55,558 research outputs found

    Analysis of job scheduling algorithms for heterogeneous multiprocessor computing systems

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    The problem of scheduling independent jobs on heterogeneous multiprocessor models (i.e., those with non-identical or uniform processors) with independent memories has been studied. Actually, a number of demand scheduling nonpreemptive algorithms have been evaluated, with respect to their mean flow and completion time performance criterion. In particular, the deterministic analysis has been used to predict the worst-case performance whereas simulation techniques have been applied to estimate the expected performance of the algorithms. As a result from the deterministic analysis, informative worstcase bounds have been proven, from which the behaviour of the extreme performance of the considered algorithms can be well predicted. However, relaxing some or a combination of the system parameters then, our model corresponds to versions which have already been studied. (i.e. the classical homogeneous and heterogeneous models or the homogeneous one with independent memories). For such cases, the proven bounds in this thesis either agree or are better and more informative than the ones found for these simpler models.. Finally, the analysis of the worst-case and expected performance results reveals that there is a high degree of correlation in the behaviour of the algorithms as predicted or estimated by these two performance measurements, respectively

    Automated competitive analysis of real time scheduling with graph games

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    This paper is devoted to automatic competitive analysis of real-time scheduling algorithms for firm-deadline tasksets, where only completed tasks con- tribute some utility to the system. Given such a taskset T , the competitive ratio of an on-line scheduling algorithm A for T is the worst-case utility ratio of A over the utility achieved by a clairvoyant algorithm. We leverage the theory of quantitative graph games to address the competitive analysis and competitive synthesis problems. For the competitive analysis case, given any taskset T and any finite-memory on- line scheduling algorithm A , we show that the competitive ratio of A in T can be computed in polynomial time in the size of the state space of A . Our approach is flexible as it also provides ways to model meaningful constraints on the released task sequences that determine the competitive ratio. We provide an experimental study of many well-known on-line scheduling algorithms, which demonstrates the feasibility of our competitive analysis approach that effectively replaces human ingenuity (required Preliminary versions of this paper have appeared in Chatterjee et al. ( 2013 , 2014 ). B Andreas Pavlogiannis [email protected] Krishnendu Chatterjee [email protected] Alexander Kößler [email protected] Ulrich Schmid [email protected] 1 IST Austria (Institute of Science and Technology Austria), Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria 2 Embedded Computing Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology, Treitlstrasse 3, 1040 Vienna, Austria 123 Real-Time Syst for finding worst-case scenarios) by computing power. For the competitive synthesis case, we are just given a taskset T , and the goal is to automatically synthesize an opti- mal on-line scheduling algorithm A , i.e., one that guarantees the largest competitive ratio possible for T . We show how the competitive synthesis problem can be reduced to a two-player graph game with partial information, and establish that the compu- tational complexity of solving this game is Np -complete. The competitive synthesis problem is hence in Np in the size of the state space of the non-deterministic labeled transition system encoding the taskset. Overall, the proposed framework assists in the selection of suitable scheduling algorithms for a given taskset, which is in fact the most common situation in real-time systems design

    Online Non-preemptive Scheduling on Unrelated Machines with Rejections

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    When a computer system schedules jobs there is typically a significant cost associated with preempting a job during execution. This cost can be from the expensive task of saving the memory's state and loading data into and out of memory. It is desirable to schedule jobs non-preemptively to avoid the costs of preemption. There is a need for non-preemptive system schedulers on desktops, servers and data centers. Despite this need, there is a gap between theory and practice. Indeed, few non-preemptive \emph{online} schedulers are known to have strong foundational guarantees. This gap is likely due to strong lower bounds on any online algorithm for popular objectives. Indeed, typical worst case analysis approaches, and even resource augmented approaches such as speed augmentation, result in all algorithms having poor performance guarantees. This paper considers on-line non-preemptive scheduling problems in the worst-case rejection model where the algorithm is allowed to reject a small fraction of jobs. By rejecting only a few jobs, this paper shows that the strong lower bounds can be circumvented. This approach can be used to discover algorithmic scheduling policies with desirable worst-case guarantees. Specifically, the paper presents algorithms for the following two objectives: minimizing the total flow-time and minimizing the total weighted flow-time plus energy under the speed-scaling mechanism. The algorithms have a small constant competitive ratio while rejecting only a constant fraction of jobs. Beyond specific results, the paper asserts that alternative models beyond speed augmentation should be explored to aid in the discovery of good schedulers in the face of the requirement of being online and non-preemptive

