8 research outputs found

    Protecting against eavesdropping on mobile phones to snip data with Information Security Awareness and Steganography principles

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    Eavesdropping on Mobile Devices is the primary concern here. Since the mobility of computers, including laptops, tablets, PDAs and smartphone, are demanding and criminals now start to target these devices as the usage is more than desktops. This initial research is focusing on drawing attention to this topic. Let set how to combat mobile interception by criminals tends to investigate whether steganography applications can benefit digital criminals’ interception on such devices. The concentration is on mobile phones interception by criminals to steal personal data; therefore, it consists of developing a framework, mechanism and algorithm to prevent it. The anticipated implications imply Legal and Ethical Issues. Everyone should familiarise and follow this carefully to make sure it does not cause any particular privacy concerns to general individuals. Only personal and authorised devices were used to test the technical work produced by this research

    Advances of mobile forensic procedures in Firefox OS

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    The advancement of smartphone technology has attracted many companies in developing mobile operating system (OS). Mozilla Corporation recently released Linux-based open source mobile OS, named Firefox OS. The emergence of Firefox OS has created new challenges, concentrations and opportunities for digital investigators. In general, Firefox OS is designed to allow smartphones to communicate directly with HTML5 applications using JavaScript and newly introduced WebAPI. However, the used of JavaScript in HTML5 applications and solely no OS restriction might lead to security issues and potential exploits. Therefore, forensic analysis for Firefox OS is urgently needed in order to investigate any criminal intentions. This paper will present an overview and methodology of mobile forensic procedures in forensically sound manner for Firefox OS

    Forensic investigation of P2P cloud storage services and backbone for IoT networks : BitTorrent Sync as a case study

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    Cloud computing has been regarded as the technology enabler for the Internet of Things (IoT). To ensure the most effective collection of IoT-based evidence, it is vital for forensic practitioners to possess a contemporary understanding of the artefacts from different cloud services. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants from the use of BitTorrent Sync version 2.0. Findings from our research using mobile and computer devices running Windows 8.1, Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.5, Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS, iOS 7.1.2, and Android KitKat 4.4.4 suggested that artefacts relating to the installation, uninstallation, log-in, log-off, and file synchronisation could be recovered, which are potential sources of IoT forensics. We also present a forensically sound investigation methodology for BitTorrent Sync

    Операционализация технического качества мобильных операционных систем и встроенных приложений

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    The article analyzes the technical value of the quality of mobile operating systems. The purpose of the article is the operationalization of this concept, as well as the formation of quality parameters that form it. Earlier in the scientific literature this concept was not formalized and was not defined. Manufacturers of mobile operating systems use the concept of total quality management, TQM. In this connection, the list of quality parameters was formed on the basis of previous studies, as well as archives of the creators of mobile operating systems, Apple and Google, as well as authoritative analytical resources. To achieve this goal, the article used logistic regression analysis, Alpha-Kronbach's method, t-statistics and cluster analysis. As a result of the study, it was found that all the key parameters of the quality of mobile operating systems are internally inconsistent across the entire horizon of existence. 5 clusters of mobile operating systems were formed, the quality parameters of which have internal consistency. The formed clusters are different versions of mobile information systems that actually existed at different times. As a result, the concept of technical quality of the mobile operating system cannot be considered as a final definition, formalized in any form. There is dynamic of the concept development, which reflects the actual quality of the mobile operating system at any time. At any time, the concept of quality is as close as possible to a successful innovative version of the mobile operating system. The development of this concept is based on actually existing at different times the most successful versions of mobile operating systems.Проводится анализ технического значения качества мобильных операционных систем. Целью статьи является операционализация данного понятия, а также формирование параметров качества, которые его формируют. Ранее в научной литературе данное понятие никак не формализовалось и не определялось. Производители мобильных операционных систем используют концепцию всеобщего менеджмента качества – TQM. В связи с этим список параметров качества был сформирован на основе проведенных ранее исследований, а также архивов создателей мобильных операционных систем, Apple и Google, а также авторитетных аналитических ресурсов. Для достижения поставленной цели в статье использовался логистический регрессионный анализ, методика Альфа Кронбаха, t-статистика и кластерный анализ. В результате проведенного исследования было выявлено, что все ключевые параметры качества мобильных операционных систем являются внутренне несогласованными на всем горизонте существования. Было сформировано 5 кластеров мобильных операционных систем, параметры качества которых обладают внутренней согласованностью. Сформированные кластеры представляют собой различные версии мобильных информационных систем, фактически существовавшие в разное время. В результате понятие технического качества мобильной операционной системы нельзя считать итоговым определением, формализованном в каком-либо виде. Существует динамика развития самого понятия, соответствие которому отражает фактическое качество мобильной операционной системы в каждый момент времени. В каждый момент времени понятие качества максимально близко к удачной инновационной версии мобильной операционной системы. Развитие данного понятия опирается на фактически существующие в разное время наиболее удачные версии мобильных операционных систем