21 research outputs found

    On Evaluating the Performance Impact of the IEEE 802.15.4 Security Sub-layer

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    Nowadays, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in a wide range of application scenarios ranging from structural monitoring to health-care, from surveillance to industrial automation. Most of these applications require forms of secure communication. On the other hand, security has a cost in terms of reduced performance. In this paper we refer to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and investigate the impact of the 802.15.4 security sub-layer on the WSN performance. Specifically, we analyze the impact that security mechanisms and options, as provided by the standard, have on the overall WSN performance, in terms of latency, goodput, and energy consumption. To this end, we develop an analytical model and a security enabled simulator. We also use a real testbed, based on a complete open-source implementation of the standard, to validate simulation and analytical results, as well as to better understand the limits of the current WSN technology

    Towards reliable communication in low-power wireless body area networks

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    Es wird zunehmend die Ansicht vertreten, dass tragbare Computer und Sensoren neue Anwendungen in den Bereichen Gesundheitswesen, personalisierte Fitness oder erweiterte RealitĂ€t ermöglichen werden. Die am Körper getragenen GerĂ€te sind dabei mithilfe eines Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) verbunden, d.h. es wird drahtlose Kommunikation statt eines drahtgebundenen Kanals eingesetzt. Der drahtlose Kanal ist jedoch typischerweise ein eher instabiles Kommunikationsmedium und die Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs sind besonders schwierig: Einerseits wird die KanalqualitĂ€t stark von den physischen Bewegungen der Person beeinflusst, andererseits werden WBANs hĂ€ufig in lizenzfreien FunkbĂ€ndern eingesetzt und sind daher Störungen von anderen drahtlosen GerĂ€ten ausgesetzt. Oft benötigen WBAN Anwendungen aber eine zuverlĂ€ssige DatenĂŒbertragung. Das erste Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis dafĂŒr zu schaffen, wie sich die spezifischen Einsatzbedingungen von WBANs auf die intra-WBAN Kommunikation auswirken. So wird zum Beispiel analysiert, welchen Einfluss die Platzierung der GerĂ€te auf der OberflĂ€che des menschlichen Körpers und die MobilitĂ€t des Benutzers haben. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass wĂ€hrend regelmĂ€ĂŸiger AktivitĂ€ten wie Laufen die empfangene SignalstĂ€rke stark schwankt, gleichzeitig aber SignalstĂ€rke-Spitzen oft einem regulĂ€ren Muster folgen. Außerdem wird gezeigt, dass in urbanen Umgebungen die Effekte von 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) Interferenz im Vergleich zu den Auswirkungen von fading (Schwankungen der empfangenen SignalstĂ€rke) eher gering sind. Allerdings fĂŒhrt RF Interferenz dazu, dass hĂ€ufiger BĂŒndelfehler auftreten, d.h. Fehler zeitlich korrelieren. Dies kann insbesondere in Anwendungen, die eine geringe Übertragungslatenz benötigen, problematisch sein. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Analyse von Verfahren, die potentiell die ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Kommunikation in WBANs erhöhen, ohne dass wesentlich mehr Energie verbraucht wird. ZunĂ€chst wird der Trade-off zwischen Übertragungslatenz und der ZuverlĂ€ssigkeit der Kommunikation analysiert. Diese Analyse basiert auf einem neuen Paket-Scheduling Algorithmus, der einen Beschleunigungssensor nutzt, um die WBAN Kommunikation auf die physischen Bewegungen der Person abzustimmen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass unzuverlĂ€ssige Kommunikationsverbindungen oft zuverlĂ€ssig werden, wenn Pakete wĂ€hrend vorhergesagter SignalstĂ€rke-Spitzen gesendet werden. Ferner wird analysiert, inwiefern die Robustheit gegen 2.4 GHz RF Interferenz verbessert werden kann. Dazu werden zwei Verfahren betrachtet: Ein bereits existierendes Verfahren, das periodisch einen Wechsel der Übertragungsfrequenz durchfĂŒhrt (channel hopping) und ein neues Verfahren, das durch RF Interferenz entstandene Bitfehler reparieren kann, indem der Inhalt mehrerer fehlerhafter Pakete kombiniert wird (packet combining). Eine Schlussfolgerung ist, dass FrequenzdiversitĂ€t zwar das Auftreten von BĂŒndelfehlern reduzieren kann, dass jedoch die statische Auswahl eines Kanals am oberen Ende des 2.4 GHz Bandes hĂ€ufig schon eine akzeptable Abhilfe gegen RF Interferenz darstellt.There is a growing belief that wearable computers and sensors will enable new applications in areas such as healthcare, personal fitness or augmented reality. The devices are attached to a person and connected through a Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), which replaces the wires of traditional monitoring systems by wireless communication. This comes, however, at the cost of turning a reliable communication channel into an unreliable one. The wireless channel is typically a rather unstable medium for communication and the conditions under which WBANs have to operate are particularly harsh: not only is the channel strongly influenced by the movements of the person, but WBANs also often operate in unlicensed frequency bands and may therefore be exposed to a significant amount of interference from other wireless devices. Yet, many envisioned WBAN applications require reliable data transmission. The goals of this thesis are twofold: first, we aim at establishing a better understanding of how the specific WBAN operating conditions, such as node placement on the human body surface and user mobility, impact intra-WBAN communication. We show that during periodic activities like walking the received signal strength on an on-body communication link fluctuates strongly, but signal strength peaks often follow a regular pattern. Furthermore, we find that in comparison to the effects of fading 2.4 GHz Radio Frequency (RF) interference causes relatively little packet loss - however, urban 2.4 GHz RF noise is bursty (correlated in time), which may be problematic for applications with low latency bounds. The second goal of this thesis is to analyze how communication reliability in WBANs can be improved without sacrificing a significant amount of additional energy. To this end, we first explore the trade-off between communication latency and communication reliability. This analysis is based on a novel packet scheduling algorithm, which makes use of an accelerometer to couple WBAN communication with the movement patterns of the user. The analysis shows that unreliable links can often be made reliable if packets are transmitted at predicted signal strength peaks. In addition, we analyze to what extent two mechanisms can improve robustness against 2.4 GHz RF interference when adopted in a WBAN context: we analyze the benefits of channel hopping, and we examine how the packet retransmission process can be made more efficient by using a novel packet combining algorithm that allows to repair packets corrupted by RF interference. One of the conclusions is that while frequency agility may decrease "burstiness" of errors the static selection of a channel at the upper end of the 2.4 GHz band often already represents a good remedy against RF interference

