18 research outputs found


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    The study of ethics is unarguably a key component of Management Information Systems (MIS) education. From the early days of the discipline, concerns abounded that computing and information were fraught with the possibility of misuse, leading the profession to determine that it had an obligation to do its utmost to encourage ingrained ethical practice. I propose a new approach to ethics teaching in Management Information Systems, one that addresses the need to inculcate habits of ethical thought as an integral part of the design, deployment and use of Management Information Systems. Students would learn the necessity of including ethical analysis at the beginning rather than at the end of MIS initiatives because ethics would be presented as “built in”, an essential organic element of major MIS topics. The habits of ethical thought would be supported by introducing students to models and frameworks using a dialogic approach

    Digital Divide in Social Media Prosumption: Proclivity, Production Intensity, and Prosumer Typology among College Students and General Population

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    This paper examines the digital divide in social media prosumption. It compares college students’ and general population’s prosumption behavior in social media and proposes a set of measures of prosumption in online media settings with special emphasis on social media including prosumption proclivity, production intensity, and a prosumption index which can be used in future studies on social media and other usergenerated content sites. We classified prosumption behavior in a quadrant of four main types along the two dimensions of production and consumption. A polarized trend of prosumption was observed. Prosumption proclivity is a much stronger facilitator of social media consumption than participation or production intensity especially among college students

    Spatial Education for Different User Groups as a Prerequisite for Creating a Spatially Enabled Society and Leveraging SDI

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    During recent years spatial data infrastructure (SDI) concepts have developed towards user-centered initiatives, whose creation is strongly driven by user requirements. Closely related to (user-centric) SDIs is the vision of spatially enabled societies where access to and use of spatial data is regarded as relevant support for everyone to organize their activities. Both user-centric SDI models and the concept of spatially enabled societies focus on large and diverse user communities encompassing, besides public and private sector organizations, the general public as well. Although the benefits of spatial data use for professional reasons are widely recognized, awareness of the potential advantages for private life such as activities related to citizenship (civic duties and rights) has only recently been raised. Nevertheless, most citizens, as non-professionals regarding spatial data use, face difficulties when carrying out tasks related to the use of resources provided by a SDI. While capacity building is a long-established feature to ensure effective use by professionals, the need for citizens’ spatial education has lately become an important consideration. This asks, on the one hand, for the specification of skills and competencies required on the part of citizens to open up opportunities to benefit from SDIs and on the other hand, suitable education initiatives addressing the general public. Therefore, this paper argues that “Spatial Citizenship” seems to be an appropriate education approach to train user groups as pupils/ students and adults (non-GI professionals), who demand for different education initiatives adjusted to their particular situation

    The Digital Divide: A Consideration of Justice and Pastoral Care in Moral Spaces in Response to Underserved Communities Experiencing Inequity in Technology- The Bible Dictates Our Christian Response

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    The Melville Family Foundation understands that poverty in underserved communities’ fuels economic instability fostering inequality in education. The COVID19 pandemic highlighted poverty as a breeding ground for injustice. The Pandemic drove life as we knew it online, further highlighting inequities in the technology space or the “digital divide”. Christians have a responsibility to the digital divide in a way that facilitates justice while responding with the love of God. The aim is to explore the digital divide in the consideration of justice and pastoral care in response to underserved communities experiencing inequity in technology. The researcher of this study will use current statistics on the digital divide and the history of inequality in Dallas balanced with a theological perspective. The Digital Divide is caused by three major factors lack of information on how to utilize the technology, lack of access because of the associated price, and lack of information on the advantages of the technology. A response must include the love of God in the form of pastoral care (proxemics) and the teaching of 8th century and modern-day prophet Martin Luther King Jr. to live rightly. The Christian community has been faced with one of the biggest dilemmas in the recent past, shifting to the digital world. Many churches are left in a dilemma on what to do with either to join the digital bandwagon or to stay in the traditional methods of preaching the gospel. Christians must answer the question, ‘can we see injustice and do nothing’

    Frames of digital divide in digitalization policies in Finland, Denmark and Sweden and the legitimacy of the implementing agency

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    Master's thesis in Innovative governance and public management (ME523

    Internet Public Policy Themes: A Literature Review

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    The current paper aims to present a literature review for the researches conducted on internet public policy themes and provides a classification scheme for future research agenda. This research conducts a literature review based on the studies published in English and in a peer-reviewed journal from 1979 to 2015. Simple criterion method was used to find articles. 427 articles identified in 267 academic journals. All these articles were analyzed by year of publication, number of articles in the selected journal and area topics. This extended literature review provides an exhaustive and valuable source for future internet public policy research for practitioners and scholars by presenting a comprehensive list of references. Although, part of this article was published by (Kashani & Kasmani, 2018), the references listing associated with each internet public policy issue is original

