2 research outputs found

    Wi-Fi fingerprinting based on collaborative confidence level training

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    Wi-Fi fingerprinting has been a popular indoor positioning technique with the advantage that infrastructures are readily available in most urban areas. However wireless signals are prone to fluctuation and noise, introducing errors in the final positioning result. This paper proposes a new fingerprint training method where a number of users train collaboratively and a confidence factor is generated for each fingerprint. Fingerprinting is carried out where potential fingerprints are extracted based on the confidence factor. Positioning accuracy improves by 40% when the new fingerprinting method is implemented and maximum error is reduced by 35%

    On supporting university communities in indoor wayfinding: An inclusive design approach

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    Mobility can be defined as the ability of people to move, live and interact with the space. In this context, indoor mobility, in terms of indoor localization and wayfinding, is a relevant topic due to the challenges it presents, in comparison with outdoor mobility, where GPS is hardly exploited. Knowing how to move in an indoor environment can be crucial for people with disabilities, and in particular for blind users, but it can provide several advantages also to any person who is moving in an unfamiliar place. Following this line of thought, we employed an inclusive by design approach to implement and deploy a system that comprises an Internet of Things infrastructure and an accessible mobile application to provide wayfinding functions, targeting the University community. As a real word case study, we considered the University of Bologna, designing a system able to be deployed in buildings with different configurations and settings, considering also historical buildings. The final system has been evaluated in three different scenarios, considering three different target audiences (18 users in total): i. students with disabilities (i.e., visual and mobility impairments); ii. campus students; and iii. visitors and tourists. Results reveal that all the participants enjoyed the provided functions and the indoor localization strategy was fine enough to provide a good wayfinding experience