3 research outputs found

    Which are the most sensitive parameters for suspended solids modelling in free water surface constructed wetlands?

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    [EN] A large number of input factors are involved in mechanistic models for constructed wetlands simulation. Proper calibration procedure requires identifying which are the most influential ones in the simulation of main interest outputs. Total suspended solids concentration is an essential component in the simulation of eutrophic water treatment. In this paper, a global sensitivity analysis using the Morris method and scaled elementary effects was performed in order to identify which are the most influential input factors in total suspended solids simulation in free water surface constructed wetlands treating eutrophic water. Results indicated that the most influential one was the sedimentation velocity of total suspended solids, followed by parameters related to the resuspension process caused by wind, which presented non-linear or interaction effects. (c) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Gargallo Bellés, S.; Solimeno, A.; Martín Monerris, M. (2018). Which are the most sensitive parameters for suspended solids modelling in free water surface constructed wetlands?. Environmental Modelling & Software. 102:115-119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.01.015S11511910

    Melhoramento de materiais aplicados à floculação com lastro em um sistema Actiflo® de tratamento de água

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.O setor de produção e distribuição de água potável deve atender a requisitos cada vez mais restritivos em relação à concentração de resíduos provenientes da poliacrilamida aniônica na água. Esta contaminação residual ocorre devido à aplicação deste polímero como floculante no processo de tratamento da água. Tais restrições são estabelecidas em função de sua caracterização nociva e cancerígena quando diluído na água. Visando atender a essas demandas, novas pesquisas vêm sendo desenvolvidas no mundo, buscando materiais modificados com desempenho superior aos utilizados atualmente. Um sistema clarificador de água desenvolvido pela empresa Veolia chamado ACTIFLO® apresenta a técnica de floculação com lastro como parte de seu processo. A floculação com lastro consiste na formação de flocos mais robustos e com maior peso específico. Estas características do floco conferem ao processo alta taxa de decantação. Sistemas ACTIFLO® são compactos, apresentam menor custo de implantação e operação, e fornecem água para abastecimento com alta qualidade. Neste contexto, este trabalho buscou avaliar um material formado pela combinação do agente de lastro (microareia GA39) e pelo floculante poliacrilamida aniônica (PAM AN934). Este material foi desenvolvido com o intuito de suprir ou reduzir a dosagem contínua do floculante PAM AN934 no sistema ACTIFLO® . O processo consiste em depositar partículas de ferro sobre os grãos de GA39 e em seguida adicionar PAM AN934 a esta mistura. Posteriormente, a pesquisa eliminou a etapa de depósito de ferro e a poliacrilamida foi adicionada diretamente aos grãos de microareia GA39. Diversas amostras foram produzidas a partir da variação da concentração dos reagentes, da temperatura e do tempo de secagem. As amostras foram então submetidas a testes de jarros com a finalidade de comparar seus desempenhos em redução da turbidez. Este parâmetro físico foi selecionado como fator comparativo por ser facilmente mensurado e preciso, em função do elevado volume de ensaios elaborados. As amostras com depósito de ferro apresentaram baixa eficiência na remoção de turbidez, fornecendo valores equivalentes ou acima de 5 UT. No entanto, as amostras em que o polímero foi adicionado diretamente à GA39 forneceram desempenho ótimo em remoção da turbidez (0,45 UT), visto que a água bruta apresenta 2,5 UT e permitiram redução em 81% da concentração de PAM AN934 adicionada à água. A possibilidade da produção de um material eficiente formado pela combinação agente de lastro e floculante representa avanço no processo de clarificação da água.The field of production and distribution of drinking water must meet increasingly restrictive demands in relation to the concentration of residues from anionic polyacrylamide in water. This residual contamination occurs due to the application of this polymer as a flocculant in the water treatment process. Such restrictions are due to its harmful and carcinogenic characterization when diluted in water. Aiming to meet these demands, Veolia launched the search of modified materials with superior performance than those currently used. A water clarifying system developed by Veolia called ACTIFLO® presents the ballasted flocculation technique as part of its process. The ballasted flocculation consists on the formation of more robust flocs with a higher specific weight. These characteristics provides a higher decantation rate to the process. ACTIFLO® systems are compact, have a lower cost of implementation and operation, and produce water for supply with high quality. In this context, this work seeks to develop a material formed by the combination of the ballast agent and the polyacrylamide flocculant. This material is developed in order to supply or reduce the continuous dosage of the flocculant PAM AN934 in the ACTIFLO® system. The procedure performed in this study initially consists of depositing iron particles on GA39 grains and then adding PAM AN934 to this mixture. The second phase of the research eliminated the iron deposition step and the polyacrylamide was added directly to the GA39 microsand grains. Several samples were produced by variating the concentration of the reagents, the drying time and temperature. The samples are then subjected to jar tests in order to compare their performance in terms of turbidity abatement. This physical parameter was selected as a comparative factor because it is easily measured and accurate, due to the high volume of tests developed. Samples with iron deposits showed low efficiency in removing turbidity. However, with the samples which the polymer was added directly, optimum performance was achieved in terms of turbidity abatement (0.45 UT) with an 81% reduction in the concentration of PAM AN934 added to the water. The possibility of producing a material containing a ballast agent combined with the flocculant represents an advance in the water clarification process

