1,654 research outputs found

    Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology

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    Actualmente, los clústeres de PCs están considerados como una alternativa eficiente a la hora de construir supercomputadores en los que miles de nodos de computación se conectan mediante una red de interconexión. La red de interconexión tiene que ser diseñada cuidadosamente, puesto que tiene una gran influencia sobre las prestaciones globales del sistema. Dos de los principales parámetros de diseño de las redes de interconexión son la topología y el encaminamiento. La topología define la interconexión de los elementos de la red entre sí, y entre éstos y los nodos de computación. Por su parte, el encaminamiento define los caminos que siguen los paquetes a través de la red. Las prestaciones han sido tradicionalmente la principal métrica a la hora de evaluar las redes de interconexión. Sin embargo, hoy en día hay que considerar dos métricas adicionales: el coste y la tolerancia a fallos. Las redes de interconexión además de escalar en prestaciones también deben hacerlo en coste. Es decir, no sólo tienen que mantener su productividad conforme aumenta el tamaño de la red, sino que tienen que hacerlo sin incrementar sobremanera su coste. Por otra parte, conforme se incrementa el número de nodos en las máquinas de tipo clúster, la red de interconexión debe crecer en concordancia. Este incremento en el número de elementos de la red de interconexión aumenta la probabilidad de aparición de fallos, y por lo tanto, la tolerancia a fallos es prácticamente obligatoria para las redes de interconexión actuales. Esta tesis se centra en la topología fat-tree, ya que es una de las topologías más comúnmente usadas en los clústeres. El objetivo de esta tesis es aprovechar sus características particulares para proporcionar tolerancia a fallos y un algoritmo de encaminamiento capaz de equilibrar la carga de la red proporcionando una buena solución de compromiso entre las prestaciones y el coste.Gómez Requena, C. (2010). Low-Memory Techniques for Routing and Fault-Tolerance on the Fat-Tree Topology [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8856Palanci

    Exploring Adaptive Implementation of On-Chip Networks

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    As technology geometries have shrunk to the deep submicron regime, the communication delay and power consumption of global interconnections in high performance Multi- Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) are becoming a major bottleneck. The Network-on- Chip (NoC) architecture paradigm, based on a modular packet-switched mechanism, can address many of the on-chip communication issues such as performance limitations of long interconnects and integration of large number of Processing Elements (PEs) on a chip. The choice of routing protocol and NoC structure can have a significant impact on performance and power consumption in on-chip networks. In addition, building a high performance, area and energy efficient on-chip network for multicore architectures requires a novel on-chip router allowing a larger network to be integrated on a single die with reduced power consumption. On top of that, network interfaces are employed to decouple computation resources from communication resources, to provide the synchronization between them, and to achieve backward compatibility with existing IP cores. Three adaptive routing algorithms are presented as a part of this thesis. The first presented routing protocol is a congestion-aware adaptive routing algorithm for 2D mesh NoCs which does not support multicast (one-to-many) traffic while the other two protocols are adaptive routing models supporting both unicast (one-to-one) and multicast traffic. A streamlined on-chip router architecture is also presented for avoiding congested areas in 2D mesh NoCs via employing efficient input and output selection. The output selection utilizes an adaptive routing algorithm based on the congestion condition of neighboring routers while the input selection allows packets to be serviced from each input port according to its congestion level. Moreover, in order to increase memory parallelism and bring compatibility with existing IP cores in network-based multiprocessor architectures, adaptive network interface architectures are presented to use multiple SDRAMs which can be accessed simultaneously. In addition, a smart memory controller is integrated in the adaptive network interface to improve the memory utilization and reduce both memory and network latencies. Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D ICs) have been emerging as a viable candidate to achieve better performance and package density as compared to traditional 2D ICs. In addition, combining the benefits of 3D IC and NoC schemes provides a significant performance gain for 3D architectures. In recent years, inter-layer communication across multiple stacked layers (vertical channel) has attracted a lot of interest. In this thesis, a novel adaptive pipeline bus structure is proposed for inter-layer communication to improve the performance by reducing the delay and complexity of traditional bus arbitration. In addition, two mesh-based topologies for 3D architectures are also introduced to mitigate the inter-layer footprint and power dissipation on each layer with a small performance penalty.Siirretty Doriast

