163,400 research outputs found

    The Effect of Word of Mouth on Brand Image of a Popular Indonesian Donut Brand

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    A Brand must innovate to create a positive impression of consumers. When a consumer feels happy and satisfied with a product, the emotional impact will encourage loyalty and positive word of mouth will increase. The purpose of this research is to know how big influence of word of mouth to brand image of J.CO Donuts & Coffee. The independent variable (X) in this research is word of mouth and the dependent variable (Y) is brand image. This research uses quantitative method with descriptive and causal research type. This research was conducted on 75 respondents and used simple linear regression analysis and data processing using SPSS version 21. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, word of mouth has an influence on brand image J.CO. The results of determination coefficient word of mouth influence to brand image by 46,7%.      Keywords: brand image, word of mouth, marketing, business administratio

    Relationship Electronic Word of Mouth with College Image

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    Globalization in higher education has a direct impact on competition among universities in Indonesiawhich becomes keener. The competition motivates each university to continuously improve its quality. The existence of the Internet creates electronic communications and this is the beginning of the term Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM). Electronic word of mouth has become a phenomenon that is essential to the improvement of the image in a company / organization / institution. This study aims to identify and analyze the influence of someone's motivation who engaged in electronic word of mouth to enhance the image of the college. This research used quantitative method by analyzing the data using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). SEM is review the multivariate analysis of variables or using scale nominal / ratio. Research shows that people are motivated to do eWOM because positive self enhancement, to helping the company, and advice seeking. The findings suggest that eWOM positive and significant effect on the image of the college

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth Positif terhadap Keputusan Konsumen dalam Menggunakan Jasa Ella Skin Care dengan Perceived Quality sebagai Variabel Mediasi

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    Purpose of this research to analyze effect of positive word of mouth on consumer decision with perceived quality as mediation variable. Design research are survey. Population are consumer of Ella Skin Care. Samle used 50 consumer with convenience sampling. This type of data is qualitative data and quantitative data. Source of data used primary data and secondary Collected data technique use questionnaires, observation and documentation. Analysis technique used path analysis. The result showed positive word of mouth has significant effect on consumer decision. Positive word of mouth has significant effect on perceived quality. Positive word of mouth has significant effect on consumer decision with perceived quality as mediation variable

    Pеngaruh Nеgativе еLеctronic Word Of Mouth (Nеgativе еWom), Dissatisfaction, dan Variеty Sееking Tеrhadap Brand Switching (Studi pada Pеngguna Brand Sk-ii dalam Forum Fеmalе Daily)

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    This rеsеarch aims to tеst and еxplain thе influеncе of Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth (еWOM), Dissatisfaction, and Variеty Sееking on Brand Switching simultanеously and partially SK-II brand usеrs in Fеmalе Daily forum. Indеpеndеnt variablеs in this rеsеarch arе Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth (X1), Dissatisfaction (X2), and Variеty Sееking (X3). Dеpеndеnt variablе in this rеsеarch is Brand Switching (Y). This typе of rеsеarch usеd еxplanatory rеsеarch with a quantitativе approach. Thе sampling tеchniquе usеd purposivе sampling with a samplе of 200 customеrs of SK-II in Fеmalе Daily forum. Data collеction mеthod usеd quеstionnairе. Data analysis tеchniquеs usеd in this rеsеarch arе multiplе linеar rеgrеssion analysis. Kеywords: Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth, Dissatisfaction, Variеty Sееking, and Brand Switching АBSTRАK Pеnеlitian ini bеrtujuan mеnguji dan mеnjеlaskan pеngaruh sеcara simultan (bеrsama-sama) dan parsial Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth (Nеgativе еWOM), Dissatisfaction, dan Variеty Sееking tеrhadap Brand Switching pada pеngguna brans SK-II dalam forum Fеmalе Daily. Variabеl indеpеndеn pada pеnеlitian ini ialah Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth (X1), Dissatisfaction (X2), dan Variеty Sееking (X3). Variabеl dеpеndеn pada pеnеlitian ini ialah Brand Switching (Y). Jеnis pеnеlitian yang digunakan dalam pеnеlitian ini adalah pеnеlitian pеnjеlasan (еxplanatory rеsеarch) dеngan pеndеkatan kuantitatif. Tеknik pеngambilan sampеl yang digunakan adalah purposivе sampling dеngan sampеl 200 orang pеngguna brand SK-II yang pеrnah mеmbaca dan mеmbеrikan komеntarnya di forum Fеmalе Daily. Mеtodе pеngumpulan data yang digunakan ialah kuеsionеr. Tеknik analisis data yang digunakan pada pеnеlitian ini adalah analisis rеgrеsi liniеr bеrganda. Kаtа Kunci: Nеgativе Еlеctronic Word of Mouth, Dissatisfaction, Variеty Sееking, dan Brand Switchin

