3 research outputs found

    Why Do I Keep Checking My Facebook? The Role of Urge in the Excessive Use of Social Networking Sites

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    With the advance of information technologies and widespread deployment of data services, users can access social networking sites (SNSs) almost anytime and anywhere, resulting in an incessant urge to check SNSs. Till now, little is known about the precursors of urge and its role in the development of SNS excessive use. Therefore, we proposed and tested a research model that examines the role of urge in checking SNSs. Empirical evidence from a survey of 205 respondents showed that instant gratification and withdrawal are important factors of the urge to check SNSs, the urge to check SNSs was found to have a significant impact on the excessive use. We concluded with implications to research and practice

    The role of self- regulation, self-presentation and dark triad personality in predicting Social Networking Sites addiction in students of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences

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    The aim of this study was to predict of the role of self- regulation, self-presentation and dark triad personality in students addiction to Social Networking Sites. The research method was descriptive correlational research, The study population consisted of all students of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences (N= 3200). 234 students were sampled Multi-stage sampling method. Data was gathered using Schwarzer’s Self-Regulation Scale (1999), Ackerman’s Self-Presentation Questionnaire(1979), Jonason& Webster Dark Triad Personality Scale(2010) and Questionnaire of Online Network Social Sites(α=/787).. Multiple regression analysis showed the significant role of self-regulation and self-presentation in predict of SNS addiction. Therefore Self-regulation and self-presentation can predict addiction to Social Networking Sites. Anticipating thid psychological characteristics and by psychological interventions based on "self" or "self-regulation" we can prevent student's dependence to Social Networking Sites

    Three Essays on Individuals’ Vulnerability to Security Attacks in Online Social Networks: Factors and Behaviors

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    With increasing reliance on the Internet, the use of online social networks (OSNs) for communication has grown rapidly. OSN platforms are used to share information and communicate with friends and family. However, these platforms can pose serious security threats to users. In spite of the extent of such security threats and resulting damages, little is known about factors associated with individuals’ vulnerability to online security attacks. We address this gap in the following three essays. Essay 1 draws on a synthesis of the epidemic theory in infectious disease epidemiology with the social capital theory to conceptualize factors that contribute to an individual’s role in security threat propagation in OSN. To test the model, we collected data and created a network of hacked individuals over three months from Twitter. The final hacked network consists of over 8000 individual users. Using this data set, we derived individual’s factors measuring threat propagation efficacy and threat vulnerability. The dependent variables were defined based on the concept of epidemic theory in disease propagation. The independent variables are measured based on the social capital theory. We use the regression method for data analysis. The results of this study uncover factors that have significant impact on threat propagation efficacy and threat vulnerability. We discuss the novel theoretical and managerial contributions of this work. Essay 2 explores the role of individuals’ interests in their threat vulnerability in OSNs. In OSNs, individuals follow social pages and post contents that can easily reveal their topics of interest. Prior studies show high exposure of individuals to topics of interest can decrease individuals’ ability to evaluate the risks associated with their interests. This gives attackers a chance to target people based on what they are interested in. However, interest-based vulnerability is not just a risk factor for individuals themselves. Research has reported that similar interests lead to friendship and individuals share similar interests with their friends. This similarity can increase trust among friends and makes individuals more vulnerable to security threat coming from their friends’ behaviors. Despite the potential importance of interest in the propagation of online security attacks online, the literature on this topic is scarce. To address this gap, we capture individuals’ interests in OSN and identify the association between individuals’ interests and their vulnerability to online security threats. The theoretical foundation of this work is a synthesis of dual-system theory and the theory of homophily. Communities of interest in OSN were detected using a known algorithm. We test our model using the data set and social network of hacked individuals from Essay 1. We used this network to collect additional data about individuals’ interests in OSN. The results determine communities of interests which were associated with individuals’ online threat vulnerability. Moreover, our findings reveal that similarities of interest among individuals and their friends play a role in individuals’ threat vulnerability in OSN. We discuss the novel theoretical and empirical contributions of this work. Essay 3 examines the role addiction to OSNs plays in individuals’ security perceptions and behaviors. Despite the prevalence of problematic use of OSNs and the possibility of addiction to these platforms, little is known about the functionalities of brain systems of users who suffer from OSN addiction and their online security perception and behaviors. In addressing these gaps, we have developed the Online addiction & security behaviors (OASB) theory by synthesizing dual-system theory and extended protection motivation theory (PMT). We collected data through an online survey. The results indicate that OSN addiction is rooted in the individual’s brain systems. For the OSN addicted, there is a strong cognitive-emotional preoccupation with using OSN. Our findings also reveal the positive and significant impact of OSN addiction on perceived susceptibility to and severity of online security threats. Moreover, our results show the negative association between OSN addiction and perceived self-efficacy. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of this work