1,996 research outputs found

    RMSRS: Rover Multi-purpose Surveillance Robotic System

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    أصبح تطوير إنترنت الأشياء (IoT) وإنترنت الروبوتات (IoR) أكثر وأكثر مشاركة في حياتنا اليومية. إنه يخدم مجموعة متنوعة من المهام بعضها مهم في الحياة البشرية مثل المراقبة في الوقت الفعلي عن بعد لتجنب المخاطر في الاماكن الخطرة . الهدف الرئيسي من نظام المراقبة المتنقل الذكي هو تطوير نظام مراقبة للكشف عن الأماكن المشبوهة والمستهدفة للمستخدمين دون أي خسائر في الأرواح البشرية. تعرض هذه الورقة تصميم وتنفيذ منصة مراقبة آلية للمراقبة في الوقت الفعلي بمساعدة معالجة الصور ، والتي يمكن أن تستكشف أماكن الوصول الصعب أو المخاطرة العالية. يتدفق البث المباشر الآلي عبر كاميرتين، الأولى ثابتة مباشرة على الطريق والثانية ديناميكية مع إمكانية الإمالة. كلتا الكامرتين لديها قدرات المعالجة الصورية لتحليل وكشف وتعقب الكائنات بالإضافة إلى عدد قليل من الوظائف الرسومية. المكونات المذكورة أعلاه مبنية على قمة نظام المركبات الرباعي مع عزم دوران عالي لتوفير القدرة على الحركة في المناطق الوعرة. يستند هذا العمل إلى الراسبيري باي ويمكن التحكم فيه عبر الواي فاي محليًا أو عالميا عبر الإنترنت. تظهر النتائج إنشاء روبوت ذو إمكانات عالية ومنخفض الكلفة نسبيًا مع الكثير من الميزات والوظائف التي يمكن أن تؤدي مهام متعددة في وقت واحد ، وكلها مهمة للغاية بالنسبة لمشاكل المراقبة ، والتي يتحكم فيها المستخدم من مسافات بعيدة ولفترة طويلة.The development of the internet of things (IoT) and the internet of robotics (IoR) are becoming more and more involved with our daily lives. It serves a variety of tasks some of them are essential to us. The main objective of SRR is to develop a surveillance system for detecting suspicious and targeted places for users without any loss of human life. This paper shows the design and implementation of a robotic surveillance platform for real-time monitoring with the help of image processing, which can explorer places of difficult access or high risk. The robotic live streaming is via two cameras, the first one is fixed straight on the road and the second one is dynamic with tilt-pan ability. All cameras have image processing capabilities to analyze, detect and track objects plus few other graphical functions. The components mentioned above built on top of the four-wheel vehicle system with high torque to provide mobility on rough terrain. This work is based on Raspberry Pi and can be controlled over Wi-Fi locally or publicly over the internet. The results show making a high potential, relatively low price robot with lots of features and functions that can perform multiple tasks simultaneously, all are crucial to surveillance and monitoring problems, controlled by a user from far distances and for a long time

    Position Estimation of Robotic Mobile Nodes in Wireless Testbed using GENI

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    We present a low complexity experimental RF-based indoor localization system based on the collection and processing of WiFi RSSI signals and processing using a RSS-based multi-lateration algorithm to determine a robotic mobile node's location. We use a real indoor wireless testbed called w-iLab.t that is deployed in Zwijnaarde, Ghent, Belgium. One of the unique attributes of this testbed is that it provides tools and interfaces using Global Environment for Network Innovations (GENI) project to easily create reproducible wireless network experiments in a controlled environment. We provide a low complexity algorithm to estimate the location of the mobile robots in the indoor environment. In addition, we provide a comparison between some of our collected measurements with their corresponding location estimation and the actual robot location. The comparison shows an accuracy between 0.65 and 5 meters.Comment: (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Multipurpose medical assistant robot (Docto-Bot) based on internet of things

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    The world's population is growing every day, and so is the number of patients. People's life expectancy is increasing due to technology's welfare, but the problem is that the health sector has always faced a shortage of inadequate doctors. This research main objective was to design and implement a biomedical-based medical assistant robot named "Docto-Bot" to deal with this problem. This research concerns this medical assistant robot's design and development for the disabled and the patients in need. Such a robot's prime utilization is to minimize person-to-person contact and ensure the cleaning, sterilization, and support in hospitals and similar facilities such as quarantine. This prototype robot consists of a medicine reminding and medicine providing system, Automatic hand sanitizer and IoT based physiological monitoring system (body temperature, pulse rate, ECG, Oxygen saturation level). A direct one-to-one server-based communication method and user-end android app maintaining system designed. It also included the controlling part, which control automatically and manually by users. Docto-Bot will play a very significant factor in bio-medical robot applications. Though the achievements described in the paper look fruitful and advanced, shortcomings still exist


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    Increased connectivity and remote monitoring and control mechanisms have revolutionized the field of measurement and automation. The proposed work is to design a system which will integrate a mobile bot with Arduino, and it is also possible with LabVIEW through a gateway to run wirelessly. An autonomous robot vehicle is to travel from source to destination through the wheels which are controlled by processor. This will be helpful launch in the application where human being travel will be difficult to meet the work. The proposed system will be able to follow a path with obstacle avoiding.Further, the vehicle can be integrated with NI instruments and with LabVIEW to make it autonomous. LabVIEW is a graphical programming language gives a platform for the engineers, which is effective and scalable to focus on robotics neglecting the minute implementation details.Â