    Pengaruh Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Dan Kepuasan Konsumen (Studi Pada Konsumen Kober Mie Setan Jalan Simpang Soekarno-hatta Nomor 1-2 Malang)

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    This Research aims to determine: the effect of word of mouth on purchase decision, the effect of purchase decisionon consumer satisfaction, the effect of word of mouth on consumer satisfaction, and the effect of word of mouth on consumer satisfaction through the purchase decision. The type of research was explanatory research with quantitative approach. The participants of the research are the consumerwho are buy the Kober Mie Setan by word of mouth, with a total sample of 116 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling with the method of data collection using questionnaires. Descriptive analysis and path analysis were used in this study. The results of this study reveals that: word of mouth has direct and significantly effect on purchase decision, purchase decision has direct and significantly effect on consumer satisfaction, word of mouth has direct and significantly effect on consumer satisfaction, and word of mouth has significantly effect on consumer satisfaction through purchase decision as a mediator variable. Thus, Kober Mie Setan should maintain a positive image by improving the quality of their current menus, it should be able encourage consumers to establish the word of mouth. Kober Mie Setan should expand the networks through social media to create positive word of mouth in the community

    Pengaruh Electoronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Kepercayaan Dan Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Produk Fashion Followers аKun Instagram Erigostore)

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    This research aims to describe the effect of electronic word of mouth to trust, the effect of trust to the purchase decision the effect of electronic word of mouth to the purchase decision. This type of research is explanatory with quantitative approach. Variables in this research areelectronic word of mouth, trust, and purchase decision. Population in this research are the consuments fashion products of followers Instagram account Erigostore, who buy,were and know Eriostore products. Throught recommendations from other consumers.This research use 116 people as samples which are chosen by purposive sampling, and use questionnaire as data collection methods. This research also use descriptive analysis and path analysis methods to analyze the data.The result of path analysis shows that electronic word of mouth (X) has the significant influence to the trust (Y1) and purchase decision (Y2), Trust (Y1)has the significant purchase decision (Y2). Based on the results of this study, Erigostore should provide more detail information about the products offered, so it will increase the consumer trust, therefore bring electronic word of mouth among consumer. Keywоrds : Electtrоnic Wоrd оf Mоuth, Trust, Purchаse Decisiоn АBSTRАK Penelitiаn ini bertujuаn untuk menjelаskаn pengаruh electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth terhаdаp kepercаyааn, pengаruh kepercаyааn terhаdаp keputusаn pembeliаn, pengаruh electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth terhаdаp keputusаn pembeliаn. Jenis penelitiаn yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh explаnаtоry dengаn pendekаtаn kuаntitаtif. Vаriаbel dаlаm penelitiаn ini yаitu electrоnic wоrd оf mоuth, kepercаyааn, dаn keputusаn pembeliаn. Pоpulаsi penelitiаn ini аdаlаh Kоnsumen prоduk fаshiоn fоllоwers аkun Instаgrаm Erigоstоre yаng membeli, memаkаi prоduk Erigоstоre dаn mengetаhui prоduk Erigоstоre melаlui rekоmendаsi dаri kоnsumen lаin. Sаmpel yаng digunаkаn dаlаm penelitiаn ini sebаnyаk 116 respоnden yаng diаmbil dengаn menggunаkаn purpоsive sаmpling dаn metоde pengumpulаn dаtа menggunаkаn аngket. Аnаlisis dаtа yаng digunаkаn аdаlаh аnаlisis deskriptif dаn аnаlisis jаlur (pаth аnаlisis). Hasil analisis jalur (path analisis) menunjukkan bahwa electronic word of mouth (X) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepercayaan (Y1) dan keputusan pembelian (Y2), kepercayaan (Y1) berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian (Y2). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini sebaiknya Erigostore dapat memberikan informasi yang lebih detail mengenai produk yang ditawarkan untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk sehingga memunculkan electronic word of mouth antar konsumen. Kаtа Kunci: Electrоnic Wоrd оf Mоuth, Kepercаyааn, Keputusаn Pembeliа

