7 research outputs found

    Fast Algorithm Designs of Multiple-Mode Discrete Integer Transforms with Cost-Effective and Hardware-Sharing Architectures for Multistandard Video Coding Applications

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    In this chapter, first we give a brief view of transform-based video coding. Second, the basic matrix decomposition scheme for fast algorithm and hardware-sharing-based integer transform design are described. Finally, two case studies for fast algorithm and hardware-sharing-based architecture designs of discrete integer transforms are presented, where one is for the single-standard multiple-mode video transform-coding application, and the other is for the multiple-standard multiple-mode video transform-coding application

    Analisa Perbandingan Performansi Pengkodean WMV-9 & H.264 pada W-LAN

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    ABSTRAKSI: Pengkodean WMV-9 dan H.264 banyak digunakan dalam jaringan Internet untuk keperluan streaming paket video. Untuk dapat mengakomodasi layanan streaming, suatu pengkodean video harus memiliki performansi (delay, jitter, throughput, packet loss, dan MOS) yang baik. Karena performansi suatu pengkodean video menentukan kualitas video streaming pada sisi client. Dalam tugas akhir ini akan diukur perbandingan performansi dalam kemampuan streaming melalui jaringan wireless antara WMV-9 dengan H.264. Performansi pengkodean video akan diukur pada jaringan W-LAN yang akan dibangun di kos dan laboraturium dengan menggunakan software ethereal. Pengukuran akan dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali untuk setiap skenario. Dari hasil pengukuran delay, jitter, throughput, dan packet loss, diketahui performansi pengkodean video WMV-9 lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan performansi pengkodean video H.264. Tetapi dari penilaian subjektif MOS, performansi pengkodean WMV-9 lebih buruk jika dibandingkan dengan pengkodean video H.264. Hasil streaming pengkodean video WMV-9 lebih sering mengalami gangguan berupa gerakan yang patah-patah, hilangnya warna gambar ataupun hilangnya fokus gambar.Kata Kunci : WMV-9, H.264, W-LANABSTRACT: WMV-9 and H.264 is commonly used in Internet network for video streaming. To provide a streaming service, video codec standards must have a good performance (delay, jitter, throughput, packet loss and MOS). Because, video codec performance determine the quality of streaming video in client side. In this final project, WMV-9 and H.264 streaming performance trought wireless network will be measured and compared. Those video coding performance will be measured over W-LAN network which build in laboratory and home board using ethereal software. Performance measurements will done in 10 times for each scenario. From the measurements result, delay, jitter, throughput, and packet loss, WMV-9 coding performance is better than H.264 coding performance. But from subjective MOS value, WMV-9 coding performance is worse than H.264 coding performance. WMV-9 coding streaming result is often have disturbance like jerky picture, losing color and losing focus.Keyword: WMV-9, H.264, W-LA

    Center of Mass-Based Adaptive Fast Block Motion Estimation

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    This work presents an efficient adaptive algorithm based on center of mass (CEM) for fast block motion estimation. Binary transform, subsampling, and horizontal/vertical projection techniques are also proposed. As the conventional CEM calculation is computationally intensive, binary transform and subsampling approaches are proposed to simplify CEM calculation; the binary transform center of mass (BITCEM) is then derived. The BITCEM motion types are classified by percentage of (0, 0) BITCEM motion vectors. Adaptive search patterns are allocated according to the BITCEM moving direction and the BITCEM motion type. Moreover, the BITCEM motion vector is utilized as the initial search point for near-still or slow BITCEM motion types. To support the variable block sizes, the horizontal/vertical projections of a binary transformed macroblock are utilized to determine whether the block requires segmentation. Experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm is better than the five conventional algorithms, that is, three-step search (TSS), new three-step search (N3SS), four three-step search (4SS), block-based gradient decent search (BBGDS), and diamond search (DS), in terms of speed or picture quality for eight benchmark sequences

    A Cost Shared Quantization Algorithm and its Implementation for Multi-Standard Video CODECS

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    The current trend of digital convergence creates the need for the video encoder and decoder system, known as codec in short, that should support multiple video standards on a single platform. In a modern video codec, quantization is a key unit used for video compression. In this thesis, a generalized quantization algorithm and hardware implementation is presented to compute quantized coefficient for six different video codecs including the new developing codec High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). HEVC, successor to H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, aims to substantially improve coding efficiency compared to AVC High Profile. The thesis presents a high performance circuit shared architecture that can perform the quantization operation for HEVC, H.264/AVC, AVS, VC-1, MPEG- 2/4 and Motion JPEG (MJPEG). Since HEVC is still in drafting stage, the architecture was designed in such a way that any final changes can be accommodated into the design. The proposed quantizer architecture is completely division free as the division operation is replaced by multiplication, shift and addition operations. The design was implemented on FPGA and later synthesized in CMOS 0.18 μm technology. The results show that the proposed design satisfies the requirement of all codecs with a maximum decoding capability of 60 fps at 187.3 MHz for Xilinx Virtex4 LX60 FPGA of a 1080p HD video. The scheme is also suitable for low-cost implementation in modern multi-codec systems

    Description-driven Adaptation of Media Resources

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    The current multimedia landscape is characterized by a significant diversity in terms of available media formats, network technologies, and device properties. This heterogeneity has resulted in a number of new challenges, such as providing universal access to multimedia content. A solution for this diversity is the use of scalable bit streams, as well as the deployment of a complementary system that is capable of adapting scalable bit streams to the constraints imposed by a particular usage environment (e.g., the limited screen resolution of a mobile device). This dissertation investigates the use of an XML-driven (Extensible Markup Language) framework for the format-independent adaptation of scalable bit streams. Using this approach, the structure of a bit stream is first translated into an XML description. In a next step, the resulting XML description is transformed to reflect a desired adaptation of the bit stream. Finally, the transformed XML description is used to create an adapted bit stream that is suited for playback in the targeted usage environment. The main contribution of this dissertation is BFlavor, a new tool for exposing the syntax of binary media resources as an XML description. Its development was inspired by two other technologies, i.e. MPEG-21 BSDL (Bitstream Syntax Description Language) and XFlavor (Formal Language for Audio-Visual Object Representation, extended with XML features). Although created from a different point of view, both languages offer solutions for translating the syntax of a media resource into an XML representation for further processing. BFlavor (BSDL+XFlavor) harmonizes the two technologies by combining their strengths and eliminating their weaknesses. The expressive power and performance of a BFlavor-based content adaptation chain, compared to tool chains entirely based on either BSDL or XFlavor, were investigated by several experiments. One series of experiments targeted the exploitation of multi-layered temporal scalability in H.264/AVC, paying particular attention to the use of sub-sequences and hierarchical coding patterns, as well as to the use of metadata messages to communicate the bit stream structure to the adaptation logic. BFlavor was the only tool to offer an elegant and practical solution for XML-driven adaptation of H.264/AVC bit streams in the temporal domain