21 research outputs found

    WoLF Ant

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    Ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithms can generate quality solutions to combinatorial optimization problems. However, like many stochastic algorithms, the quality of solutions worsen as problem sizes grow. In an effort to increase performance, we added the variable step size off-policy hill-climbing algorithm called PDWoLF (Policy Dynamics Win or Learn Fast) to several ant colony algorithms: Ant System, Ant Colony System, Elitist-Ant System, Rank-based Ant System, and Max-Min Ant System. Easily integrated into each ACO algorithm, the PDWoLF component maintains a set of policies separate from the ant colony\u27s pheromone. Similar to pheromone but with different update rules, the PDWoLF policies provide a second estimation of solution quality and guide the construction of solutions. Experiments on large traveling salesman problems (TSPs) show that incorporating PDWoLF with the aforementioned ACO algorithms that do not make use of local optimizations produces shorter tours than the ACO algorithms alone

    A Unified Framework for Solving Multiagent Task Assignment Problems

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    Multiagent task assignment problem descriptors do not fully represent the complex interactions in a multiagent domain, and algorithmic solutions vary widely depending on how the domain is represented. This issue is compounded as related research fields contain descriptors that similarly describe multiagent task assignment problems, including complex domain interactions, but generally do not provide the mechanisms needed to solve the multiagent aspect of task assignment. This research presents a unified approach to representing and solving the multiagent task assignment problem for complex problem domains. Ideas central to multiagent task allocation, project scheduling, constraint satisfaction, and coalition formation are combined to form the basis of the constrained multiagent task scheduling (CMTS) problem. Basic analysis reveals the exponential size of the solution space for a CMTS problem, approximated by O(2n(m+n)) based on the number of agents and tasks involved in a problem. The shape of the solution space is shown to contain numerous discontinuous regions due to the complexities involved in relational constraints defined between agents and tasks. The CMTS descriptor represents a wide range of classical and modern problems, such as job shop scheduling, the traveling salesman problem, vehicle routing, and cooperative multi-object tracking. Problems using the CMTS representation are solvable by a suite of algorithms, with varying degrees of suitability. Solution generating methods range from simple random scheduling to state-of-the-art biologically inspired approaches. Techniques from classical task assignment solvers are extended to handle multiagent task problems where agents can also multitask. Additional ideas are incorporated from constraint satisfaction, project scheduling, evolutionary algorithms, dynamic coalition formation, auctioning, and behavior-based robotics to highlight how different solution generation strategies apply to the complex problem space

    Hybrid Software Reliability Model for Big Fault Data and Selection of Best Optimizer Using an Estimation Accuracy Function

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    Software reliability analysis has come to the forefront of academia as software applications have grown in size and complexity. Traditionally, methods have focused on minimizing coding errors to guarantee analytic tractability. This causes the estimations to be overly optimistic when using these models. However, it is important to take into account non-software factors, such as human error and hardware failure, in addition to software faults to get reliable estimations. In this research, we examine how big data systems' peculiarities and the need for specialized hardware led to the creation of a hybrid model. We used statistical and soft computing approaches to determine values for the model's parameters, and we explored five criteria values in an effort to identify the most useful method of parameter evaluation for big data systems. For this purpose, we conduct a case study analysis of software failure data from four actual projects. In order to do a comparison, we used the precision of the estimation function for the results. Particle swarm optimization was shown to be the most effective optimization method for the hybrid model constructed with the use of large-scale fault data

    White learning methodology: a case study of cancer-related disease factors analysis in real-time PACS environment

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    Bayesian network is a probabilistic model of which the prediction accuracy may not be one of the highest in the machine learning family. Deep learning (DL) on the other hand possess of higher predictive power than many other models. How reliable the result is, how it is deduced, how interpretable the prediction by DL mean to users, remain obscure. DL functions like a black box. As a result, many medical practitioners are reductant to use deep learning as the only tool for critical machine learning application, such as aiding tool for cancer diagnosis. In this paper, a framework of white learning is being proposed which takes advantages of both black box learning and white box learning. Usually, black box learning will give a high standard of accuracy and white box learning will provide an explainable direct acyclic graph. According to our design, there are 3 stages of White Learning, loosely coupled WL, semi coupled WL and tightly coupled WL based on degree of fusion of the white box learning and black box learning. In our design, a case of loosely coupled WL is tested on breast cancer dataset. This approach uses deep learning and an incremental version of Naïve Bayes network. White learning is largely defied as a systemic fusion of machine learning models which result in an explainable Bayes network which could find out the hidden relations between features and class and deep learning which would give a higher accuracy of prediction than other algorithms. We designed a series of experiments for this loosely coupled WL model. The simulation results show that using WL compared to standard black-box deep learning, the levels of accuracy and kappa statistics could be enhanced up to 50%. The performance of WL seems more stable too in extreme conditions such as noise and high dimensional data. The relations by Bayesian network of WL are more concise and stronger in affinity too. The experiments results deliver positive signals that WL is possible to output both high classification accuracy and explainable relations graph between features and class. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2020. Published by Elsevier B.V.

