3,365 research outputs found

    Cosmic cookery : making a stereoscopic 3D animated movie.

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    This paper describes our experience making a short stereoscopic movie visualizing the development of structure in the universe during the 13.7 billion years from the Big Bang to the present day. Aimed at a general audience for the Royal Society's 2005 Summer Science Exhibition, the movie illustrates how the latest cosmological theories based on dark matter and dark energy are capable of producing structures as complex as spiral galaxies and allows the viewer to directly compare observations from the real universe with theoretical results. 3D is an inherent feature of the cosmology data sets and stereoscopic visualization provides a natural way to present the images to the viewer, in addition to allowing researchers to visualize these vast, complex data sets. The presentation of the movie used passive, linearly polarized projection onto a 2m wide screen but it was also required to playback on a Sharp RD3D display and in anaglyph projection at venues without dedicated stereoscopic display equipment. Additionally lenticular prints were made from key images in the movie. We discuss the following technical challenges during the stereoscopic production process; 1) Controlling the depth presentation, 2) Editing the stereoscopic sequences, 3) Generating compressed movies in display speci¯c formats. We conclude that the generation of high quality stereoscopic movie content using desktop tools and equipment is feasible. This does require careful quality control and manual intervention but we believe these overheads are worthwhile when presenting inherently 3D data as the result is signi¯cantly increased impact and better understanding of complex 3D scenes

    Geometry-Based Next Frame Prediction from Monocular Video

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    We consider the problem of next frame prediction from video input. A recurrent convolutional neural network is trained to predict depth from monocular video input, which, along with the current video image and the camera trajectory, can then be used to compute the next frame. Unlike prior next-frame prediction approaches, we take advantage of the scene geometry and use the predicted depth for generating the next frame prediction. Our approach can produce rich next frame predictions which include depth information attached to each pixel. Another novel aspect of our approach is that it predicts depth from a sequence of images (e.g. in a video), rather than from a single still image. We evaluate the proposed approach on the KITTI dataset, a standard dataset for benchmarking tasks relevant to autonomous driving. The proposed method produces results which are visually and numerically superior to existing methods that directly predict the next frame. We show that the accuracy of depth prediction improves as more prior frames are considered.Comment: To appear in 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposiu

    Single-image Tomography: 3D Volumes from 2D Cranial X-Rays

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    As many different 3D volumes could produce the same 2D x-ray image, inverting this process is challenging. We show that recent deep learning-based convolutional neural networks can solve this task. As the main challenge in learning is the sheer amount of data created when extending the 2D image into a 3D volume, we suggest firstly to learn a coarse, fixed-resolution volume which is then fused in a second step with the input x-ray into a high-resolution volume. To train and validate our approach we introduce a new dataset that comprises of close to half a million computer-simulated 2D x-ray images of 3D volumes scanned from 175 mammalian species. Applications of our approach include stereoscopic rendering of legacy x-ray images, re-rendering of x-rays including changes of illumination, view pose or geometry. Our evaluation includes comparison to previous tomography work, previous learning methods using our data, a user study and application to a set of real x-rays

