7 research outputs found

    THz in biology and medicine: toward quantifying and understanding the interaction of millimeter- and submillimeter-waves with cells and cell processes

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    As the application and commercial use of millimeter- and submillimeter-wavelength radiation become more widespread, there is a growing need to understand and quantify both the coupling mechanisms and the impact of this long wavelength energy on biological function. Independent of the health impact of high doses of radio frequency (RF) energy on full organisms, which has been extensively investigated, there exists the potential for more subtle effects, which can best be quantified in studies which examine real-time changes in cellular functions as RF energy is applied. In this paper we present the first real time examination of RF induced changes in cellular activity at absorbed power levels well below the existing safe exposure limits. Fluorescence microscopy imaging of immortalized epithelial and neuronal cells in vitro indicate increased cellular membrane permeability and nanoporation after short term exposure to modest levels (10-50 mW/cm2) of RF power at 60 GHz. Sensitive patch clamp measurements on pyramidal neurons in cortical slices of neonatal rats showed a dramatic increase in cellular membrane permeability resulting either in suppression or facilitation of neuronal activity during exposure to sub-μW/cm2 of RF power at 60 GHz. Non-invasive modulation of neuronal activity could prove useful in a variety of health applications from suppression of peripheral neuropathic pain to treatment of central neurological disorders

    Performance analysis of H.264 encoder for high-definition video transmission over ultra-wideband communication link.

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    With the technological advancement, entertainment has become revolutionized and the High-definition (HD) video has become a common feature of our modern amusement devices. Moreover, the demand for wireless transmission of HD video is rising increasingly for its ubiquitous nature, easy installation and relocation. The high bandwidth requirement is the main concern for wireless transmission of high quality video streams. Research has been going on by the consumer electronics industry to provide different solutions of this issue, for the last few years. In this research work, HD video transmission feasibility using the Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication channel is analyzed. The UWB channel is selected for its short-range, high-speed data transmission capability at low-cost, and low-power consumption. The maximum transmitting range of this technology is about 10 m at 100 Mbps data rate. Simulation is conducted by controlling key parameters, such as, in-loop deblocking filter, group of pictures, and quantization parameter of an H.264/AVC encoder. Here, standard HD video streams with different motion characteristics are used, and the impact of these parameters change on the reconstructed video quality and the broadcasting data rate are analyzed. Finally, a generalized parameters settings, and a video content dependent settings for an H.264/AVC encoder are proposed for different bandwidth requirements, as well as acceptable video quality. Performance evaluation of these parameters settings is performed, and the results are quite satisfactory as long as the symbol energy to noise power density ratio, Es/No, is above 15. With the proposed parameters settings, maximum 20 Mbps data rate is achieved with 33.5 dB Y-PSNR

    Social, Private, and Trusted Wearable Technology under Cloud-Aided Intermittent Wireless Connectivity

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    There has been an unprecedented increase in the use of smart devices globally, together with novel forms of communication, computing, and control technologies that have paved the way for a new category of devices, known as high-end wearables. While massive deployments of these objects may improve the lives of people, unauthorized access to the said private equipment and its connectivity is potentially dangerous. Hence, communication enablers together with highly-secure human authentication mechanisms have to be designed.In addition, it is important to understand how human beings, as the primary users, interact with wearable devices on a day-to-day basis; usage should be comfortable, seamless, user-friendly, and mindful of urban dynamics. Usually the connectivity between wearables and the cloud is executed through the user’s more power independent gateway: this will usually be a smartphone, which may have potentially unreliable infrastructure connectivity. In response to these unique challenges, this thesis advocates for the adoption of direct, secure, proximity-based communication enablers enhanced with multi-factor authentication (hereafter refereed to MFA) that can integrate/interact with wearable technology. Their intelligent combination together with the connection establishment automation relying on the device/user social relations would allow to reliably grant or deny access in cases of both stable and intermittent connectivity to the trusted authority running in the cloud.The introduction will list the main communication paradigms, applications, conventional network architectures, and any relevant wearable-specific challenges. Next, the work examines the improved architecture and security enablers for clusterization between wearable gateways with a proximity-based communication as a baseline. Relying on this architecture, the author then elaborates on the social ties potentially overlaying the direct connectivity management in cases of both reliable and unreliable connection to the trusted cloud. The author discusses that social-aware cooperation and trust relations between users and/or the devices themselves are beneficial for the architecture under proposal. Next, the author introduces a protocol suite that enables temporary delegation of personal device use dependent on different connectivity conditions to the cloud.After these discussions, the wearable technology is analyzed as a biometric and behavior data provider for enabling MFA. The conventional approaches of the authentication factor combination strategies are compared with the ‘intelligent’ method proposed further. The assessment finds significant advantages to the developed solution over existing ones.On the practical side, the performance evaluation of existing cryptographic primitives, as part of the experimental work, shows the possibility of developing the experimental methods further on modern wearable devices.In summary, the set of enablers developed here for wearable technology connectivity is aimed at enriching people’s everyday lives in a secure and usable way, in cases when communication to the cloud is not consistently available