452,592 research outputs found

    Pursuing the Principalship: Factors in Assistant Principals’ Decisions

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    School administrators who are hired to lead and guide schools and districts must possess a number of characteristics that allow them to become successful leaders. The presence or absence of a strong educational leader can make all the difference in school climate and student achievement (Kelley, Thornton, & Daugherty, 2005). Educational leaders need to be cognizant of what constitutes an effective leader and which characteristics have the most effective impact on student achievement. Alford et al. (2011) stated, while principals are engaged in the managerial tasks of the school, securing the building for safety, ensuring bus routes, student schedules, and the day-to-day management tasks, the instructional needs of the faculty and students compete for attention (p. 29)

    Costs of basic services in Kerala, 2007 : education, health, childbirth and finance (loans)

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    This Working Paper focuses on the pattern and costs of services in four areas, which critically affect most households in Kerala. The major concerns of this Working Paper include answers to questions such as: How much did Kerala households spend for education of their children, for treatment of common and chronic diseases among their members, and for securing medical services related to pregnancy and childbirth? What is the extent of household indebtedness in Kerala? At what cost households secure loans for household and personal needs from banks and other financial institutions

    A Study of the Teacher Placement Bureau of the University of New Mexico from 1929 to 1938

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    In meeting the problem of securing qualified teachers in the past ten years New Mexico school administrators have shown a trend toward greater use of the institutional teacher placement bureaus. It is a purpose of this report to show to what extent the University is accepting the responbility of knowing the state\u27s occupational needs, of selecting youth according to their abilities for fulfilling the varying needs, of aiding leaders in the field in making replacements and additions, of supplying adequate and proper preparation, of placing their graduates in positions, and of providing opportunities for their continued study and preparation

    Sticking together: teaching, learning and the art of research

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    In this paper we emphasise the importance for community educators of building bridges between emerging needs, research, teaching and learning. A case study of recent work is used to illustrate the way in which research in vocational education and training offers the potential for practical outcomes which are not necessarily defined by the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE). We believe that fragmentation must be resisted: the glue securing teaching, learning and research must be preserved. The project which functions as our case study concerned the education and training needs of youth and community arts practitioners. Situated in the north of England, the research was directed by a partnership comprising Yorkshire and Humberside Arts, West Yorkshire Youth Association, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, youth and community arts practitioners and the University of Huddersfield. This innovative collaboration led to pragmatic outcomes in course development, teaching and learning: a new postgraduate course is planned in direct response to the research, a conference was held to share the findings with practitioners whose input, using a focus group approach, was vital in the writing of the final report. We also envisage the work having a practical impact on future approaches to teaching and learning. We analyse the glue which holds together the collaborative partnership and answer the question: what is the nature of cross-sectoral partnership and how do all the partners get what they want? We believe this brings us back to the good old fashioned idea that the purpose of educational research is to inspire change, and is not only to add to the sum of human knowledge. Sadly, all too often nowadays there is a tendency for research to serve the demands of the RAE

    DOD Role For Securing United States Cyberspace

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    The cyber attacks on Estonia in late April and the early weeks of May 2007 significantly crippled the country, preventing it from performing banking, communications, news reporting, government transactions and command and control activities. Estonia is considered a “Wired Society”, much like the United States. Both countries rely on the cyberspace infrastructure economically and politically. Estonia sought assistance outside the country to recover from and to address the attacks. The cyber attacks on Estonia focused world-wide attention on the effects that cyberspace attacks could have on countries. If a cyber attack of national significance occurred against the United States, what would the United States do? The Department of Defense is responsible for protecting the nation and its geographical boundaries from attack, but what is DoD’s role for securing the United States’ cyberspace? Research was conducted by studying national orders, strategies, policies plans, and doctrine to determine DoD’s role for securing the United States’ cyberspace. Research revealed that DoD is assigned the lead role as Sector Specific Agency (SSA) for the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). As the lead SSA for the DIB, DoD’s role for securing the United States’ cyberspace is to identify, assess, and improve risk management of the critical infrastructure within the DIB. Our nation’s defense and military strength rely on the DoD which in turn relies on the DIB to enable DoD to perform its mission. Participation by the DIB is on a voluntary basis, with DIB participants making the risk management calls and implementing the strategies that best fit their needs, which may not serve national security objectives

    A new legal approach to the protection of species and habit

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    The title of this conference “Growing Green” and its by line, suggests transformative measures for primary productive industries with a view to securing gains for the environment and potentially for the industries as well. The need for transformation is clear. It is widely accepted that human activities in the environment require constraint in order to decrease the levels of unsustainable activity in terms of resource quality and quantity (United Nations General Assembly, 2011:16). There is acceptance of this position within industry, in many instances. However, the sticking point appears to be the level of constraint required and the methods to achieve the related gains for the environment. The topic assigned for this paper is a new legal approach to the protection of species and habitats, but arguably what this paper will do is affirm an existing approach that appears to be being swallowed by a high tide of mitigation and associated cumulative effects driven by pressure for economic growth. The focus will be upon threatened avian species in Aotearoa New Zealand. The underlying thesis of the paper runs against the dominant political mood of these times and advocates the exercise of precaution and detailed attention to those spaces where the impacts of industry and the needs of biodiversity collide

    Filing and Indexing Methods for Students and Pastors

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    Since the average pastor has available no one qualified to assist him in this task, he must do most of it himself. Aside from the task of reading and evaluating printed materials, the pastor must find some way of storing these materials and organizing them so as to have available the materials he needs, when he needs them. Dr. Elgin S. Moyer, librarian at Moody Bible Institute, reports a comment from one of his professors, “There are two ways of securing the information we need; one, having it in our memory, and the other, knowing where to find what we want when we need it.” The aim of this thesis shall be to describe a method of filing and indexing which may be used to help the pastor and student in this task
