12,056 research outputs found

    The Reliability of Memory: An Argument from the Armchair

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    The “problem of memory” in epistemology is concerned with whether and how we could have knowledge, or at least justification, for trusting our apparent memories. I defend an inductive solution—more precisely, an abductive solution—to the problem. A natural worry is that any such solution would be circular, for it would have to depend on memory. I argue that belief in the reliability of memory can be justified from the armchair, without relying on memory. The justification is, roughly, that my having the sort of experience that my apparent memory should lead me to expect is best explained by the hypothesis that my memories are reliable. My solution is inspired by Harrod’s (1942) inductive solution. Coburn (1960) argued that Harrod’s solution contains a fatal flaw. I show that my solution is not vulnerable to Coburn’s objection, and respond to a number of other, recent and likely objections

    Theft! A History of Music

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    A Quantitative Approach Towards Establishing Normal csp mRNA Accumulation Patterns in Escherichia coli K12

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    The cold-shock response in Escherichia coli induces a set of 26 proteins that help ensure the efficiency of transcription, translation, and DNA replication at low temperatures. Some members of this group belong to the cold-shock protein (Csp) family. In Escherichia coli K12, there are 9 homologous csp genes named cspA-cspI. The Csp family in this strain is unusual because each gene has different mechanisms of induction and gene products. Various regulation studies have been performed on individual members of this family to help understand why so many homologues exist. No literature to date has ever looked at the mRNA expression patterns of all 9 csp genes simultaneously. This study used quantitative RT-PCR to establish normal csp mRNA expression patterns at different stages of growth. I found under normal conditions, the mRNA accumulation patterns of csp gene pairs (A/B, G/I, C/E, and F/H) were most similar to each other

    Theft! A History of Music

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    Greay Whales Eschristius robustus are the only large whales that are specialized bottom feeders, foraging on bottom sediments. When surfacing after a feeding dive a mud plume is formed at the surface as remaining sediment is strained out between the baleen. In the Chukchi Sea, Short-tailed Shearwaters Puffinus tenuirostris are attrackted to these mud plumes in search of food particles.Gråvalar Eschrichtius robustus är de enda stora valar som är söker föda genom att filtrera bottensediment. Då valen återkommer till ytan uppstår ett sedimentmoln då sediment pressas ut mellan barderna.    Under den svenska expeditionen “Beringia 2005ˮ sågs flockar om flera 10 000 övervintrande kortstjärtade liror Puffinus tenuirostris i Tjuktjerhavet. I områden där även födosökande gråvalar förekom, sökte lirorna aktivt föda i sedimentmolnen. Kortstjärtade liror lever i första hand på krill, och i de områden där de stora flockarna av liror observerades förekom höga koncentrationer plankton. Eftersom lirorna trotts tillgången på plankton dras till sedimentmolnen måste dessa innehålla organismer som är extra attraktiva som föda. Det är sedan tidigare känt att andra havsfåglar dras till sedimentmolnen, men detta är första gången det beskrivs för kortstjärtad lira

    The Cowl - v.52 - n.19 - Oct 26, 1988

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Vol 52 - No. 19 - October 26, 1988. 20 pages

    Spartan Daily, April 9, 1985

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    Volume 84, Issue 44https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/7297/thumbnail.jp

    The Center for the Public Domain: A Short-Lived Venture Philanthropy

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    Case study examines a foundation that was conceived as a "venture philanthropy" that would spend down its assets over a relatively brief time in support of its mission to redefine the open source technology movement as a philosophy and apply it to sectors outside of technology

    Ghana\u27s E-zwich System and the Characteristics of Innovation

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    In 2008, the Central Bank of Ghana launched the first ever biometric money, e-zwich, in hopes of promoting branchless banking and financial inclusion. Despite been hailed as an innovative policy aimed at transforming the financial industry of the country e-zwich has yet to realize its full potential. A number of studies has been conducted to highlight the many challenges the system faces. This study was also aimed at seeking an explanation to the relative ineffectiveness or failures of e-zwich system but through a theoretical framework. Using Rogers\u27 (2003) framework on the characteristics of innovation, the study seeks to explain why the e-zwich system continues to face significant challenges despite several attempts that have been initiated to help revamp it. Rogers argues that the decision to adopt innovation depends on the innovation\u27s relative advantages, compatibility, complexity, trialability and observability and in essence, the success of the innovation dwells on these characteristics. Therefore, the study attempts to investigate if e-zwich as an innovation exhibited these characteristics prior to it been adopted by the Central Bank