32,115 research outputs found

    The Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner: Interpreting Scenes, Words, and Sentences From Natural Supervision

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    We propose the Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner (NS-CL), a model that learns visual concepts, words, and semantic parsing of sentences without explicit supervision on any of them; instead, our model learns by simply looking at images and reading paired questions and answers. Our model builds an object-based scene representation and translates sentences into executable, symbolic programs. To bridge the learning of two modules, we use a neuro-symbolic reasoning module that executes these programs on the latent scene representation. Analogical to human concept learning, the perception module learns visual concepts based on the language description of the object being referred to. Meanwhile, the learned visual concepts facilitate learning new words and parsing new sentences. We use curriculum learning to guide the searching over the large compositional space of images and language. Extensive experiments demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our model on learning visual concepts, word representations, and semantic parsing of sentences. Further, our method allows easy generalization to new object attributes, compositions, language concepts, scenes and questions, and even new program domains. It also empowers applications including visual question answering and bidirectional image-text retrieval.Comment: ICLR 2019 (Oral). Project page: http://nscl.csail.mit.edu


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    Membaca autobiografi adalah membaca suatu peristiwa, memori dan kenangan yang dituliskan oleh pengarang tentang dirinya sendiri. Persitiwa- peristiwa tersebut lebih banyak mengabarkan tentang sebuah kebenaran subjektif daripada fakta yang sebenarnya. Itu dikarenakan pengarang sebagai subjek yang membaca masa lalunya menjadi tokoh utama dalam autobiografi. Hal ini dapat dikaji dan dibuktikan melalui beberapa aspek di dalam autobiografi. Ruang lingkup dari tulisan ini adalah bagaimana narrator dalam menarasikan cerita dapat membangun wacana dan berbicara langsung dengan narratee. Pengalaman- pengalaman yang diceritakan oleh narrator, identitas yang ditampilkan dan juga peran editor di dalam pembuatan autobiografi. Adapun tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk mengimplementasikan teori Reading Autobiography yang digunakan untuk menganalisis The Story of My Life yang merupakan autobiografi dari Helen Keller. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan dan metode pendekatan teori membaca autobiografi. Metode yang pertama digunakan untuk mengumpul data dan informasi dari sumber-sumber kepustakaan yang mendukung pembahasan. Metode yang kedua digunakan sebagai acuan utama dalam menganalisis aspek yang dominan dalam autobiografi. Hasil dari analisis menunjukkan bahwa teknik penceritaan yang digunakan oleh pengarang sangat mengesankan, baik dalam segi penceritaan “aku”, ideologi maupun konsep yang dimiliki banyak memproyeksikan tokoh sebagai tokoh yang sempurna secara fisik. Begitu juga pengalaman yang dialami tokoh sengaja dipilihkan pengalaman yang istimewa Selain itu, identitas yang ditampilkan oleh pengarang bertujuan mengkonstruksikan kesan dirinya seabagai pribadi yang baik kepada pembaca. Di samping itu, adanya peran John Macy sebagai editor di dalam pembuatan autobiografi adalah untuk kepentingan sosial. Hal ini dikarenakan John Macy membantu memproyeksikan Helen Keller sebagai tokoh utama yang hampir sempurna walau dengan keterbatasan fisik. Dia juga mampu membantu Helen dalam mengklarifikasi isu negatif yang berkembang pada masa itu


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    One of language functions is to express someone’s feeling to others. This accomodates good and bad condition experienced when people are interacting with others. Good experiencesare usually represented by acceptable expression in all situation and people. On the otherhand, people also sometimes have to deal with condition in which they do not feel happy with. Language, then, is used to accomodate that bad experience in the form of usingdeictical expression, especially person deixis. Then, this deixis is classified as one type ofharse languages and apperars in the use of addressee system in language. Harse languageexpressing addressee system in Javanese language is practiced in daily life and in various scales of usage. The use and form of this addressee system differ from the standard one. Atleast, there are seven representations of addressee system in harse language, namelyreplacing person’s name by animal, by kind of occupation, by mentioning abnormal part ofbody, by words expressing retarded menta, by using racis or classis words, and by spiritualcreature. These addressee systems also indicate social functions. There are four functions ofaddressee, they are indicating respect to someone being addressed, showing solidarity among members of community, expressing inconvenient feelings, and insulting otherpersons

    Reading Globalization from the Margin: The Case of Abdullah Munshi

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    In this essay I argue that the global perspective, established in the era of modernEuropean imperialism, is given institutional expression as a way of seeing that is engaged—both by ruler and ruled— as the frame of adequate representation. Briefly outlining how this frame operates in historical and cultural studies today, I examine its deployment in mid-nineteenth-century Melaka and Singapore through a reading of the Hikayat Abdullah, a seminal Malay-language text composed by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir. Although Abdullah self-consciously sets about reproducing the global perspective, I show how this mode of thematization is interrupted and displaced as it brings about an encounter between the diverse and uneven contexts of the native and European worlds

    Textual criticism

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    Examining polytechnic students' metacognitive reading strategies using think-aloud protocols analysis

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    Text comprehension is the essence of reading. It plays a vital role in learning especially in the acquisition, sharing, and construction of knowledge. Many researchers have highlighted that metacognitive strategies are critically important aspects of skilled reading. Metacognition is basically referred to thinking about thinking. In the field of reading, metacognitive reading strategies are those activities that make readers aware of their thinking as they engage in reading tasks. Since reading is a cognitive enterprise, readers must apply metacognitive knowledge and must invoke conscious and deliberate strategies in order to achieve comprehension of text successfully. In this study, we will present the findings of the research which concentrate on metacognitive reading strategies used by students of Politeknik Kuching Sarawak when reading English texts. From the think aloud analysis, it was revealed that comprehension problems are the result of the students’ limited strategy repertoires and poor strategy choice and comprehension monitoring. From the results of the study, we concluded that teaching metacognitive reading strategies should be taken into account in developing students’ reading comprehension

    What is the anthropology of writing?

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    Colonialism and Malay masculinity: Malay satire as observed in the novel Kawin-Kawin

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    This article evaluates the novel Kawin-Kawin as a satire, and as a mode for forming social criticism on Malay society. An assessment of such a genre must consider the target audience and the Islamic cultural context of the novel. The discussion seeks to identify male domination that through legal frameworks such as the mut’ah, and reduces women to objects of male sexual pleasure. The reading of cultural domination includes what may perhaps be considered a postcolonial analysis of notions of hegemonic masculinity, and of colonialism pertaining to Malay writings. Both notions share similarities in their functions and effects on marginalized groups and are debated under the categories of Islam and women. The discussion concludes with an evaluation of the literariness of Malay writings and the need for their detachment from Western literary frameworks if they are to break away from lingering aspects of colonialis