    Controlling Network Traffic Microstructures for Machine-Learning Model Probing

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    FavorQueue: A parameterless active queue management to improve TCP traffic performance

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    This paper presents and analyzes the implementation of a novel active queue management (AQM) named FavorQueue that aims to improve delay transfer of short lived TCP flows over best-effort networks. The idea is to dequeue packets that do not belong to a flow previously enqueued first. The rationale is to mitigate the delay induced by long-lived TCP flows over the pace of short TCP data requests and to prevent dropped packets at the beginning of a connection and during recovery period. Although the main target of this AQM is to accelerate short TCP traffic, we show that FavorQueue does not only improve the performance of short TCP traffic but also improves the performance of all TCP traffic in terms of drop ratio and latency whatever the flow size. In particular, we demonstrate that FavorQueue reduces the loss of a retransmitted packet, decreases the number of dropped packets recovered by RTO and improves the latency up to 30% compared to DropTail. Finally, we show that this scheme remains compliant with recent TCP updates such as the increase of the initial slow-start value


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    Investigations into the transmission of real-time interactive speech over local area networks (LAN) in an industriai/commerciai environment to eventually obviate the need for a private automatic branch exchange and ultimately prepare the way for a single interactive integrated information system (PS) that provides work stations, which are networked via a LAN, with a fully interactive speech and graphics facility commensurate with the future requirements in computer integrated manufacturing (CIM). The reasons for conducting this programme of research were that existing LANs do not offer a real time interactive speech facility. Any verbal communication between workstation users on the LAN has to be carried out over a telephone network (PABX). This necessitates the provision of a second completely separate network with its associated costs. Initial investigations indicate that there is sufGcient capacity on existing LANs to support both data and real-time speech provided certain data packet delay criteria can be met. Earlier research work (in the late 1980s) has been conducted at Bell Labs and MIT. [Ref 25, 27 & 28], University of Strathclyde [Ref 24] and at BTRL [Ref 22 and 37]. In all of these cases the real time implementation issues were not fijlly addressed. In this thesis the research work reported provides the main criteria for the implementation of real-time interactive speech on both existing and newly installed networks. With such enhanced communication facilities, designers and engineers on the shop floor can be projected into their suppliers, providing a much greater integration between manufacturer and supplier which will be beneficial as Concurrent and Simultaneous Engineering Methodologies are further developed. As a result, various LANs have been evaluated as to their suitability for the transmission of real time interactive speech. As LANs, in general, can be separated into those with either deterministic or stochastic access mechanisms, investigations were carried out into the ability of both the: (i) Token Passing Bus LANs supporting the Manufacturing and Automation Protocol (MAP)—Deterministic and (u) Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) LANs supporting the Technical Office Protocol (TOP)— Stochastic to support real time interactive speech, as both are used extensively in commerce and manufacturing. The thesis that real time interactive speech can be transmitted over LANs employed in a computer integrated manufacturing environment has to be moderated following the tests carried out in this work, as follows:- The Token Passing LAN presents no serious problems under normal traffic conditions, however, the CSMA/CD LAN can only be used in relatively light traffic conditions i.e. below 30% of its designed maximum capacity, providing special arrangements are made to minimise the access, transmission and processing delays of speech packets. Given that a certain amount of delay is inevitable in packet switched systems (LANs), investigations have been carried out into techniques for reducing the subjective efifect of speech packet loss on real-time interactive systems due to the unacceptable delays caused by the conditions mentioned above

    Resource-Constrained Airline Ground Operations: Optimizing Schedule Recovery under Uncertainty

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    Die zentrale europäische Verkehrsflusssteuerung (englisch: ATFM) und Luftverkehrsgesellschaften (englisch: Airlines) verwenden unterschiedliche Paradigmen für die Priorisierung von Flügen. Während ATFM jeden Flug als individuelle Einheit betrachtet, um die Kapazitätsauslastung aller Sektoren zu steuern, bewerten Airlines jeden Flug als Teilabschnitt eines Flugzeugumlaufes, eines Crew-Einsatzplanes bzw. einer Passagierroute. Infolgedessen sind ATFM-Zeitfenster für Flüge in Kapazitätsengpässen oft schlecht auf die Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks abgestimmt, sodass die Luftfahrzeug-Bodenabfertigung – als Verbindungselement bzw. Bruchstelle zwischen einzelnen Flügen im Netzwerk – als Hauptverursacher primärer und reaktionärer Verspätungen in Europa gilt. Diese Dissertation schließt die Lücke zwischen beiden Paradigmen, indem sie ein integriertes Optimierungsmodell für die Flugplanwiederherstellung entwickelt. Das Modell ermöglicht Airlines die Priorisierung zwischen Flügen, die von einem ATFM-Kapazitätsengpass betroffen sind, und berücksichtigt dabei die begrenzte Verfügbarkeit von Abfertigungsressourcen am Flughafen. Weiterhin werden verschiedene Methoden untersucht, um die errechneten Flugprioritäten vertraulich innerhalb von kooperativen Lösungsverfahren mit externen Stakeholdern austauschen zu können. Das integrierte Optimierungsmodell ist eine Erweiterung des Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems und integriert das Bodenprozessmanagement von Luftfahrzeugen mit bestehenden Ansätzen für die Steuerung von Flugzeugumläufen, Crew-Einsatzplänen und Passagierrouten. Das Modell soll der Verkehrsleitzentrale einer Airline als taktische Entscheidungsunterstützung dienen und arbeitet dabei mit einer Vorlaufzeit von mehr als zwei Stunden bis zur nächsten planmäßigen Verkehrsspitze. Systemimmanente Unsicherheiten über Prozessabweichungen und mögliche zukünftige Störungen werden in der Optimierung in Form von stochastischen Prozesszeiten und mittels des neu-entwickelten Konzeptes stochastischer Verspätungskostenfunktionen berücksichtigt. Diese Funktionen schätzen die Kosten der Verspätungsausbreitung im Airline-Netzwerk flugspezifisch auf der Basis historischer Betriebsdaten ab, sodass knappe Abfertigungsressourcen am Drehkreuz der Airline den kritischsten Flugzeugumläufen zugeordnet werden können. Das Modell wird innerhalb einer Fallstudie angewendet, um die taktischen Kosten einer Airline in Folge von verschiedenen Flugplanstörungen zu minimieren. Die Analyseergebnisse zeigen, dass die optimale Lösung sehr sensitiv in Bezug auf die Art, den Umfang und die Intensität einer Störung reagiert und es folglich keine allgemeingültige optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung für verschiedene Störungen gibt. Umso dringender wird der Einsatz eines flexiblen und effizienten Optimierungsverfahrens empfohlen, welches die komplexen Ressourcenabhängigkeiten innerhalb eines Airline-Netzwerks berücksichtigt und kontextspezifische Lösungen generiert. Um die Effizienz eines solchen Optimierungsverfahrens zu bestimmen, sollte das damit gewonnene Steuerungspotenzial im Vergleich zu aktuell genutzten Verfahren über einen längeren Zeitraum untersucht werden. Aus den in dieser Dissertation analysierten Störungsszenarien kann geschlussfolgert werden, dass die flexible Standplatzvergabe, Passagier-Direkttransporte, beschleunigte Abfertigungsverfahren und die gezielte Verspätung von Abflügen sehr gute Steuerungsoptionen sind und während 95 Prozent der Saison Anwendung finden könnten, um geringe bis mittlere Verspätungen von Einzelflügen effizient aufzulösen. Bei Störungen, die zu hohen Verspätungen im gesamten Airline-Netzwerk führen, ist eine vollständige Integration aller in Betracht gezogenen Steuerungsoptionen erforderlich, um eine erhebliche Reduzierung der taktischen Kosten zu erreichen. Dabei ist insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Ankunfts- und Abflugzeitfenster zu tauschen, von hoher Bedeutung für eine Airline, um die ihr zugewiesenen ATFM-Verspätungen auf die Flugzeugumläufe zu verteilen, welche die geringsten Einschränkungen im weiteren Tagesverlauf aufweisen. Die Berücksichtigung von Unsicherheiten im nachgelagerten Airline-Netzwerk zeigt, dass eine Optimierung auf Basis deterministischer Verspätungskosten die taktischen Kosten für eine Airline überschätzen kann. Die optimale Flugplanwiederherstellung auf Basis stochastischer Verspätungskosten unterscheidet sich deutlich von der deterministischen Lösung und führt zu weniger Passagierumbuchungen am Drehkreuz. Darüber hinaus ist das vorgeschlagene Modell in der Lage, Flugprioritäten und Airline-interne Kostenwerte für ein zugewiesenes ATFM-Zeitfenster zu bestimmen. Die errechneten Flugprioritäten können dabei vertraulich in Form von optimalen Verspätungszeitfenstern pro Flug an das ATFM übermittelt werden, während die Definition von internen Kostenwerten für ATFM-Zeitfenster die Entwicklung von künftigen Handelsmechanismen zwischen Airlines unterstützen kann.