    Smoothed Analysis of Selected Optimization Problems and Algorithms

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    Optimization problems arise in almost every field of economics, engineering, and science. Many of these problems are well-understood in theory and sophisticated algorithms exist to solve them efficiently in practice. Unfortunately, in many cases the theoretically most efficient algorithms perform poorly in practice. On the other hand, some algorithms are much faster than theory predicts. This discrepancy is a consequence of the pessimism inherent in the framework of worst-case analysis, the predominant analysis concept in theoretical computer science. We study selected optimization problems and algorithms in the framework of smoothed analysis in order to narrow the gap between theory and practice. In smoothed analysis, an adversary specifies the input, which is subsequently slightly perturbed at random. As one example we consider the successive shortest path algorithm for the minimumcost flow problem. While in the worst case the successive shortest path algorithm takes exponentially many steps to compute a minimum-cost flow, we show that its running time is polynomial in the smoothed setting. Another problem studied in this thesis is makespan minimization for scheduling with related machines. It seems to be unlikely that there exist fast algorithms to solve this problem exactly. This is why we consider three approximation algorithms: the jump algorithm, the lex-jump algorithm, and the list scheduling algorithm. In the worst case, the approximation guarantees of these algorithms depend on the number of machines. We show that there is no such dependence in smoothed analysis. We also apply smoothed analysis to multicriteria optimization problems. In particular, we consider integer optimization problems with several linear objectives that have to be simultaneously minimized. We derive a polynomial upper bound for the size of the set of Pareto-optimal solutions contrasting the exponential worst-case lower bound. As the icing on the cake we find that the insights gained from our smoothed analysis of the running time of the successive shortest path algorithm lead to the design of a randomized algorithm for finding short paths between two given vertices of a polyhedron. We see this result as an indication that, in future, smoothed analysis might also result in the development of fast algorithms.Optimierungsprobleme treten in allen wirtschaftlichen, naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Gebieten auf. Viele dieser Probleme sind ausführlich untersucht und aus praktischer Sicht effizient lösbar. Leider erweisen sich in vielen Fällen die theoretisch effizientesten Algorithmen in der Praxis als ungeeignet. Auf der anderen Seite sind einige Algorithmen viel schneller als die Theorie vorhersagt. Dieser scheinbare Widerspruch resultiert aus dem Pessimismus, der dem in der theoretischen Informatik vorherrschenden Analysekonzept, der Worst-Case-Analyse, innewohnt. Um die Lücke zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu verkleinern, untersuchen wir ausgewählte Optimierungsprobleme und Algorithmen auf gegnerisch vorgegebenen Instanzen, die durch ein leichtes Zufallsrauschen gestört werden. Solche perturbierten Instanzen bezeichnen wir als semi-zufällige Eingaben. Als Beispiel betrachten wir den Successive- Shortest-Path-Algorithmus für das Minimum-Cost-Flow-Problem. Während dieser Algorithmus imWorst Case exponentiell viele Schritte benötigt, um einen Minimum-Cost-Flow zu berechnen, zeigen wir, dass seine Laufzeit auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben polynomiell ist. Ein weiteres Problem, das wir in dieser Arbeit untersuchen, ist die Minimierung des Makespans für Scheduling auf unterschiedlich schnellen Maschinen. Es scheint, dass dieses Problem nicht effizient gelöst werden kann. Daher betrachten wir drei Approximationsalgorithmen: den Jump-, den Lex-Jump- und den List-Scheduling-Algorithmus. Im Worst Case hängt die Approximationsgüte dieser Algorithmen von der Anzahl der Maschinen ab. Wir zeigen, dass das auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben nicht der Fall ist. Des Weiteren betrachten wir ganzzahlige Optimierungsprobleme mit mehreren linearen Zielfunktionen, die simultan minimiert werden sollen. Wir leiten eine polynomielle obere Schranke für die Größe der Pareto-Menge auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben her, die im Gegensatz zu der exponentiellen unteren Worst-Case-Schranke steht. Mit den Erkenntnissen aus der Laufzeitanalyse des Successive-Shortest-Path-Algorithmus entwerfen wir einen randomisierten Algorithmus zur Bestimmung eines kurzen Pfades zwischen zwei gegebenen Ecken eines Polyeders. Wir betrachten dieses Ergebnis als ein Indiz dafür, dass in Zukunft Analysen auf semi-zufälligen Eingaben auch zu der Entwicklung schneller Algorithmen führen könnten

    Scheduling task dependence graphs with variable task execution times onto heterogeneous multiprocessors

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    ABSTRACT We present a statistical optimization approach for scheduling a task dependence graph with variable task execution times onto a heterogeneous multiprocessor system. Scheduling methods in the presence of variations typically rely on worst-case timing estimates for hard real-time applications, or average-case analysis for other applications. However, a large class of soft real-time applications require only statistical guarantees on latency and throughput. We present a general statistical model that captures the probability distributions of task execution times as well as the correlations of execution times of different tasks. We use a Monte Carlo based technique to perform makespan analysis of different schedules based on this model. This approach can be used to analyze the variability present in a variety of soft real-time applications, including a H.264 video processing application. We present two scheduling algorithms based on statistical makespan analysis. The first is a heuristic based on a critical path analysis of the task dependence graph. The other is a simulated annealing algorithm using incremental timing analysis. Both algorithms take as input the required statistical guarantee, and can thus be easily re-used for different required guarantees. We show that optimization methods based on statistical analysis show a 25-30% improvement in makespan over methods based on static worst-case analysis

    The robust single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release and processing times

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    In this work, we study the single machine scheduling problem with uncertain release times and processing times of jobs. We adopt a robust scheduling approach, in which the measure of robustness to be minimized for a given sequence of jobs is the worst-case objective function value from the set of all possible realizations of release and processing times. The objective function value is the total flow time of all jobs. We discuss some important properties of robust schedules for zero and non-zero release times, and illustrate the added complexity in robust scheduling given non-zero release times. We propose heuristics based on variable neighborhood search and iterated local search to solve the problem and generate robust schedules. The algorithms are tested and their solution performance is compared with optimal solutions or lower bounds through numerical experiments based on synthetic data
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