    Penguatan Word of Mouth Melalui Strategi Internal Branding Di Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Indonesia

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    The purpose of this research is to generate a mapping the level of internal customer internalization of the PTS brands based on intellectual commitment and emotional commitment, as well as its influence on the power of WOM. The sample used is PTS' lecturer in Jakarta area as internal customer. Measurement of brand internalization in this research through the assessment of intellectual commitment, and emotional commitment of lecturers to PTS' brand. Data were collected through answers from questionnaires containing sample opinions on research variables. While the model of the influence of intellectual commitment and emotional commitment to WOM is done by using the model of Structural Equation Model (SEM) processed using the PLS program. The result of this research concludes that the lecturer is in the segment of brand activist. Another result of this research is intellectual commitment and emotional commitment are statistically significant influence on WOM. So that the WOM strength of the lecturer, can be built through the improvement of brand understanding, brand trust and brand delivery lecturers

    Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth Terhadap Citra Destinasi Serta Dampaknya Pada Minat Dan Keputusan Berkunjung (Survei Pada Followers Aktif Akun Instagram Indtravel Yang Telah Mengunjungi Destinasi Wisata Di Indonesia)

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    The development of information and communication technology growing rapidly can be used to introduce Indonesian tourism brand. One way to introduce these brands is through electronic word of mouth on travelers using instagram. Electronic word of mouth communication is recognized can attach destination image on tourists minds so that can provoke the tourist interest and decision to visit tourism destination. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of electronic word of mouth on the destination image of tourism and its impact on the interest and visit decision. Survey was conducted on 113 active followers of Indtravel instagram account. Analysis were performed using descriptive analysis and path analysis. The result of this study indicate that Electronic Word of Mouth is significantly effect on destination Image, Electronic Word of Mouth is significantly effect on Visit Intention, Electronic Word of Mouth is not significantly effect on Visit Decision, destination Image is significantly effect on Visit Intention, destination Image is not significanly effect on Visit Decision and Visit Intention is significantly effect on Visit Decision. This study found that electronic word of mouth through social media instagram is one effective way to form destination Image and to make visit decision

    Pengaruh Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada USAha Mie Ayam Pak Agus Di Kota Batu

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    The research objective was to determine the influence of communication Word Of Mouth (WOM) onconsumer purchasing decisions at Pak Agus chicken noodle products in Batu city. The method usedwas a survey. The dependent variable was purchase decision and the independent variable was Wordof Mouth Communication. Respondents were consumers who make repeat purchases in chicken noodlePak Agus least three times, as many as 100 people. Sampling technique used purposive sampling.Data collection was using questionnaires. Analysis tool used was a simple linear regression. Theresults showed the positive influential among variables Word Of Mouth (WOM) on Purchase Decisionwhich was supported by 77.2% contribution. It meant that all consumers who buy chickennoodle were 77.2% influenced by the communication word of mouth