25 research outputs found

    Comment mieux évaluer les informations issues de sources multiples ?

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    International audienceLes apprenants naviguant dans les environnements interactifs ne prennent que peu en compte l'origine des informations. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étudier l'effet de la source d'information sur la compréhension d'hypertexte. Quarante-huit étudiants ont lu 4 textes à partir d'un menu présentant les titres des textes ou les sources des textes (nom de l'auteur et support de publication). Les participants ont reçu une consigne de lecture simple ou une consigne de lecture attentive. Les principaux résultats ont montré que lorsque l'attention des lecteurs était centrée sur les sources, les sources faibles étaient jugées comme étant moins exactes et moins dignes de confiance. Les résultats ont été brièvement discutés en référence aux théories de la compréhension de texte

    Search Strategies and Information Search Tools Used by Pharmacy PhD Students: A Qualitative Study

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    Objectives: This study aimed to investigate search tools and strategies of PhD students to access required information. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with pharmacy Ph.D. students in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were conducted. We used MaxQDA software to analyze the content of the interviews. Results: Scopus and Google Scholar were the most popular search tools used by participants. These databases were also recognized as the most common starting points for searches among participants. Participants’ search strategies were categorized into two themes (search tools and search strategies) and six subthemes which include: search start up tools, search tools used, reasons to use, keyword selection and modification, type of search and field searching. Conclusion: Google Scholar has become a serious alternative for specialized databases such as Web of Science, Pubmed and Scopus. The results of this study would be benefit for policy makers and information suppliers in academic settings

    Search strategies and information search tools used by pharmacy PhD students: A qualitative study

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    Objectives: This study aimed to investigate search tools and strategies of PhD students to access required information. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with pharmacy Ph.D. students in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were conducted. We used MaxQDA software to analyze the content of the interviews. Results: Scopus and Google Scholar were the most popular search tools used by participants. These databases were also recognized as the most common starting points for searches among participants. Participants' search strategies were categorized into two themes (search tools and search strategies) and six subthemes which include: search start up tools, search tools used, reasons to use, keyword selection and modification, type of search and field searching. Conclusion: Google Scholar has become a serious alternative for specialized databases such as Web of Science, Pubmed and Scopus. The results of this study would be benefit for policy makers and information suppliers in academic settings. © 2019 Library Philosophy and Practice

    Cognitive support for older people from multimedia options

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    Adaptive learning systems: Supporting navigation with customized suggestions

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    The aim of this study was to share the results from an experimental research which investigate the effects of link annotations in an educational hypermedia on students’ navigation. This study was conducted through a post-test only control group design with 67 undergraduate students. The voluntary research participants were randomly assigned into the experimental and control group. The required data were collected through an academic achievement test, the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, the Non-Linear Media Disorientation Assessment Tool, a questionnaire about users’ opinions and user logs. The findings showed that the perceived disorientation scores and revisitation rates were significantly lower for the learners who studied in the adaptive environment than those in the non-adaptive environment. It was observed that students’ non-sequential navigation in experimental group increased significantly and they followed the system's advices.

    Eighth graders' web searching strategies and outcomes: The role of task types, web experience and epistemological beliefs

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    Abstract This study reported an investigation of eighth graders' (14-year-olds) web searching strategies and outcomes, and then analyzed their correlations with students' web experiences, epistemological beliefs, and the nature of searching tasks. Eighty-seven eighth graders were asked to fill out a questionnaire for probing epistemological beliefs (from positivist to constructivist-oriented views) and finished three different types of searching tasks. Their searching process was recorded by screen capture software and answers were reviewed by two expert teachers based on their accuracy, richness and soundness. Five quantitative indicators were used to assess students' searching strategies: number of keywords, visited pages, maximum depth of exploration, refinement of keyword, and number of words used in the first keyword. The main findings derived from this study suggested that, students with richer web experiences could find more correct answers in ''closeended" search tasks. In addition, students with better metacognitive skills such as keyword refinement tended to achieve more successful searching outcomes in such tasks. However, in ''open-ended" tasks, where questions were less certain and answers were more elaborated, students who had more advanced epistemological beliefs, concurring with a constructivist view, had better searching outcomes in terms of their soundness and richness. This study has concluded that epistemological beliefs play an influential role in open-ended Internet learning environments

    Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Web Ortamında Bilgi Arama-Yorumlama Stratejilerinin Demografik Değişkenlere Göre İncelenmesi

