3 research outputs found

    What is lost in translation from visual graphics to text for accessibility

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    Many blind and low-vision individuals are unable to access digital media visually. Currently, the solution to this accessibility problem is to produce text descriptions of visual graphics, which are then translated via text-to-speech screen reader technology. However, if a text description can accurately convey the meaning intended by an author of a visualization, then why did the author create the visualization in the first place? This essay critically examines this problem by comparing the so-called graphic–linguistic distinction to similar distinctions between the properties of sound and speech. It also presents a provisional model for identifying visual properties of graphics that are not conveyed via text-tospeech translations, with the goal of informing the design of more effective sonic translations of visual graphics

    Inclusive Design a Source of Innovation: A Case Study & Prototype on Soccer Spectatorship

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    Access to soccer content is achieved mostly through visual cues that convey spatial relations between the ball and players, supplemented by spoken and/or written commentary. Unfortunately, for nonvisual spectators who rely on spoken and written commentary alone, spatial information is lost. Fieldwork in Colombia was selected, designed, and executed in order to observe a unique tactile sign language system that is Co-Designed by actual soccer spectators – a sign language interpreter and a Deaf-Blind spectator. Two portable cameras (GoPro Hero3) were used to capture the live interpretation inside the stadium. Video analysis and field notes revealed how the loss of spatial relations between the ball and players is counteracted by employing a combination of props and gestures. Iterative prototyping through user testing was developed with the aim to design instructions that would teach any visual spectator how to interpret the game from visual to tactile modality. The mixture of ethnographic observations and user testing sessions exposed key properties needed to interpret the game of soccer without using visual or aural cues this work can guide designs towards new spectatorship experiences