5 research outputs found

    Unapređenje EDAS metode višekriterijumskog odlučivanja u evaluaciji i rangiranju kadrova

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    Višekriterijumsko odlučivanje kao tema već neko vreme egzistira na naučnoj sceni, ali je poslednjih godina sve zastupljenije i postaje predmet brojnih istraživanja i sve šire primene. U ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji analizirane su oblasti upravljanja ljudskim resursima, osnove teorije odlučivanja i kriterijumi za izbor i rangiranje kandidata za rad u turističkoj privredi. Izvršena je i klasifikacija metoda višekriterijumske analize s osvrtom na primenu fuzzy i rough skupova u situacijama neodređenosti, neuređenosti i nesigurnosti. Analizirane su klasifikovane metode kako bi se došlo do najadekvatnije metode višekriterijumske analize za rangiranje studenata u smislu zadovoljenja specifičnih zahteva koji proističu iz projekta „Posredovanje u zapošlajvanju studenata“, skraćeno PUZS, odnosno iz baze podataka studenata i potreba donosilaca odluka iz turističke privrede. Detaljno je opisana metoda EDAS koja je izabrana kao pogodna za rad s velikim brojem alternativa i koja svojim pozitivnim PDA i negativnim NDA rastojanjima od srednje vrednosti daje bolji uvid u samu strukturu podataka. Na osnovu uočenih nedostataka koji su se pokazali tokom testiranja metode, a koji se odnose na veliki raspon vrednosti atributa po nekim kriterijumima uz istovremeno mali raspon vrenosti po nekim drugim kriterijumima, urađena je prva ekstenzija metode EDAS u EDAS+. Za rešavanje problema proizašlih iz zahteva poslodavaca, uveden je pojam intervalnih kriterijuma i izrađen je matematički model za transponovanje vrednosti u zadate okvire, kao i implementacija matematičkog modela u EDAS+, čime je dobijena nova ekstenzija EDAS metode – EDAS++. U disertaciji su klasifikovane metode za određivanje težinskih kriterijuma te metode za agregaciju rezultata kada je u pitanju grupno donošenje odluka

    The foundation of capability modelling : a study of the impact and utilisation of human resources

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    This research aims at finding a foundation for assessment of capabilities and applying the concept in a human resource selection. The research identifies a common ground for assessing individuals’ applied capability in a given job based on literature review of various disciplines in engineering, human sciences and economics. A set of criteria is found to be common and appropriate to be used as the basis of this assessment. Applied Capability is then described in this research as the impact of the person in fulfilling job requirements and also their level of usage from their resources with regards to the identified criteria. In other words how their available resources (abilities, skills, value sets, personal attributes and previous performance records) can be used in completing a job. Translation of the person’s resources and task requirements using the proposed criteria is done through a novel algorithm and two prevalent statistical inference techniques (OLS regression and Fuzzy) are used to estimate quantitative levels of impact and utilisation. A survey on post graduate students is conducted to estimate their applied capabilities in a given job. Moreover, expert academics are surveyed on their views on key applied capability assessment criteria, and how different levels of match between job requirement and person’s resources in those criteria might affect the impact levels. The results from both surveys were mathematically modelled and the predictive ability of the conceptual and mathematical developments were compared and further contrasted with the observed data. The models were tested for robustness using experimental data and the results for both estimation methods in both surveys are close to one another with the regression models being closer to observations. It is believed that this research has provided sound conceptual and mathematical platforms which can satisfactorily predict individuals’ applied capability in a given job. This research has contributed to the current knowledge and practice by a) providing a comparison of capability definitions and uses in different disciplines, b) defining criteria for applied capability assessment, c) developing an algorithm to capture applied capabilities, d) quantification of an existing parallel model and finally e) estimating impact and utilisation indices using mathematical methods.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo