16 research outputs found

    Undecidable First-Order Theories of Affine Geometries

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    Tarski initiated a logic-based approach to formal geometry that studies first-order structures with a ternary betweenness relation (\beta) and a quaternary equidistance relation (\equiv). Tarski established, inter alia, that the first-order (FO) theory of (R^2,\beta,\equiv) is decidable. Aiello and van Benthem (2002) conjectured that the FO-theory of expansions of (R^2,\beta) with unary predicates is decidable. We refute this conjecture by showing that for all n>1, the FO-theory of monadic expansions of (R^2,\beta) is \Pi^1_1-hard and therefore not even arithmetical. We also define a natural and comprehensive class C of geometric structures (T,\beta), where T is a subset of R^2, and show that for each structure (T,\beta) in C, the FO-theory of the class of monadic expansions of (T,\beta) is undecidable. We then consider classes of expansions of structures (T,\beta) with restricted unary predicates, for example finite predicates, and establish a variety of related undecidability results. In addition to decidability questions, we briefly study the expressivity of universal MSO and weak universal MSO over expansions of (R^n,\beta). While the logics are incomparable in general, over expansions of (R^n,\beta), formulae of weak universal MSO translate into equivalent formulae of universal MSO. This is an extended version of a publication in the proceedings of the 21st EACSL Annual Conferences on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2012).Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Towards Linguistically-Grounded Spatial Logics

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    We propose a method to analyze the amount of coverage and adequacy of spatial calculi by relating a calculus to a linguistic ontology for space by using similarities and linguistic corpus data. This allows evaluating whether and where a spatial calculus can be used for natural language interpretation. It can also lead to \u27more appropriate\u27 spatial logics for spatial language

    Geometric Model Checking of Continuous Space

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    Topological Spatial Model Checking is a recent paradigm where model checking techniques are developed for the topological interpretation of Modal Logic. The Spatial Logic of Closure Spaces, SLCS, extends Modal Logic with reachability connectives that, in turn, can be used for expressing interesting spatial properties, such as "being near to" or "being surrounded by". SLCS constitutes the kernel of a solid logical framework for reasoning about discrete space, such as graphs and digital images, interpreted as quasi discrete closure spaces. Following a recently developed geometric semantics of Modal Logic, we propose an interpretation of SLCS in continuous space, admitting a geometric spatial model checking procedure, by resorting to models based on polyhedra. Such representations of space are increasingly relevant in many domains of application, due to recent developments of 3D scanning and visualisation techniques that exploit mesh processing. We introduce PolyLogicA, a geometric spatial model checker for SLCS formulas on polyhedra and demonstrate feasibility of our approach on two 3D polyhedral models of realistic size. Finally, we introduce a geometric definition of bisimilarity, proving that it characterises logical equivalence

    Qualitative Reasoning about Relative Directions : Computational Complexity and Practical Algorithm

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    Qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR) enables cognitive agents to reason about space using abstract symbols. Among several aspects of space (e.g., topology, direction, distance) directional information is useful for agents navigating in space. Observers typically describe their environment by specifying the relative directions in which they see other objects or other people from their point of view. As such, qualitative reasoning about relative directions, i.e., determining whether a given statement involving relative directions is true, can be advantageously used for applications, for example, robot navigation, computer-aided design and geographical information systems. Unfortunately, despite the apparent importance of reasoning about relative directions, QSR-research so far could not provide efficient decision procedures for qualitative reasoning about relative directions. Accordingly, the question about how to devise an efficient decision procedure for qualitative reasoning about relative directions has meanwhile turned to the question about whether an efficient decision procedure exists at all. Answering the latter existential question, which requires a formal analysis of relative directions from a computational complexity point of view, has remained an open problem in the field of QSR. The present thesis solves the open problem by proving that there is no efficient decision procedure for qualitative reasoning about relative directions, even if only left or right relations are involved. This is surprising as it contradicts the early premise of QSR believed by many researchers in and outside the field, that is, abstracting from an infinite domain to a finite set of relations naturally leads to efficient reasoning. As a consequence of this rather negative result, efficient reasoning with any of the well-known relative direction calculi (OPRAm, DCC, DRA, LR) is impossible. Indeed, the present thesis shows that all the relative direction calculi belong to one and the same class of ∃R-complete problems, which are the problems that can be reduced to the NP-hard decision problem of the existential theory of the reals, and vice versa. Nevertheless, in practice, many interesting computationally hard AI problems can be tackled by means of approximative algorithms and heuristics. In the same vein, the present thesis shows that qualitative reasoning about relative directions can also be tackled with approximative algorithms. In the thesis we develop the qualitative calculus SVm which allows for a practical algorithm for qualitative reasoning about relative directions. SVm also provides an effective semi-decision procedure for the OPRAm calculus, the most versatile one among the relative direction calculi. In this thesis we substantiate the usefulness of SVm by applying it in the marine navigation domain

    Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium

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    A Temporal Framework for Hypergame Analysis of Cyber Physical Systems in Contested Environments

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    Game theory is used to model conflicts between one or more players over resources. It offers players a way to reason, allowing rationale for selecting strategies that avoid the worst outcome. Game theory lacks the ability to incorporate advantages one player may have over another player. A meta-game, known as a hypergame, occurs when one player does not know or fully understand all the strategies of a game. Hypergame theory builds upon the utility of game theory by allowing a player to outmaneuver an opponent, thus obtaining a more preferred outcome with higher utility. Recent work in hypergame theory has focused on normal form static games that lack the ability to encode several realistic strategies. One example of this is when a player’s available actions in the future is dependent on his selection in the past. This work presents a temporal framework for hypergame models. This framework is the first application of temporal logic to hypergames and provides a more flexible modeling for domain experts. With this new framework for hypergames, the concepts of trust, distrust, mistrust, and deception are formalized. While past literature references deception in hypergame research, this work is the first to formalize the definition for hypergames. As a demonstration of the new temporal framework for hypergames, it is applied to classical game theoretical examples, as well as a complex supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) network temporal hypergame. The SCADA network is an example includes actions that have a temporal dependency, where a choice in the first round affects what decisions can be made in the later round of the game. The demonstration results show that the framework is a realistic and flexible modeling method for a variety of applications

    Discourses on social software

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    Can computer scientists contribute to the solution of societal problems? Can logic help to model social interactions? Are there recipes for making groups with diverging preferences arrive at reasonable decisions? Why is common knowledge important for social interaction? Does the rational pursuit of individual interests put the public interest in danger, and if so, why? Discourses on Social Software sheds light on these and similar questions. This book offers the reader an ideal introduction to the exciting new field of social software. It shows in detail the many ways in which the seemingly abstract sciences of logic and computer science can be put to use to analyse and solve contemporary social problems. The unusual format of a series of discussions among a logician, a computer scientist, a philosopher and some researchers from other disciplines encourages the reader to develop his own point of view. The only requirements for reading this book are a nodding familiarity with logic, a curious mind, and a taste for spicy debate.Kunnen de computerwetenschappers bijdragen aan een oplossing van sociale problemen? Kan logica gebruikt worden om sociale interactie te modelleren? Zijn er regels op te stellen om groepen met afwijkende voorkeuren tot redelijke besluiten te laten komen? Discourses on Social Software biedt de lezer een ideale inleiding op (nog nieuwe) gebied van sociale software. Het toont in detail de vele manieren waarin de schijnbaar abstracte wetenschappen van logica en computerwetenschap aan het werk kunnen worden gezet om eigentijdse sociale problemen te analyseren en op te lossen. Door de ongebruikelijke aanpak in dit boek, namelijk door discussies tussen een logicus, een computerwetenschapper, een filosoof en onderzoekers uit andere disciplines, wordt de lezer aangemoedigd zijn eigen standpunt te ontwikkelen. De enige vereisten om dit boek te lezen zijn enige vertrouwdheid met de logica, een nieuwsgierige geest, en liefde voor een pittig debat

    Undecidable First-Order Theories of Affine Geometries

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    Geometric Model Checking of Continuous Space

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    Topological Spatial Model Checking is a recent paradigm where model checking techniques are developed for the topological interpretation of Modal Logic. The Spatial Logic of Closure Spaces, SLCS, extends Modal Logic with reachability connectives that, in turn, can be used for expressing interesting spatial properties, such as "being near to" or "being surrounded by". SLCS constitutes the kernel of a solid logical framework for reasoning about discrete space, such as graphs and digital images, interpreted as quasi discrete closure spaces. Following a recently developed geometric semantics of Modal Logic, we propose an interpretation of SLCS in continuous space, admitting a geometric spatial model checking procedure, by resorting to models based on polyhedra. Such representations of space are increasingly relevant in many domains of application, due to recent developments of 3D scanning and visualisation techniques that exploit mesh processing. We introduce PolyLogicA, a geometric spatial model checker for SLCS formulas on polyhedra and demonstrate feasibility of our approach on two 3D polyhedral models of realistic size. Finally, we introduce a geometric definition of bisimilarity, proving that it characterises logical equivalence