354 research outputs found

    Producing power-law distributions and damping word frequencies with two-stage language models

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    Standard statistical models of language fail to capture one of the most striking properties of natural languages: the power-law distribution in the frequencies of word tokens. We present a framework for developing statisticalmodels that can generically produce power laws, breaking generativemodels into two stages. The first stage, the generator, can be any standard probabilistic model, while the second stage, the adaptor, transforms the word frequencies of this model to provide a closer match to natural language. We show that two commonly used Bayesian models, the Dirichlet-multinomial model and the Dirichlet process, can be viewed as special cases of our framework. We discuss two stochastic processes-the Chinese restaurant process and its two-parameter generalization based on the Pitman-Yor process-that can be used as adaptors in our framework to produce power-law distributions over word frequencies. We show that these adaptors justify common estimation procedures based on logarithmic or inverse-power transformations of empirical frequencies. In addition, taking the Pitman-Yor Chinese restaurant process as an adaptor justifies the appearance of type frequencies in formal analyses of natural language and improves the performance of a model for unsupervised learning of morphology.48 page(s

    Large-alphabet sequence modelling - a comparative study

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    Most raw data is not binary, but over some often large and structured alphabet. Sometimes it is convenient to deal with binarised data sequence, but typically exploiting the original structure of the data significantly improves performance in many practical applications. In this thesis, we study Martin-Lof random sequences that are maximally incompressible and provide a topological view on the size of the set of random sequences. We also investigate the relationship between binary data compression techniques and modelling natural language text with the latter using raw unbinarised data sequence from a large alphabet. We perform an experimental comparative study for them, including an empirical comparison between Kneser-Ney (KN) variants with regular Context Tree Weighting algorithm (CTW) and phase CTW, and with large-alphabet CTW with different estimators. We also apply the idea of Hutter's adaptive sparse Dirichlet-multinomial coding to the KN method and provide a heuristic to make the discounting parameter adaptive. The KN with this adaptive discounting parameter outperforms the traditional KN method on the Large Calgary corpus

    Handling Massive N-Gram Datasets Efficiently

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    This paper deals with the two fundamental problems concerning the handling of large n-gram language models: indexing, that is compressing the n-gram strings and associated satellite data without compromising their retrieval speed; and estimation, that is computing the probability distribution of the strings from a large textual source. Regarding the problem of indexing, we describe compressed, exact and lossless data structures that achieve, at the same time, high space reductions and no time degradation with respect to state-of-the-art solutions and related software packages. In particular, we present a compressed trie data structure in which each word following a context of fixed length k, i.e., its preceding k words, is encoded as an integer whose value is proportional to the number of words that follow such context. Since the number of words following a given context is typically very small in natural languages, we lower the space of representation to compression levels that were never achieved before. Despite the significant savings in space, our technique introduces a negligible penalty at query time. Regarding the problem of estimation, we present a novel algorithm for estimating modified Kneser-Ney language models, that have emerged as the de-facto choice for language modeling in both academia and industry, thanks to their relatively low perplexity performance. Estimating such models from large textual sources poses the challenge of devising algorithms that make a parsimonious use of the disk. The state-of-the-art algorithm uses three sorting steps in external memory: we show an improved construction that requires only one sorting step thanks to exploiting the properties of the extracted n-gram strings. With an extensive experimental analysis performed on billions of n-grams, we show an average improvement of 4.5X on the total running time of the state-of-the-art approach.Comment: Published in ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS), February 2019, Article No: 2

    Stepwise API usage assistance based on N-gram language models

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    Software development requires the use of external Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) in order to reuse libraries and frameworks. Programmers often struggle with unfamiliar APIs due to their lack of resources or less common design. Such difficulties often lead to an incorrect sequences of API calls that may not produce the desired outcome. Language models have shown the ability to capture regularities in text as well as in code. In this work we explore the use of n-gram language models and their ability to capture regularities in API usage through an intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation of these models on some of the most widely used APIs for the Java programming language. To achieve this, several language models were trained over a source code corpora containing several hundreds of GitHub Java projects that use the desired APIs. In order to fully assess the performance of the language models, we have selected APIs from multiple domains and vocabulary sizes. This work allowed us to conclude that n-gram language models are able to capture the API usage patterns due to their low perplexity values and their high overall coverage, going up to 100% in some cases, which encouraged us to create a code completion tool to help programmers stay in the right path when using unknown APIs while allowing for some exploration.O desenvolvimento de software requer a utilização de Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) externas com o objectivo de reutilizar bibliotecas e frameworks. Muitas vezes, os programadores têm dificuldade em utilizar APIs desconhecidas, devido à falta de recursos ou desenho fora do comum. Essas dificuldades provocam inúmeras vezes sequências incorrectas de chamadas às APIs que poderão não produzir o resultado desejado. Os modelos de língua mostraram-se capazes de capturar regularidades em texto, bem como em código. Neste trabalho é explorada a utilização de modelos de língua de n-gramas e a sua capacidade de capturar regularidades na utilização de APIs, através de uma avaliação intrínseca e extrínseca destes modelos em algumas das APIs mais utilizadas na linguagem de programação Java. Para alcançar este objectivo, vários modelos foram treinados sobre repositórios de código do GitHub, contendo centenas de projectos Java que utilizam estas APIs. Com o objectivo de ter uma avaliação completa do desempenho dos modelos de língua, foram seleccionadas APIs de múltiplos domínios e tamanhos de vocabulário. Este trabalho permite concluir que os modelos de língua de n-gramas são capazes de capturar padrões de utilização de APIs devido aos seus baixos valores de perplexidade e a sua alta cobertura, chegando a atingir 100% em alguns casos, o que levou à criação de uma ferramenta de code completion para guiar os programadores na utilização de uma API desconhecida, mas mantendo a possibilidade de a explorar

    Reified Context Models

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    A classic tension exists between exact inference in a simple model and approximate inference in a complex model. The latter offers expressivity and thus accuracy, but the former provides coverage of the space, an important property for confidence estimation and learning with indirect supervision. In this work, we introduce a new approach, reified context models, to reconcile this tension. Specifically, we let the amount of context (the arity of the factors in a graphical model) be chosen "at run-time" by reifying it---that is, letting this choice itself be a random variable inside the model. Empirically, we show that our approach obtains expressivity and coverage on three natural language tasks

    Detection is the central problem in real-word spelling correction

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    Real-word spelling correction differs from non-word spelling correction in its aims and its challenges. Here we show that the central problem in real-word spelling correction is detection. Methods from non-word spelling correction, which focus instead on selection among candidate corrections, do not address detection adequately, because detection is either assumed in advance or heavily constrained. As we demonstrate in this paper, merely discriminating between the intended word and a random close variation of it within the context of a sentence is a task that can be performed with high accuracy using straightforward models. Trigram models are sufficient in almost all cases. The difficulty comes when every word in the sentence is a potential error, with a large set of possible candidate corrections. Despite their strengths, trigram models cannot reliably find true errors without introducing many more, at least not when used in the obvious sequential way without added structure. The detection task exposes weakness not visible in the selection task