    To overhear or not to overhear: a dilemma between network coding gain and energy consumption in multi-hop wireless networks

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    Any properly designed network coding technique can result in increased throughput and reliability of multi-hop wireless networks by taking advantage of the broadcast nature of wireless medium. In many inter-flow network coding schemes nodes are encouraged to overhear neighbour’s traffic in order to improve coding opportunities at the transmitter nodes. A study of these schemes reveal that some of the overheard packets are not useful for coding operation and thus this forced overhearing increases energy consumption dramatically. In this paper, we formulate network coding aware sleep/wakeup scheduling as a semi Markov decision process (SMDP) that leads to an optimal node operation. In the proposed solution for SMDP, the network nodes learn when to switch off their transceiver in order to conserve energy and when to stay awake to overhear some useful packets. One of the main challenges..

    A decade of detailed observations (2008-2018) in steep bedrock permafrost at the Matterhorn Hörnligrat (Zermatt, CH)

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    The PermaSense project is an ongoing interdisciplinary effort between geo-science and engineering disciplines and started in 2006 with the goals of realizing observations that previously have not been possible. Specifically, the aims are to obtain measurements in unprecedented quantity and quality based on technological advances. This paper describes a unique >10-year data record obtained from in situ measurements in steep bedrock permafrost in an Alpine environment on the Matterhorn Hörnligrat, Zermatt, Switzerland, at 3500ma:s:l. Through the utilization of state-of-the-art wireless sensor technology it was possible to obtain more data of higher quality, make these data available in near real time and tightly monitor and control the running experiments. This data set (https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.897640,Weber et al., 2019a) constitutes the longest, densest and most diverse data record in the history of mountain permafrost research worldwide with 17 different sensor types used at 29 distinct sensor locations consisting of over 114.5 million data points captured over a period of 10 or more years. By documenting and sharing these data in this form we contribute to making our past research reproducible and facilitate future research based on these data, e.g., in the areas of analysis methodology, comparative studies, assessment of change in the environment, natural hazard warning and the development of process models. Finally, the cross-validation of four different data types clearly indicates the dominance of thawing-related kinematics

    Self-Evaluation Applied Mathematics 2003-2008 University of Twente

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    This report contains the self-study for the research assessment of the Department of Applied Mathematics (AM) of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at the University of Twente (UT). The report provides the information for the Research Assessment Committee for Applied Mathematics, dealing with mathematical sciences at the three universities of technology in the Netherlands. It describes the state of affairs pertaining to the period 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2008