    FlexStream: SDN-Based Framework for Programmable and Flexible Adaptive Video Streaming

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    With the tremendous increase in video traffic fueled by smartphones, tablets, 4G LTE networks, and other mobile devices and technologies, providing satisfactory services to end users in terms of playback quality and a fair share of network resources become challenging. As a result, an HTTP video streaming protocol was invented and widely adopted by most video providers today with the goal of maximizing the user’s quality of experience. However, despite the intensive efforts of major video providers such as YouTube and Netflix to improve their players, several studies as well as our measurements indicate that the players still suffer from several performance issues including instability and sub-optimality in the video bitrate, stalls in the playback, unfairness in sharing the available bandwidth, and inefficiency with regard to network utilization, considerably degrading the user’s QoE. These issues are frequently experienced when several players start competing over a common bottleneck. Interestingly, the root cause of these issues is the intermittent traffic pattern of the HTTP adaptive protocol that causes the players to over-estimate the available bandwidth and stream unsustainable video bitrates. In addition, the wireless network standards today do not allow the network to have a fine-grain control over individual devices which is necessary for providing resource usage coordination and global policy enforcement. We show that enabling such a network-side control would drive each device to fairly and efficiently utilize the network resources based on its current context, which would result in maximizing the overall viewing experience in the network and optimizing the bandwidth utilization. In this dissertation, we propose FlexStream, a flexible and programmable Software-Defined Network (SDN) based framework that solves all the adaptive streaming problems mentioned above. We develop FlexStream on top of the SDN-based framework that extends SDN functionality to mobile end devices, allowing for a fine-grained control and management of bandwidth based on real time context-awareness and specified policy. We demonstrate that FlexStream can be used to manage video delivery for a set of end devices over WiFi and cellular links and can effectively alleviate common problems such as player instability, playback stalls, large startup delay, and inappropriate bandwidth allocation. FlexStream offloads several tasks such as monitoring and policy enforcement to end-devices, while a network element (i.e., Global Controller), which has a global view of a network condition, is primarily employed to manage the resource allocation. This also alleviates the need for intrusive, large and costly traffic management solutions within the network, or modifications to servers that are not feasible in practice. We define an optimization method within the global controller for resource allocation to maximize video QoE considering context information, such as screen size and user priority. All features of FlexStream are implemented and validated on real mobile devices over real Wi-Fi and cellular networks. To the best of our knowledge, FlexStream is the first implementation of SDN-based control in a live cellular network that does not require any internal network support for SDN functionality

    Demonstrating Immersive Media Delivery on 5G Broadcast and Multicast Testing Networks

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    This work presents eight demonstrators and one showcase developed within the 5G-Xcast project. They experimentally demonstrate and validate key technical enablers for the future of media delivery, associated with multicast and broadcast communication capabilities in 5th Generation (5G). In 5G-Xcast, three existing testbeds: IRT in Munich (Germany), 5GIC in Surrey (UK), and TUAS in Turku (Finland), have been developed into 5G broadcast and multicast testing networks, which enables us to demonstrate our vision of a converged 5G infrastructure with fixed and mobile accesses and terrestrial broadcast, delivering immersive audio-visual media content. Built upon the improved testing networks, the demonstrators and showcase developed in 5G-Xcast show the impact of the technology developed in the project. Our demonstrations predominantly cover use cases belonging to two verticals: Media & Entertainment and Public Warning, which are future 5G scenarios relevant to multicast and broadcast delivery. In this paper, we present the development of these demonstrators, the showcase, and the testbeds. We also provide key findings from the experiments and demonstrations, which not only validate the technical solutions developed in the project, but also illustrate the potential technical impact of these solutions for broadcasters, content providers, operators, and other industries interested in the future immersive media delivery.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, IEEE Trans. Broadcastin

    Modular software architecture for flexible reservation mechanisms on heterogeneous resources

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    Management, allocation and scheduling of heterogeneous resources for complex distributed real-time applications is a chal- lenging problem. Timing constraints of applications may be fulfilled by a proper use of real-time scheduling policies, admission control and enforcement of timing constraints. However, it is not easy to design basic infrastructure services that allow for an easy access to the allocation of multiple heterogeneous resources in a distributed environment. In this paper, we present a middleware for providing distributed soft real-time applications with a uniform API for reserving heterogeneous resources with real-time scheduling capabilities in a distributed environment. The architecture relies on standard POSIX OS facilities, such as time management and standard TCP/IP networking services, and it is designed around CORBA, in order to facilitate modularity, flexibility and portability of the applications using it. However, real-time scheduling is supported by proper extensions at the kernel-level, plugged within the framework by means of dedicated resource managers. Our current implementation on Linux supports reservation of CPU, disk and network bandwidth. However, additional resource managers supporting alternative real-time schedulers for these resources, as well as additional types of resources, may be easily added. We present experimental results gathered on both synthetic applications and a real multimedia video streaming case study, showing advantages deriving from the use of the proposed middleware. Finally, overhead figures are reported, showing sustainability of the approach for a wide class of complex, distributed, soft real-time applications