5 research outputs found

    Whole-body control with disturbance rejection through a momentum-based observer for quadruped robots☆

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    This paper presents an estimator of external disturbances for legged robots, based on the system’s momentum. The estimator, along with a suitable motion planner for the trajectory of the robot’s center of mass and an optimization problem based on the modulation of ground reaction forces, devises a whole-body controller for the robot. The designed solution is tested on a quadruped robot within a dynamic simulation environment. The quadruped is stressed by external disturbances acting on stance and swing legs indifferently. The proposed approach is also evaluated through a comparison with two state-of-the-art solutions

    Whole-body Motion Integrating the Capture Point in the Operational Space Inverse Dynamics Control

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    International audienceIt is important for a humanoid robot to be able to move its body without falling down even if the target motion takes its center of mass to the limits of the support polygon. Usually the center of mass is overconstrained to keep balance, but this can make fast motion of the robot upper body or tasks that are far away from the reachable space unfeasible. To achieve these tasks that challenge the robot balance, this paper proposes the integration of the capture point in the operational-space inverse dynamics control framework so that, if balance is about to be lost a good place to step on will be determined preventing the robot from falling down. Moreover, the control of the capture point as a task (or constraint) will guarantee that it does not move out exponentially, allowing the foot to have time to safely step on it before the robot falls. An advantage over other methods is the transparent integration of the capture point letting the robot be able to simultaneously move its whole body satisfying other tasks. The method has been tested in simulation using the dynamic model of the HRP-2 robot

    Generation of whole-body motion for humanoid robots with the complete dynamics

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    Cette thĂšse propose une solution au problĂšme de la gĂ©nĂ©ration de mouvements pour les robots humanoĂŻdes. Le cadre qui est proposĂ© dans cette thĂšse gĂ©nĂšre des mouvements corps-complet en utilisant la dynamique inverse avec l'espace des tĂąches et en satisfaisant toutes les contraintes de contact. La spĂ©cification des mouvements se fait Ă  travers objectifs dans l'espace des tĂąches et la grande redondance du systĂšme est gĂ©rĂ©e avec une pile de tĂąches oĂč les tĂąches moins prioritaires sont atteintes seulement si elles n'interfĂšrent pas avec celles de plus haute prioritĂ©. À cette fin, un QP hiĂ©rarchique est utilisĂ©, avec l'avantage d'ĂȘtre en mesure de prĂ©ciser tĂąches d'Ă©galitĂ© ou d'inĂ©galitĂ© Ă  tous les niveaux de la hiĂ©rarchie. La capacitĂ© de traiter plusieurs contacts non-coplanaires est montrĂ©e par des mouvements oĂč le robot s'assoit sur une chaise et monte une Ă©chelle. Le cadre gĂ©nĂ©rique de gĂ©nĂ©ration de mouvements est ensuite appliquĂ© Ă  des Ă©tudes de cas Ă  l'aide de HRP-2 et Romeo. Les mouvements complexes et similaires Ă  l'humain sont obtenus en utilisant l'imitation du mouvement humain oĂč le mouvement acquis passe par un processus cinĂ©matique et dynamique. Pour faire face Ă  la nature instantanĂ©e de la dynamique inverse, un gĂ©nĂ©rateur de cycle de marche est utilisĂ© comme entrĂ©e pour la pile de tĂąches qui effectue une correction locale de la position des pieds sur la base des points de contact permettant de marcher sur un terrain accidentĂ©. La vision stĂ©rĂ©o est Ă©galement introduite pour aider dans le processus de marche. Pour une rĂ©cupĂ©ration rapide d'Ă©quilibre, le capture point est utilisĂ© comme une tĂąche contrĂŽlĂ©e dans une rĂ©gion dĂ©sirĂ©e de l'espace. En outre, la gĂ©nĂ©ration de mouvements est prĂ©sentĂ©e pour CHIMP, qui a besoin d'un traitement particulier.This thesis aims at providing a solution to the problem of motion generation for humanoid robots. The proposed framework generates whole-body motion using the complete robot dynamics in the task space satisfying contact constraints. This approach is known as operational-space inverse-dynamics control. The specification of the movements is done through objectives in the task space, and the high redundancy of the system is handled with a prioritized stack of tasks where lower priority tasks are only achieved if they do not interfere with higher priority ones. To this end, a hierarchical quadratic program is used, with the advantage of being able to specify tasks as equalities or inequalities at any level of the hierarchy. Motions where the robot sits down in an armchair and climbs a ladder show the capability to handle multiple non-coplanar contacts. The generic motion generation framework is then applied to some case studies using HRP-2 and Romeo. Complex and human-like movements are achieved using human motion imitation where the acquired motion passes through a kinematic and then dynamic retargeting processes. To deal with the instantaneous nature of inverse dynamics, a walking pattern generator is used as an input for the stack of tasks which makes a local correction of the feet position based on the contact points allowing to walk on non-planar surfaces. Visual feedback is also introduced to aid in the walking process. Alternatively, for a fast balance recovery, the capture point is introduced in the framework as a task and it is controlled within a desired region of space. Also, motion generation is presented for CHIMP which is a robot that needs a particular treatment

    Advances in Robot Kinematics : Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Advances in Robot Kinematics

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    International audienceThe motion of mechanisms, kinematics, is one of the most fundamental aspect of robot design, analysis and control but is also relevant to other scientific domains such as biome- chanics, molecular biology, . . . . The series of books on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK) report the latest achievement in this field. ARK has a long history as the first book was published in 1991 and since then new issues have been published every 2 years. Each book is the follow-up of a single-track symposium in which the participants exchange their results and opinions in a meeting that bring together the best of world’s researchers and scientists together with young students. Since 1992 the ARK symposia have come under the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine Science-IFToMM.This book is the 13th in the series and is the result of peer-review process intended to select the newest and most original achievements in this field. For the first time the articles of this symposium will be published in a green open-access archive to favor free dissemination of the results. However the book will also be o↔ered as a on-demand printed book.The papers proposed in this book show that robot kinematics is an exciting domain with an immense number of research challenges that go well beyond the field of robotics.The last symposium related with this book was organized by the French National Re- search Institute in Computer Science and Control Theory (INRIA) in Grasse, France