    Evaluación de la calidad del agua de la laguna San Martín, parroquia San Gerardo – Girón, utilizando diferentes enfoques cuantitativos

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    La eutrofización es una de las amenazas más importantes para el estado ecológico y los servicios ambientales de los sistemas lacustres; por lo que su evaluación juega un papel clave en la gestión de estos ecosistemas. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo para evaluar y verificar el estado de la calidad del agua y el estado trófico de la laguna “San Martín” empleando diferentes enfoques cuantitativos. Para lo cual, se aplicó el índice de calidad del agua de la National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), el índice de Oregón (OWQI) y el índice del Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME); adicionalmente se categorizó el estado trófico de la laguna, mediante la aplicación del índice de eutrofización de la Organización de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo (OCED), el índice de eutrofización de Carlson (IET) y el índice trófico de TRIX. Se realizaron 3 muestreos en la temporada de verano (agosto, septiembre y octubre) y 3 en la temporada de invierno (febrero, marzo y abril), en 6 puntos de muestreo alrededor de la zona accesible de la laguna. Para el cálculo de los índices se determinó la concentración de los siguientes paramentos: fósforo, nitrógeno, transparencia, clorofilaa, oxígeno disuelto, coliformes fecales, pH, DBO, fosfatos, nitratos, nitrógeno total, temperatura y turbiedad. Los resultados correspondientes a los índices de calidad del agua mostraron que según el índice CCME, la laguna San Martín presentó una calidad de agua regular, en el cual la baja concentración de oxígeno disuelto (OD) influyó considerablemente en su estado. El índice NSF clasificó a la laguna con una calidad media, mientras que el índice de Oregon la clasificó con una calidad muy pobre, siendo este el más exigente al momento de clasificar la calidad de un cuerpo de agua. Por otra parte, los índices tróficos de Carlson y TRIX coincidieron en que la laguna presenta un estado Hipereutrófico, mientras que el OCDE y el estado trófico relacionado al fósforo (IETPt) permitieron identificar que la concentración de fósforo, la profundidad y la disponibilidad de luz condicionan en el estado trófico de la laguna. La evaluación del estado trófico contribuiría a maximizar la eficacia de las futuras estrategias de gestión, para controlar y minimizar los problemas de eutrofización de la lagunaEutrophication is one of the most important threats to the ecological status and ecosystem services of lake systems; therefore, its assessment plays a key role in the management of these ecosystems. The present study was carried out to evaluate and verify the water quality and trophic status of the "San Martín" lagoon using different quantitative approaches. For this purpose, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) water quality index, the Oregon Water Quality Index (OWQI) and the Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) index were applied; additionally, the trophic status of the lagoon was categorized by applying the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) eutrophication index, the Carlson Eutrophication Index (ETI) and the TRIX trophic index. Three samplings were carried out in the summer season (August, September and October) and three in the winter season (February, March and April), at six sampling points around the accessible zone of the lagoon. To calculate the indices, the concentration of the following parameters was determined: phosphorus, nitrogen, transparency, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, fecal coliforms, pH, BOD, phosphates, nitrates, total nitrogen, temperature and turbidity. The results corresponding to the water quality indexes showed that according to the CCME index, the San Martín lagoon presented a regular water quality in which the low concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) had a considerable influence on its condition. The NSF index classified the lagoon with a medium quality, while the Oregon index classified it with a very poor quality, this being the most demanding when classifying the quality of a body of water. On the other hand, the Carlson and TRIX trophic indices coincided in that the lagoon presents a hypereutrophic state, while the OECD and the trophic state related to phosphorus (IETPt) allowed the identification that the concentration of phosphorus, the depth and the availability of light condition the trophic state of the lagoonIngeniero AmbientalCuenc