    Azerbaijans Case

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 행정대학원 글로벌행정전공, 2023. 2. KO, Kilkon.Information and communication technologies can grant substantial benefits for those who are capable of operating in a digital environment. Those standing on the other side of the divide put themselves into the underprivileged category of society. In an environment where digitalization progress at a rapid pace in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the prima facie for the urban-rural digital divide is generally recognized, but the elaborate details of the divide patterns have not been researched or reported to the public so far. In this thesis, the researcher delves into data in an attempt to identify the extent of the digital divide in the Republic of Azerbaijan and detect the most vulnerable categories of society regarding the digitalization process. Based on the specific data for this purpose, the study demonstrates the inferences of digital exclusion in public service rendering in the regions, and territories outside the capital city of the subject country. The thesis has produced findings based on the statistical analysis results mainly carried out via multiple regression analysis including several categories of the subject countrys society. Examples of the current Azerbaijani policymaking have been reviewed in the study and policy recommendations have been made in order to increase digital connectivity. The thesis may be considered applicable to the case of other post-Soviet and peer countries. Vis-à-vis the digitalization process, future digital protection policies are called upon in every country considering the trend that privileged segments get more and more digitalized while leaving the underprivileged in a broader gap. Keywords: Azerbaijan, digital divide, digital literacy, ICT, public services Student number: 2021-25253Rəqəmsal mühitdə işləməyi bacaran insanlar üçün informasiya və kommunikasiya texnologiyaları çox böyük fürsətlər aça bilər. Rəqəmsal bölgünün əks tərəfində dayanan fərdlər isə özlərini cəmiyyətin imtiyazsızlar kateqoriyasına məhkum etmiş olur. Azərbaycan Respublikasında rəqəmsallaşmanın tam sürətlə davam etdiyi bir mühitdə urban-rural əsaslı rəqəmsal bölgü prima fasi olaraq tanınsa da bölgü trendlərinin detalları əsaslı şəkildə araşdırılmayıb və bu barədə ictimaiyyətə açıqlamalar edilməyib. Bu tezisdə araşdırmaçı Azərbaycan Respublikasındakı rəqəmsal bölgünün təsir etdiyi sahələri tapmaq üçün datalara nəzər yetirir və cəmiyyətdə rəqəmsallaşma prosesinin ən çox təsir etdiyi kateqoriyaları aydınlaşdırmağa çalışır. Bu məqsəd üçün toplanmış spesifik datanın əsasında, araşdırma söhbət gedən ölkənin paytaxtından kənar bölgələrdə dövlət xidmətlərinin göstərilməsi zamanı yaranan rəqəmsal istisna olmuş fərdlər üzrə inferensiyalar təqdim edir. Söhbət gedən ölkə cəmiyyətinin bir neçə kateqoriyasını əhatə edən çoxsaylı reqressiya təhlilli statistik analiz nəticələri tezisin araşdırma sualını tapmağı ilə sonlanmışdır. Hazırki Azərbaycan qərarvermə mexanizmlərinin nümunələri nəzərdən keçirilmiş və rəqəmsal bağları artırmaq üçün siyasi tövsiyələr təqdim edilmişdir. Bu tezis keçmiş Sovet ölkələri və oxşar ölkələrin vəziyyətləri üçün də istifadə edilə bilər. Tezisdə rəqəmsallaşma prosesi ilə başbaşa, gələcək rəqəmsal müdafiə qanunlarının hazırlanması üçün çağırışlar edilir. Əks halda imtiyazlı seqmentin daha sürətlə rəqəmsallaşması, rəqəmsal bölgünün digər tərəfində qalan əhalinin isə daha da böyük bölgü arasında qalması trendlərdə müşahidə edilir. Açar sözlər: Azərbaycan, rəqəmsal bölgü, rəqəmsal bilgi, İKT, dövlət xidmətləri Tələbə nömrəsi: 2021-25253정보통신 기술은 디지털 환경에서 적응할 수 있는 사람들에게 상당한 혜택을 줄 수 있으나 그 분열의 반대편에 서 있는 사람들은 자신들을 사회의 소외된 계층으로 보았다. 아제르바이잔 공화국에서 디지털화가 빠른 속도로 진행되는 환경에서 도시-농촌 정보격차는 일반적으로 인정되고 있으나, 세부적 내용은 지금까지 연구되거나 보고되지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 아제르바이잔 공화국의 정보 격차 범위를 식별하고 디지털화 과정에 관한 사회의 가장 취약한 범주를 탐지하기 위해 데이터를 분석하였다. 특정 데이터를 기반으로, 이 연구는 대상 국가의 수도 외곽 지역 및 지역에서 공공 서비스 렌더링에서 디지털 소외의 추론을 입증한다. 본 논문은 주로 대상국 사회의 여러 범주를 포함한 다중 회귀 분석을 통해 수행된 통계 분석 결과를 바탕으로 결과를 도출하였다. 현재 아제르바이잔 정책 결정의 예는 연구에서 검토되었고 디지털 연결을 증가시키기 위해 정책 권고안이 만들어졌다. 이 논문은 다른 포스트소비에트 및 동위권 국가에 적용할 수 있다. 특권 계층이 점점 더 디지털화되고 소외 계층은 더 넓은 격차에 놓이게 되는 추세를 고려할 때 이를 완화하기 위한 국가 차원의 정책이 필요한 것으로 보인다. 주요 키워드: 아제르바이잔, 디지털 격차, 디지털 사용능력, ICT, 공공 서비스 학생 수: 2021-25253ABSTRACT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 TABLE OF FIGURES 4 ABBREVIATIONS 5 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 6 A. BACKGROUND TO THE THESIS 6 B. BACKGROUND TO THE COUNTRY CONTEXT 10 C. PURPOSE AND RESEARCH QUESTIONS 14 D. STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS 16 CHAPTER 2. KEY CONCEPTS AND THEORETICAL UNDERPINNINGS – 7 DIGITS 18 A. DIGITALIZATION AND (OR) DIGITIZATION? 18 B. DIGITAL PUBLIC SERVICES AND INNOVATION 21 C. DIGITAL GOVERNMENT VERSUS EGOVERNMENT 23 D. DIGITAL LITERACY 27 E. DIGITAL SKILLS 29 F. DIGITAL DIVIDE 31 G. DIGITAL EXCLUSION 33 H. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THE THESIS 35 CHAPTER 3. METHODOLOGY 41 A. OBJECTIVITY 41 B. APPROACH AND LITERATURE REVIEW 42 C. DATA COLLECTION 44 D. DATA ANALYSIS 45 CHAPTER 4. FINDINGS 51 A. HYPOTHESIS AND THE RQ1: IMPACT OF PLACE OF RESIDENCE ON THE DIGITAL DIVIDE INDEXES 51 B. RQ2: WHICH SOCIAL CATEGORIES ARE MOSTLY AFFECTED BY THE DIGITAL DIVIDE IN AZERBAIJAN? 56 C. RQ3: DOES DIGITAL MOTIVATION SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECT THE DIGITAL DIVIDE? 61 CHAPTER 5. CONCLUSION 63 A. SUMMARY OF THE THESIS 63 B. LIMITATIONS OF THE METHODOLOGY 66 C. POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 67 REFERENCES 72 APPENDICES 82 APPENDIX 1. QUESTIONNAIRE AND THE MODEL 82 APPENDIX 2. INTERNET USERS OF AZERBAIJAN: REFLECTED ON MAP 88 국문초록 89 ABSTRAKT 90 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 91석


