3 research outputs found

    Detecting User’s Behavior Shift with Sensorized Shoes and Stigmergic Perceptrons

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    As populations become increasingly aged, health monitoring has gained increasing importance. Recent advances in engineering of sensing, processing and artificial learning, make the development of non-invasive systems able to observe changes over time possible. In this context, the Ki-Foot project aims at developing a sensorized shoe and a machine learning architecture based on computational stigmergy to detect small variations in subjects gait and to learn and detect users behaviour shift. This paper outlines the challenges in the field and summarizes the proposed approach. The machine learning architecture has been developed and publicly released after early experimentation, in order to foster its application on real environments

    Discovering location based services: A unified approach for heterogeneous indoor localization systems

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    The technological solutions and communication capabilities offered by the Internet of Things paradigm, in terms of raising availability of wearable devices, the ubiquitous internet connection, and the presence on the market of service-oriented solutions, have allowed a wide proposal of Location Based Services (LBS). In a close future, we foresee that companies and service providers will have developed reliable solutions to address indoor positioning, as basis for useful location based services. These solutions will be different from each other and they will adopt different hardware and processing techniques. This paper describes the proposal of a unified approach for Indoor Localization Systems that enables the cooperation between heterogeneous solutions and their functional modules. To this end, we designed an integrated architecture that, abstracting its main components, allows a seamless interaction among them. Finally, we present a working prototype of such architecture, which is based on the popular Telegram application for Android, as an integration demonstrator. The integration of the three main phases –namely the discovery phase, the User Agent self-configuration, and the indoor map retrieval/rendering– demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed integrated architectur

    Building up knowledge through passive WiFi probes

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    Inexpensive WiFi-capable hardware can be nowadays easily used to capture traffic from end users and extract knowledge. Such knowledge can be leveraged to support advanced services like user profiling, device classification. We review here the main building blocks to develop a system based on passive WiFi monitors, that is, cheap and viable sniffers which collect data from end devices even without an explicit association to any Wi-Fi network. We provide an overview of the services which can be enabled by such approach with three practical scenarios: user localization, user profiling and device classification. We evaluate the performance of each one of the three scenarios and highlight the challenges and threats for the aforementioned systems