    Mustang Daily, October 16, 2000

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    Student newspaper of California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA.https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/studentnewspaper/6638/thumbnail.jp

    The Effect of Modality Preference on Reading and Listening Comprehension

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    The effect of modality preference on the reading and listening comprehension of fifty-three fourth graders was studied by comparing the results from two modality preference tests with the scores from reading and listening tasks, which included multiple-choice questions on the literal and inferential levels. Data indicated that modality preference did not affect reading and listening comprehension, and there was no difference in the scores of the four modality preference groups when reading and listening. On the literal level, listening scores were better than reading scores; there were no differences on the inferential level and the total of literal and inferential level. Students and their teachers were not aware of slight differences in reading and listening performance

    Parallelization of Ant Colony Optimization via Area of Expertise Learning

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    Ant colony optimization algorithms have long been touted as providing an effective and efficient means of generating high quality solutions to NP-hard optimization problems. Unfortunately, while the structure of the algorithm is easy to parallelize, the nature and amount of communication required for parallel execution has meant that parallel implementations developed suffer from decreased solution quality, slower runtime performance, or both. This thesis explores a new strategy for ant colony parallelization that involves Area of Expertise (AOE) learning. The AOE concept is based on the idea that individual agents tend to gain knowledge of different areas of the search space when left to their own devices. After developing a sense of their own expertness on a portion of the problem domain, agents share information and incorporate knowledge from other agents without having to experience it first-hand. This thesis shows that when incorporated within parallel ACO and applied to multi-objective environments such as a gridworld, the use of AOE learning can be an effective and efficient means of coordinating the efforts of multiple ant colony agents working in tandem, resulting in increased performance. Based on the success of the AOE/ACO combination in gridworld, a similar configuration is applied to the single objective traveling salesman problem. Yet while it was hoped that AOE learning would allow for a fast and beneficial sharing of knowledge between colonies, this goal was not achieved, despite the efforts detailed within. The reason for this lack of performance is due to the nature of the TSP, whose single objective landscape discourages colonies from learning unique portions of the search space. Without this specialization, AOE was found to make parallel ACO faster than the use of a single large colony but less efficient than multiple independent colonies


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    Biological control, using introduced, specialist insects is a common strategy for controlling plant invasions. However, the efficacy of biological control agents in controlling their host plants is rarely quantified population level. I quantified the impact of a specialist biological control agent, the cinnabar moth (Tyria jacobaeae) on its host plant, tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) in northwest Montana. Cinnabar moth damage and its effects on important plant vital rates were tested with and without specialist herbivores. The presence of moth larvae corresponded to a reduction in population growth rates to less than one, compared to herbivore-free controls, indicating the potential for successful biological control by this insect. However, delayed effects of cinnabar moth herbivory on tansy ragwort vital rates were realized during the year following moth herbivory, after the moths had disappeared from the system. Individual damage to flowering plants in 2005 led to increased survival of these plants in the following year compared to controls, by reverting back to a vegetative state. In addition, seed set was reduced in plants that were damaged as juvenile rosettes in 2005 that went on to flower in 2006. When these delayed effects were combined in matrix models, gains in adult survival did not outweigh the decreases in fecundity or transition rates in terms of population growth and our initial conclusions remained unchanged. However, further study revealed that moth larvae were more likely to be depredated by carpenter ants in xeric sites suggesting that moth populations may not be sustained in these areas. Cinnabar moth larvae can be effective in this system provided they consume a large number of seeds (\u3e90%) in consecutive years, but requires that moth populations are established and sustained from year to year. While herbivores do show the ability to control an invasive plant species, this relationship is strongly contextual in this system. This work emphasizes the importance of recognizing the influence of habitat context on the outcome plant-herbivore interactions, specifically in invaded ecosystems

    A new path planning strategy integrating improved ACO and DWA algorithms for mobile robots in dynamic environments

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    This article is concerned with the path planning of mobile robots in dynamic environments. A new path planning strategy is proposed by integrating the improved ant colony optimization (ACO) and dynamic window approach (DWA) algorithms. An improved ACO is developed to produce a globally optimal path for mobile robots in static environments. Through improvements in the initialization of pheromones, heuristic function, and updating of pheromones, the improved ACO can lead to a shorter path with fewer turning points in fewer iterations. Based on the globally optimal path, a modified DWA is presented for the path planning of mobile robots in dynamic environments. By deleting the redundant nodes, optimizing the initial orientation, and improving the evaluation function, the modified DWA can result in a more efficient path for mobile robots to avoid moving obstacles. Some simulations are conducted in different environments, which confirm the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed path planning algorithms