore the internal thoughts of the pregnant artist, establish her responsibility, and defend her right to continue to perform while pregnant. I will argue that the expectant mother reserves the right to unveil her pregnancy to the necessary persons’ if she so chooses and to determine when that reveal will happen, so that she is able to creative freely and without restrictions
