8 research outputs found

    Graphs determined by their generalized characteristic polynomials

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    AbstractFor a given graph G with (0,1)-adjacency matrix AG, the generalized characteristic polynomial of G is defined to be ϕG=ϕG(λ,t)=det(λI-(AG-tDG)), where I is the identity matrix and DG is the diagonal degree matrix of G. In this paper, we are mainly concerned with the problem of characterizing a given graph G by its generalized characteristic polynomial ϕG. We show that graphs with the same generalized characteristic polynomials have the same degree sequence, based on which, a unified approach is proposed to show that some families of graphs are characterized by ϕG. We also provide a method for constructing graphs with the same generalized characteristic polynomial, by using GM-switching

    Laplacian spectral characterization of some graph products

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    This paper studies the Laplacian spectral characterization of some graph products. We consider a class of connected graphs: G=G:∣EG∣≤∣VG∣+1\mathscr{G}={G : |EG|\leq|VG|+1}, and characterize all graphs G∈GG\in\mathscr{G} such that the products G×KmG\times K_m are LL-DS graphs. The main result of this paper states that, if G∈GG\in\mathscr{G}, except for C6C_{6} and Θ3,2,5\Theta_{3,2,5}, is LL-DS graph, so is the product G×KmG\times K_{m}. In addition, the LL-cospectral graphs with C6×KmC_{6}\times K_{m} and Θ3,2,5×Km\Theta_{3,2,5}\times K_{m} have been found.Comment: 19 pages, we showed that several types of graph product are determined by their Laplacian spectr

    Which wheel graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra?

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    The wheel graph, denoted by Wn+1, is the graph obtained from the circuit C-n with n vertices by adding a new vertex and joining it to every vertex of C-n. In this paper, the wheel graph Wn+1. except for W-7, is proved to be determined by its Laplacian spectrum, and a graph cospectral with the wheel graph W-7 is given. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Computers and Mathematics with Applications Which wheel graphs are determined by their Laplacian spectra?

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    a b s t r a c t The wheel graph, denoted by W n+1 , is the graph obtained from the circuit C n with n vertices by adding a new vertex and joining it to every vertex of C n . In this paper, the wheel graph W n+1 , except for W 7 , is proved to be determined by its Laplacian spectrum, and a graph cospectral with the wheel graph W 7 is given