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    Millions of people all over the world use the internet so as to communicate or search a topic to get information today. There are several sources about any topic on the internet. Even though there are some misleading ones, there are perfect ones, as well. Therefore, what is important about this issue is to determine whether this electronically acquired information is reliable, true and of high quality or not. If it is, to what extent it is reliable? The purpose of this research is to determine whether information searching and commitment strategies of university students vary according to demographic variables. Quantity method was used in the research, and relational scanning model was preferred among all scanning models. 370 students at Education Faculty, Science and Literature faculty and Engineering faculty of Kocaeli University were included in this research. The questionnaire of information searching and commitment strategies on the internet developed by Wu and Tsai (2005) was used in the research. At the end of the research, it was observed that university students use developed strategies more than others. The highest grade about the strategies of information searching and commitment goes to the statement: ‘ I can combine the information that I collect from various web sites, whenever I need to get information.’ It can be expressed that university students have the necessary ability to compare the information from different web sites and combine it so as to reach the accurate and reliable information. Anova was used to determine whether the strategies of searching and commitment of information vary according to the frequency of daily internet use. No significant difference was observed, though.Dünyada milyonlarca kişi iletişim kurmak, öğrenmek, bir bilgi veya konuyu araştırmak üzere interneti kullanmaktadır. İnternette herhangi bir konuya ait birçok kaynak yer almaktadır. Şüpheli ve yanıltıcı olanların yanında mükemmel kaynaklar da mevcuttur. Fakat bu konudaki temel sorun elektronik ortamda erişilen bilgilerin ne kadar güvenilir, objektif, doğru ve kaliteli olup olmadığına karar vermektir. Bu araştırmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinin Web Ortamında Bilgi Arama-Yorumlama Stratejilerinin demografik değişkenlere göre farklılık gösterip göstermediğinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmada nicel yöntem kullanılmış olup, tarama modellerinden ilişkisel tarama modeli benimsenmiştir. Araştırmaya Kocaeli Üniversitesi’nde Eğitim, Fen- Edebiyat, Mühendislik fakültesinde okuyan 370 öğrenci katılmıştır. Wu ve Tsai(2005) tarafından geliştirilen web ortamında bilgi arama-yorumlama stratejileri ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda web ortamında üniversite öğrencilerinin gelişmiş bilgi arama ve yorumlama stratejilerini daha çok kullandıkları görülmüştür. Öğrencilerin web ortamında bilgi arama-yorumlama stratejileri ile ilgili en yüksek değer alan maddenin “İnternette bir bilgi araştırmaya ihtiyaç duyduğum zaman değişik web sitelerinden elde ettiğim bilgileri bütünleştirebilirim” maddesi olduğu görülmektedir. Üniversite öğrencilerinin doğru ve güvenilir bilgiye ulaşabilmek için çeşitli sitelerden elde ettikleri bilgileri karşılaştırıp bütünleştirebilme yeterliklerine sahip oldukları ifade edilebilir. Öğrencilerin web ortamında bilgi aramayorumlama stratejilerinin günlük internet kullanma sıklıklarına göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığını belirlemek için anova uygulanmıştır. Alt faktörlerde anlamlı bir farklılığa rastlanamamıştır

    Learning and navigating in hypertext: Navigational support by hierarchical menu or tag cloud?

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    As hypertext learning environments (HLE) are widely used in education, it is important to study and know the effects and consequences of its use. HLEs are non-linear which means that students have to develop ways of navigating through them. Thus, developing interfaces that facilitate and even guide navigation is important for learning. Research showed that successful learning in HLEs depends on both learner characteristics and HLE features. This study investigated an HLE navigation feature (navigational support with either a tag-cloud or conventional hierarchical menu), task complexity (fact-finding vs. information-gathering task) and a user characteristic (gender). Results show that neither navigational support nor gender is associated with differences in task performance. However, there are differences in information processing. Participants using a tag clouds looked longer at the navigational support and shorter at the overview pages. Combined with fewer revisits of webpages in the tag cloud condition, this indicates a more focused selection of pages. The deeper processing of information needed for the information-gathering task was reflected in fewer visits to, but longer viewing times of pages. As no differences in task performance were found, tag clouds seem to be as effective for performance as more traditional navigation structures for navigational support

    Adaptive learning systems: Supporting navigation with customized suggestions

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