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    This hermeneutic phenomenological study centered on the lived experiences of older teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators as they navigate the acquiring, teaching, learning, using, and evaluating of technological resources in the classroom. In particular, this study sought to understand this phenomenon through the eyes of the participants as they interact with teachers with 20 or more years of teaching experience in two rural West Tennessee school districts. Using social learning theory as the backbone of analysis, I had nine participants engage in three in-depth interviews each. The first interview acquired background and foundational knowledge in relation to the use of technology and its use in education by the participants; the second interview looked more closely at the experiences that participants have in relation to the phenomenon; and the third interview gave the participants the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in order to expose deeper meaning for analysis. I also kept a journal of notes and thoughts throughout the process, and participants had opportunities to review transcripts and annotation and make changes to ensure clarity and accuracy of voice.Data was input into NVivo 11 and was coded using the participants own thoughts. Through this process four major themes emerged: (a) the need for connection and understanding, (b) the availability of resources and training, (c) the catalyst of pressure and expectation, and (d) the importance of time. Afterward, these themes were linked with existing literature to explore gaps in the research and potential for future exploration

    Digital Inequality in a Rural Cornish Village: an Integrative Analysis

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    Over the last three decades, the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has transformed human societies. This digitisation is commonly believed to make all residents’ lives easier, healthier, and more productive by reducing spatiotemporal constraints for accessing information or services. However, this optimistic view neglects the situation of disadvantaged populations who may not be able to access or use ICTs in the same way and are, therefore at risk of being left behind and excluded from an increasingly digitised society. Such inequalities in the access and use of digital technologies are referred to as the digital divide and have been studied extensively. Research on the digital divide is typically based on ‘Big Data’ from national surveys that are useful for revealing general trends and usage patterns but neglect the situation of small rural areas that are underrepresented in surveys. These areas are often structurally disadvantaged for several reasons, such as spatial isolation, poor infrastructure, low population density, or the out-migration of businesses and young people. Digitisation has the potential to mitigate some of those challenges, but despite recent efforts to investigate technology use in rural communities, very little is known about the role of ICTs in the everyday life of rural residents and about the practical barriers that may hinder their adoption. This thesis aimed to fill this data gap by developing an integrative bottom-up research approach that examined technology use in a rural Cornish area at multiple levels, with convergent methods and minimal preconceptions about normative forms of ICT use. This approach enabled the collection of ‘Small Data’ that portrays the use of technology in the inhabitants’ life context and delineates how personal characteristics of individuals, socio-cultural characteristics of the local community, and structural characteristics of the area collectively shape digital divides in the rural environment