24 research outputs found

    Constant Delay Enumeration with FPT-Preprocessing for Conjunctive Queries of Bounded Submodular Width

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    Marx (STOC 2010, J. ACM 2013) introduced the notion of submodular width of a conjunctive query (CQ) and showed that for any class Phi of Boolean CQs of bounded submodular width, the model-checking problem for Phi on the class of all finite structures is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT). Note that for non-Boolean queries, the size of the query result may be far too large to be computed entirely within FPT time. We investigate the free-connex variant of submodular width and generalise Marx\u27s result to non-Boolean queries as follows: For every class Phi of CQs of bounded free-connex submodular width, within FPT-preprocessing time we can build a data structure that allows to enumerate, without repetition and with constant delay, all tuples of the query result. Our proof builds upon Marx\u27s splitting routine to decompose the query result into a union of results; but we have to tackle the additional technical difficulty to ensure that these can be enumerated efficiently

    Enumeration Algorithms for Conjunctive Queries with Projection

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    We investigate the enumeration of query results for an important subset of CQs with projections, namely star and path queries. The task is to design data structures and algorithms that allow for efficient enumeration with delay guarantees after a preprocessing phase. Our main contribution is a series of results based on the idea of interleaving precomputed output with further join processing to maintain delay guarantees, which maybe of independent interest. In particular, we design combinatorial algorithms that provide instance-specific delay guarantees in linear preprocessing time. These algorithms improve upon the currently best known results. Further, we show how existing results can be improved upon by using fast matrix multiplication. We also present {new} results involving tradeoff between preprocessing time and delay guarantees for enumeration of path queries that contain projections. CQs with projection where the join attribute is projected away is equivalent to boolean matrix multiplication. Our results can therefore be also interpreted as sparse, output-sensitive matrix multiplication with delay guarantees

    Degree Sequence Bound for Join Cardinality Estimation

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    Recent work has demonstrated the catastrophic effects of poor cardinality estimates on query processing time. In particular, underestimating query cardinality can result in overly optimistic query plans which take orders of magnitude longer to complete than one generated with the true cardinality. Cardinality bounding avoids this pitfall by computing a strict upper bound on the query's output size using statistics about the database such as table sizes and degrees, i.e. value frequencies. In this paper, we extend this line of work by proving a novel bound called the Degree Sequence Bound which takes into account the full degree sequences and the max tuple multiplicity. This bound improves upon previous work incorporating degree constraints which focused on the maximum degree rather than the degree sequence. Further, we describe how to practically compute this bound using a learned approximation of the true degree sequences

    The Fine-Grained Complexity of Boolean Conjunctive Queries and Sum-Product Problems

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    Ranked Enumeration of Conjunctive Query Results

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    We study the problem of enumerating answers of Conjunctive Queries ranked according to a given ranking function. Our main contribution is a novel algorithm with small preprocessing time, logarithmic delay, and non-trivial space usage during execution. To allow for efficient enumeration, we exploit certain properties of ranking functions that frequently occur in practice. To this end, we introduce the notions of decomposable and compatible (w.r.t. a query decomposition) ranking functions, which allow for partial aggregation of tuple scores in order to efficiently enumerate the output. We complement the algorithmic results with lower bounds that justify why restrictions on the structure of ranking functions are necessary. Our results extend and improve upon a long line of work that has studied ranked enumeration from both a theoretical and practical perspective

    Decision Problems in Information Theory

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    Constraints on entropies are considered to be the laws of information theory. Even though the pursuit of their discovery has been a central theme of research in information theory, the algorithmic aspects of constraints on entropies remain largely unexplored. Here, we initiate an investigation of decision problems about constraints on entropies by placing several different such problems into levels of the arithmetical hierarchy. We establish the following results on checking the validity over all almost-entropic functions: first, validity of a Boolean information constraint arising from a monotone Boolean formula is co-recursively enumerable; second, validity of "tight" conditional information constraints is in ???. Furthermore, under some restrictions, validity of conditional information constraints "with slack" is in ???, and validity of information inequality constraints involving max is Turing equivalent to validity of information inequality constraints (with no max involved). We also prove that the classical implication problem for conditional independence statements is co-recursively enumerable