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 ConclusionsAir Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) and airlines use different paradigms for the prioritisation of flights. While ATFM regards each flight as individual entity when it controls sector capacity utilization, airlines evaluate each flight as part of an aircraft rotation, crew pairing and passenger itinerary. As a result, ATFM slot regulations during capacity constraints are poorly coordinated with the resource interdependencies within an airline network, such that the aircraft turnaround -- as the connecting element or breaking point between individual flights in an airline schedule -- is the major contributor to primary and reactionary delays in Europe. This dissertation bridges the gap between both paradigms by developing an integrated schedule recovery model that enables airlines to define their optimal flight priorities for schedule disturbances arising from ATFM capacity constraints. These priorities consider constrained airport resources and different methods are studied how to communicate them confidentially to external stakeholders for the usage in collaborative solutions, such as the assignment of reserve resources or ATFM slot swapping. The integrated schedule recovery model is an extension of the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem and integrates aircraft turnaround operations with existing approaches for aircraft, crew and passenger recovery. The model is supposed to provide tactical decision support for airline operations controllers at look-ahead times of more than two hours prior to a scheduled hub bank. System-inherent uncertainties about process deviations and potential future disruptions are incorporated into the optimization via stochastic turnaround process times and the novel concept of stochastic delay cost functions. These functions estimate the costs of delay propagation and derive flight-specific downstream recovery capacities from historical operations data, such that scarce resources at the hub airport can be allocated to the most critical turnarounds. The model is applied to the case study of a network carrier that aims at minimizing its tactical costs from several disturbance scenarios. The case study analysis reveals that optimal recovery solutions are very sensitive to the type, scope and intensity of a disturbance, such that there is neither a general optimal solution for different types of disturbance nor for disturbances of the same kind. Thus, airlines require a flexible and efficient optimization method, which considers the complex interdependencies among their constrained resources and generates context-specific solutions. To determine the efficiency of such an optimization method, its achieved network resilience should be studied in comparison to current procedures over longer periods of operation. For the sample of analysed scenarios in this dissertation, it can be concluded that stand reallocation, ramp direct services, quick-turnaround procedures and flight retiming are very efficient recovery options when only a few flights obtain low and medium delays, i.e., 95% of the season. For disturbances which induce high delay into the entire airline network, a full integration of all considered recovery options is required to achieve a substantial reduction of tactical costs. Thereby, especially arrival and departure slot swapping are valuable options for the airline to redistribute its assigned ATFM delays onto those aircraft that have the least critical constraints in their downstream rotations. The consideration of uncertainties in the downstream airline network reveals that an optimization based on deterministic delay costs may overestimate the tactical costs for the airline. Optimal recovery solutions based on stochastic delay costs differ significantly from the deterministic approach and are observed to result in less passenger rebooking at the hub airport. Furthermore, the proposed schedule recovery model is able to define flight priorities and internal slot values for the airline. Results show that the priorities can be communicated confidentially to ATFM by using the concept of 'Flight Delay Margins', while slot values may support future inter-airline slot trading mechanisms.:1 Introduction 2 Status Quo on Airline Operations Management 3 Schedule Recovery Optimization Approach with Constrained Resources 4 Implementation and Application 5 Case Study Analysis 6 Conclusion