    Application-driven data processing in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are composed of spatially distributed, low-cost, low-power, resource-constrained devices using sensors and actuators to cooperatively monitor and operate into the environment. These systems are being used in a wide range of applications. The design and implementation of an effective WSN requires dealing with several challenges involving multiple disciplines, such as wireless communications and networking, software engineering, embedded systems and signal processing. Besides, the technical solutions found to these issues are closely interconnected and determine the capability of the system to successfully fulfill the requirements posed by each application domain. The large and heterogeneous amount of data collected in a WSN need to be efficiently processed in order to improve the end-user comprehension and control of the observed phenomena. The thesis focuses on a) the development of centralized and distributed data processing methods optimized for the requirements and characteristics of the considered application domains, and b) the design and implementation of suitable system architectures and protocols with respect to critical application-specific parameters. The thesis comprehends a summary and nine publications, equally divided over three different application domains, i.e. wireless automation, structural health monitoring (SHM) and indoor situation awareness (InSitA). In the first one, a wireless joystick control system for human adaptive mechatronics is developed. Also, the effect of packet losses on the performance of a wireless control system is analyzed and validated with an unstable process. A remotely reconfigurable, time synchronized wireless system for SHM enables a precise estimation of the modal properties of the monitored structure. Furthermore, structural damages are detected and localized through a distributed data processing method based on the Goertzel algorithm. In the context of InSitA, the short-time, low quality acoustic signals collected by the nodes composing the network are processed in order to estimate the number of people located in the monitored indoor environment. In a second phase, text- and language-independent speaker identification is performed. Finally, device-free localization and tracking of the movements of people inside the monitored indoor environment is achieved by means of distributed processing of the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI) signals. The results presented in the thesis demonstrate the adaptability of WSNs to different application domains and the importance of an optimal co-design of the system architecture and data processing methods

    Congestion and medium access control in 6LoWPAN WSN

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    In computer networks, congestion is a condition in which one or more egressinterfaces are offered more packets than are forwarded at any given instant [1]. In wireless sensor networks, congestion can cause a number of problems including packet loss, lower throughput and poor energy efficiency. These problems can potentially result in a reduced deployment lifetime and underperforming applications. Moreover, idle radio listening is a major source of energy consumption therefore low-power wireless devices must keep their radio transceivers off to maximise their battery lifetime. In order to minimise energy consumption and thus maximise the lifetime of wireless sensor networks, the research community has made significant efforts towards power saving medium access control protocols with Radio Duty Cycling. However, careful study of previous work reveals that radio duty cycle schemes are often neglected during the design and evaluation of congestion control algorithms. This thesis argues that the presence (or lack) of radio duty cycle can drastically influence the performance of congestion control mechanisms. To investigate if previous findings regarding congestion control are still applicable in IPv6 over low power wireless personal area and duty cycling networks; some of the most commonly used congestion detection algorithms are evaluated through simulations. The research aims to develop duty cycle aware congestion control schemes for IPv6 over low power wireless personal area networks. The proposed schemes must be able to maximise the networks goodput, while minimising packet loss, energy consumption and packet delay. Two congestion control schemes, namely DCCC6 (Duty Cycle-Aware Congestion Control for 6LoWPAN Networks) and CADC (Congestion Aware Duty Cycle MAC) are proposed to realise this claim. DCCC6 performs congestion detection based on a dynamic buffer. When congestion occurs, parent nodes will inform the nodes contributing to congestion and rates will be readjusted based on a new rate adaptation scheme aiming for local fairness. The child notification procedure is decided by DCCC6 and will be different when the network is duty cycling. When the network is duty cycling the child notification will be made through unicast frames. On the contrary broadcast frames will be used for congestion notification when the network is not duty cycling. Simulation and test-bed experiments have shown that DCCC6 achieved higher goodput and lower packet loss than previous works. Moreover, simulations show that DCCC6 maintained low energy consumption, with average delay times while it achieved a high degree of fairness. CADC, uses a new mechanism for duty cycle adaptation that reacts quickly to changing traffic loads and patterns. CADC is the first dynamic duty cycle pro- tocol implemented in Contiki Operating system (OS) as well as one of the first schemes designed based on the arbitrary traffic characteristics of IPv6 wireless sensor networks. Furthermore, CADC is designed as a stand alone medium access control scheme and thus it can easily be transfered to any wireless sensor network architecture. Additionally, CADC does not require any time synchronisation algorithms to operate at the nodes and does not use any additional packets for the exchange of information between the nodes (For example no overhead). In this research, 10000 simulation experiments and 700 test-bed experiments have been conducted for the evaluation of CADC. These experiments demonstrate that CADC can successfully adapt its cycle based on traffic patterns in every traffic scenario. Moreover, CADC consistently achieved the lowest energy consumption, very low packet delay times and packet loss, while its goodput performance was better than other dynamic duty cycle protocols and similar to the highest goodput observed among static duty cycle configurations