1,011 research outputs found

    Self-organising comprehensive handover strategy for multi-tier LTE-advanced heterogeneous networks

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    Long term evolution (LTE)-advanced was introduced as real fourth generation (4G) with its new features and additional functions, satisfying the growing demands of quality and network coverage for the network operators' subscribers. The term muti-tier has also been recently used with respect to the heterogeneity of the network by applying the various subnetwork cooperative systems and functionalities with self-organising capabilities. Using indoor short-range low-power cellular base stations, for example, femtocells, in cooperation with existing long-range macrocells are considered as the key technical challenge of this multi-tier configuration. Furthermore, shortage of network spectrum is a major concern for network operators which forces them to spend additional attentions to overcome the degradation in performance and quality of services in 4G HetNets. This study investigates handover between the different layers of a heterogeneous LTE-advanced system, as a critical attribute to plan the best way of interactive coordination within the network for the proposed HetNet. The proposed comprehensive handover algorithm takes multiple factors in both handover sensing and decision stages, based on signal power reception, resource availability and handover optimisation, as well as prioritisation among macro and femto stations, to obtain maximum signal quality while avoiding unnecessary handovers

    Visualization on colour based flow vector of thermal image for movement detection during interactive session

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    Recently thermal imaging is exploited in applications such as motion and face detection. It has drawn attention many researchers to build such technology to improve lifestyle. This work proposed a technique to detect and identify a motion in sequence images for the application in security monitoring system or outdoor surveillance. Conventional system might cause false information with the present of shadow. Thus, methods employed in this work are Canny edge detector method, Lucas Kanade and Horn Shunck algorithms, to overcome the major problem when using thresholding method, which is only intensity or pixel magnitude is considered instead of relationships between the pixels. The results obtained could be observed in flow vector parameter and the segmentation colour based image for the time frame from 1 to 10 seconds. The visualization of both the parameters clarified the movement and changes of pixel intensity between two frames by the supportive colour segmentation, either in smooth or rough motion. Thus, this technique may contribute to others application such as biometrics, military system, and surveillance machine

    Enhanced QoS and QoE Support through Energy Efficient Handover Algorithm for UMTS Architectures

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    Spectrum inefficiency is a significant issue because of the increasingly more solicitation of transmission capacity by the end clients. Accomplishing high transmission rates and elevated levels of Quality of Service (QoS) speaks to in any case an open issue. Long haul Evolution (LTE) has been proposed as the reason for the fourth era versatile cell systems (4G) that points of the LTE standard are higher client bit rates, lower delays, expanded range proficiency, diminished expense, and operational effortlessness. In any case, this innovation is as yet being worked on and a few open issues must be still explored, for example, obstruction coordination, and power utilization, assets the board and handover procedures. The point of this work is to ensure the decrease of intensity utilization utilizing another handover calculation dependent on green arrangement. Also, the proposed conspire ensures the minimization of superfluous handovers. In any case, the issue in this technique is doesn't mulls over of the impact of green strategies in high force hubs. Along these lines, in the proposed framework the impact of high force hubs are thought of. This situation is expanded more than one full scale cell and various kinds of low force hubs, for example, pico-cell and microcells. In this situation, the force sparing is broke down during the handover strategies. Think about these issues; another strategy is proposed called Dynamic base Station arranging (DBSP) for accomplishing vitality productivity. The fundamental idea is to kill a BS individually that will insignificantly influence the system by utilizing a recently presented thought of system sway, which considers the extra burden increases brought to its neighboring BSs. So as to additionally diminish the flagging and execution overhead over the air and back take, utilize the estimated estimations of system sway as their choice measurements. A trial result shows that the proposed strategy accomplishes high vitality proficiency under different situations. In this work the presentation of an UMTS organize situation is assessed by utilizing different estimations of the priority bits of the CBR application

    Practical design of optimal wireless metropolitan area networks: model and algorithms for OFDMA networks

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Ph.D.This thesis contributes to the study of the planning and optimisation of wireless metropolitan area networks, in particular to the access network design of OFDMAbased systems, where different parameters like base station position, antenna tilt and azimuth need to be configured during the early stages of the network life. A practical view for the solution of this problem is presented by means of the development of a novel design framework and the use of multicriteria optimisation. A further consideration of relaying and cooperative communications in the context of the design of this kind of networks is done, an area little researched. With the emergence of new technologies and services, it is very important to accurately identify the factors that affect the design of the wireless access network and define how to take them into account to achieve optimally performing and cost-efficient networks. The new features and flexibility of OFDMA networks seem particularly suited to the provision of different broadband services to metropolitan areas. However, until now, most existing efforts have been focused on the basic access capability networks. This thesis presents a way to deal with the trade-offs generated during the OFDMA access network design, and presents a service-oriented optimization framework that offers a new perspective for this process with consideration of the technical and economic factors. The introduction of relay stations in wireless metropolitan area networks will bring numerous advantages such as coverage extension and capacity enhancement due to the deployment of new cells and the reduction of distance between transmitter and receiver. However, the network designers will also face new challenges with the use of relay stations, since they involve a new source of interference and a complicated air interface; and this need to be carefully evaluated during the network design process. Contrary to the well known procedure of cellular network design over regular or hexagonal scenarios, the wireless network planning and optimization process aims to deal with the non-uniform characteristics of realistic scenarios, where the existence of hotspots, different channel characteristics for the users, or different service requirements will determine the final design of the wireless network. This thesis is structured in three main blocks covering important gaps in the existing literature in planning (efficient simulation) and optimisation. The formulation and ideas proposed in the former case can still be evaluated over regular scenarios, for the sake of simplicity, while the study of latter case needs to be done over specific scenarios that will be described when appropriate. Nevertheless, comments and conclusions are extrapolated to more general cases throughout this work. After an introduction and a description of the related work, this thesis first focuses on the study of models and algorithms for classical point-to-multipoint networks on Chapter 3, where the optimisation framework is proposed. Based on the framework, this work: - Identifies the technology-specific physical factors that affect most importantly the network system level simulation, planning and optimization process. - It demonstrates how to simplify the problem and translate it into a formal optimization routine with consideration of economic factors. - It provides the network provider, a detailed and clear description of different scenarios during the design process so that the most suitable solution can be found. Existing works on this area do not provide such a comprehensive framework. In Chapter 4: - The impact of the relay configuration on the network planning process is analysed. - A new simple and flexible scheme to integrate multihop communications in the Mobile WiMAX frame structure is proposed and evaluated. - Efficient capacity calculations that allow intensive system level simulations in a multihop environment are introduced. In Chapter 5: - An analysis of the optimisation procedure with the addition of relay stations and the derived higher complexity of the process is done. - A frequency plan procedure not found in the existing literature is proposed, which combines it with the use of the necessary frame fragmentation of in-band relay communications and cooperative procedures. - A novel joint two-step process for network planning and optimisation is proposed. Finally, conclusions and open issues are exposed

    E-diophantine: an admission control algorithm for WiMAX networks

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    Proceedings of: 2010 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2010), 18-21 April 2010, Sydney, AustraliaAdmission control algorithms must ensure that, when a new QoS resource reservation is accepted, reservations already present in the system continue having their QoS guarantees honored. In this paper we consider different approaches to compute the aggregated allocated capacity in WiMAX networks and, based on their limitations, propose the EDiophantine solution. The mathematical foundations for the designed approach are provided along with the performance improvements to be expected, both in accuracy and computational terms, as compared to three alternatives of increasing complexity. Finally, the different solutions considered are evaluated with OPNET’sWiMAX simulator in a realistic scenario.European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad
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