4 research outputs found

    Profil Kompetensi Soft-skill Dalam Tindak Berwirausaha Para Pengusaha Mebel

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the soft-skill competency profile of furniture entrepreneurs in Ngemplak Boyolali in entrepreneurship, as well as how to develop soft-skill competencies in entrepreneurship among furniture entrepreneurs in Ngemplak District. The design of this research was a qualitative research that uses a cultural approach (ethnography) which was descriptive analytic. The subject of this research is a furniture entrepreneur in Giriroto, Ngemplak, Boyolali. The research data analysis method is interactive analysis, starting from data collection, data reduction, and data presentation to concluding. The results of the research on soft skills competencies possessed by furniture entrepreneurs in Giriroto Village, Ngemplak District, Boyolali Regency include work ethic, courtesy, cooperation, discipline and self-confidence, adjustment to norms, and language skills and the courage to take risks. The efforts to develop soft skills are not carried out specifically through training and education, but are obtained from oneself and from outside. From yourself, for example, do a self-evaluation. While from the outside, namely learning from customers, and other entrepreneurs. Keyword: softskill, entrepreneurship, furniture entrepreneu

    What Soft Skills Software Architect Should Have? A Reflection from Software Industry

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    Abstract. Software architect has pivotal role in software development life cycle. People have different personality traits, and the way they perceive, plan and execute any assigned task is influenced by it. These personality traits are characterized by soft skills. Most of the time, software development is a team work involving several people executing different tasks. The success and failure stories of software projects revealed the human factor as one of the critical importance. In this work we are presenting a reflection from software industry about the soft skills requirements for a software architect's job. We analyzed 124 advertised jobs in the title of software architect and explore the soft skills requirements. The results of this investigation help in understanding software skills requirement set for a job of software architect and presents the current status of their use in job advertisements

    O sector do software e serviços informáticos em Portugal: crescimento económico à distância de um clique

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    No contexto de recessão económica e desemprego que vive a sociedade portuguesa, a presente discussão sobre soluções para a economia portuguesa assume particular importância. O sector do software e serviços informáticos, por sua vez, tem contribuído para o crescimento económico de muitas economias mundiais. Neste sentido, este trabalho pretende retratar o conceito e analisar a evolução do sector do software e serviços informáticos em Portugal (SSI), assim como o seu estado actual a partir de diferentes ferramentas e os seus possíveis contributos para os diferentes cenários da economia portuguesa. Recorreu-se à literatura já existente, bem como às bases de dados do Instituto Nacional de Estatística (INE) e da Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento (OCDE) para compreender melhor a evolução do sector em Portugal como de outros países relevantes. Para a análise económica do sector, utilizaram-se os modelos de cadeia de valor, factores de produção, circuito económico, a teoria de 5 forças de Porter e a análise SWOT, através dos quais se procuraram identificar as mais diversas perspectivas sobre o mesmo sector. Posteriormente, criaram-se diferentes cenários sobre as incertezas mais relevantes que podem influenciar o impacto do sector no crescimento económico até 2020. Concluímos que, independentemente dos cenários com base nos resultados do nosso questionário, na literatura como nos melhores casos práticos de sucesso fora de Portugal existem vários factores críticos de sucesso que podem desde já ser trabalhados pelos diferentes agentes económicos em Portugal para que o sector possa contribuir directamente para a economia portuguesa.The current discussion on solutions for the Portuguese economy is particularly important in the context of the economic recession and unemployment of the Portuguese society. The sector of software and information services, in turn, has contributed to the economic growth of many other economies. Thus, this work aims to portray the sector of software and other information services in Portugal. With different tools, this work will analyze the sector’s evolution, the current situation, and the future possible contributions to the different possible scenarios of the Portuguese economy. We use the existing literature, as well as the database of the Portuguese Institute for Statistics (INE) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to better understand the evolution of the sector in Portugal and in other relevant countries. For the economic analysis of the sector, we used the models of the value chain, production factors, economic circuit, the theory of Porter's 5 forces and SWOT analysis, through which we sought to identify diversified perspectives on the same sector. Subsequently we set up different scenarios on the most relevant uncertainties that can influence the impact of the sector on economic growth by 2020. We conclude that regardless of the different possible scenarios, based on our survey, the literature and the best case studies of success outside of Portugal, there are several critical success factors which can already be worked by different economic agents in Portugal so that the sector can contribute directly to the Portuguese economy