18,373 research outputs found

    Data-Collection for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: a Network-Flow Heuristic

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    The goal of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey is ``to map in detail one-quarter of the entire sky, determining the positions and absolute brightnesses of more than 100 million celestial objects''. The survey will be performed by taking ``snapshots'' through a large telescope. Each snapshot can capture up to 600 objects from a small circle of the sky. This paper describes the design and implementation of the algorithm that is being used to determine the snapshots so as to minimize their number. The problem is NP-hard in general; the algorithm described is a heuristic, based on Lagriangian-relaxation and min-cost network flow. It gets within 5-15% of a naive lower bound, whereas using a ``uniform'' cover only gets within 25-35%.Comment: proceedings version appeared in ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (1998

    Partitioning networks into cliques: a randomized heuristic approach

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    In the context of community detection in social networks, the term community can be grounded in the strict way that simply everybody should know each other within the community. We consider the corresponding community detection problem. We search for a partitioning of a network into the minimum number of non-overlapping cliques, such that the cliques cover all vertices. This problem is called the clique covering problem (CCP) and is one of the classical NP-hard problems. For CCP, we propose a randomized heuristic approach. To construct a high quality solution to CCP, we present an iterated greedy (IG) algorithm. IG can also be combined with a heuristic used to determine how far the algorithm is from the optimum in the worst case. Randomized local search (RLS) for maximum independent set was proposed to find such a bound. The experimental results of IG and the bounds obtained by RLS indicate that IG is a very suitable technique for solving CCP in real-world graphs. In addition, we summarize our basic rigorous results, which were developed for analysis of IG and understanding of its behavior on several relevant graph classes

    Heuristics with Performance Guarantees for the Minimum Number of Matches Problem in Heat Recovery Network Design

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    Heat exchanger network synthesis exploits excess heat by integrating process hot and cold streams and improves energy efficiency by reducing utility usage. Determining provably good solutions to the minimum number of matches is a bottleneck of designing a heat recovery network using the sequential method. This subproblem is an NP-hard mixed-integer linear program exhibiting combinatorial explosion in the possible hot and cold stream configurations. We explore this challenging optimization problem from a graph theoretic perspective and correlate it with other special optimization problems such as cost flow network and packing problems. In the case of a single temperature interval, we develop a new optimization formulation without problematic big-M parameters. We develop heuristic methods with performance guarantees using three approaches: (i) relaxation rounding, (ii) water filling, and (iii) greedy packing. Numerical results from a collection of 51 instances substantiate the strength of the methods

    Statistical mechanics of the vertex-cover problem

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    We review recent progress in the study of the vertex-cover problem (VC). VC belongs to the class of NP-complete graph theoretical problems, which plays a central role in theoretical computer science. On ensembles of random graphs, VC exhibits an coverable-uncoverable phase transition. Very close to this transition, depending on the solution algorithm, easy-hard transitions in the typical running time of the algorithms occur. We explain a statistical mechanics approach, which works by mapping VC to a hard-core lattice gas, and then applying techniques like the replica trick or the cavity approach. Using these methods, the phase diagram of VC could be obtained exactly for connectivities c<ec<e, where VC is replica symmetric. Recently, this result could be confirmed using traditional mathematical techniques. For c>ec>e, the solution of VC exhibits full replica symmetry breaking. The statistical mechanics approach can also be used to study analytically the typical running time of simple complete and incomplete algorithms for VC. Finally, we describe recent results for VC when studied on other ensembles of finite- and infinite-dimensional graphs.Comment: review article, 26 pages, 9 figures, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    The Sampling-and-Learning Framework: A Statistical View of Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs), a large class of general purpose optimization algorithms inspired from the natural phenomena, are widely used in various industrial optimizations and often show excellent performance. This paper presents an attempt towards revealing their general power from a statistical view of EAs. By summarizing a large range of EAs into the sampling-and-learning framework, we show that the framework directly admits a general analysis on the probable-absolute-approximate (PAA) query complexity. We particularly focus on the framework with the learning subroutine being restricted as a binary classification, which results in the sampling-and-classification (SAC) algorithms. With the help of the learning theory, we obtain a general upper bound on the PAA query complexity of SAC algorithms. We further compare SAC algorithms with the uniform search in different situations. Under the error-target independence condition, we show that SAC algorithms can achieve polynomial speedup to the uniform search, but not super-polynomial speedup. Under the one-side-error condition, we show that super-polynomial speedup can be achieved. This work only touches the surface of the framework. Its power under other conditions is still open

    Insertion Heuristics for Central Cycle Problems

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    A central cycle problem requires a cycle that is reasonably short and keeps a the maximum distance from any node not on the cycle to its nearest node on the cycle reasonably low. The objective may be to minimise maximumdistance or cycle length and the solution may have further constraints. Most classes of central cycle problems are NP-hard. This paper investigates insertion heuristics for central cycle problems, drawing on insertion heuristics for p-centres [7] and travelling salesman tours [21]. It shows that a modified farthest insertion heuristic has reasonable worstcase bounds for a particular class of problem. It then compares the performance of two farthest insertion heuristics against each other and against bounds (where available) obtained by integer programming on a range of problems from TSPLIB [20]. It shows that a simple farthest insertion heuristic is fast, performs well in practice and so is likely to be useful for a general problems or as the basis for more complex heuristics for specific problems