    Towards a High Quality Real-Time Graphics Pipeline

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    Modern graphics hardware pipelines create photorealistic images with high geometric complexity in real time. The quality is constantly improving and advanced techniques from feature film visual effects, such as high dynamic range images and support for higher-order surface primitives, have recently been adopted. Visual effect techniques have large computational costs and significant memory bandwidth usage. In this thesis, we identify three problem areas and propose new algorithms that increase the performance of a set of computer graphics techniques. Our main focus is on efficient algorithms for the real-time graphics pipeline, but parts of our research are equally applicable to offline rendering. Our first focus is texture compression, which is a technique to reduce the memory bandwidth usage. The core idea is to store images in small compressed blocks which are sent over the memory bus and are decompressed on-the-fly when accessed. We present compression algorithms for two types of texture formats. High dynamic range images capture environment lighting with luminance differences over a wide intensity range. Normal maps store perturbation vectors for local surface normals, and give the illusion of high geometric surface detail. Our compression formats are tailored to these texture types and have compression ratios of 6:1, high visual fidelity, and low-cost decompression logic. Our second focus is tessellation culling. Culling is a commonly used technique in computer graphics for removing work that does not contribute to the final image, such as completely hidden geometry. By discarding rendering primitives from further processing, substantial arithmetic computations and memory bandwidth can be saved. Modern graphics processing units include flexible tessellation stages, where rendering primitives are subdivided for increased geometric detail. Images with highly detailed models can be synthesized, but the incurred cost is significant. We have devised a simple remapping technique that allowsfor better tessellation distribution in screen space. Furthermore, we present programmable tessellation culling, where bounding volumes for displaced geometry are computed and used to conservatively test if a primitive can be discarded before tessellation. We introduce a general tessellation culling framework, and an optimized algorithm for rendering of displaced Bézier patches, which is expected to be a common use case for graphics hardware tessellation. Our third and final focus is forward-looking, and relates to efficient algorithms for stochastic rasterization, a rendering technique where camera effects such as depth of field and motion blur can be faithfully simulated. We extend a graphics pipeline with stochastic rasterization in spatio-temporal space and show that stochastic motion blur can be rendered with rather modest pipeline modifications. Furthermore, backface culling algorithms for motion blur and depth of field rendering are presented, which are directly applicable to stochastic rasterization. Hopefully, our work in this field brings us closer to high quality real-time stochastic rendering

    High dynamic range imaging for archaeological recording

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    This paper notes the adoption of digital photography as a primary recording means within archaeology, and reviews some issues and problems that this presents. Particular attention is given to the problems of recording high-contrast scenes in archaeology and High Dynamic Range imaging using multiple exposures is suggested as a means of providing an archive of high-contrast scenes that can later be tone-mapped to provide a variety of visualisations. Exposure fusion is also considered, although it is noted that this has some disadvantages. Three case studies are then presented (1) a very high contrast photograph taken from within a rock-cut tomb at Cala Morell, Menorca (2) an archaeological test pitting exercise requiring rapid acquisition of photographic records in challenging circumstances and (3) legacy material consisting of three differently exposed colour positive (slide) photographs of the same scene. In each case, HDR methods are shown to significantly aid the generation of a high quality illustrative record photograph, and it is concluded that HDR imaging could serve an effective role in archaeological photographic recording, although there remain problems of archiving and distributing HDR radiance map data

    Point cloud data compression

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    The rapid growth in the popularity of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and Mixed Reality (MR) experiences have resulted in an exponential surge of three-dimensional data. Point clouds have emerged as a commonly employed representation for capturing and visualizing three-dimensional data in these environments. Consequently, there has been a substantial research effort dedicated to developing efficient compression algorithms for point cloud data. This Master's thesis aims to investigate the current state-of-the-art lossless point cloud geometry compression techniques, explore some of these techniques in more detail and then propose improvements and/or extensions to enhance them and provide directions for future work on this topic

    Image-based rendering and synthesis

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    Multiview imaging (MVI) is currently the focus of some research as it has a wide range of applications and opens up research in other topics and applications, including virtual view synthesis for three-dimensional (3D) television (3DTV) and entertainment. However, a large amount of storage is needed by multiview systems and are difficult to construct. The concept behind allowing 3D scenes and objects to be visualized in a realistic way without full 3D model reconstruction is image-based rendering (IBR). Using images as the primary substrate, IBR has many potential applications including for video games, virtual travel and others. The technique creates new views of scenes which are reconstructed from a collection of densely sampled images or videos. The IBR concept has different classification such as knowing 3D models and the lighting conditions and be rendered using conventional graphic techniques. Another is lightfield or lumigraph rendering which depends on dense sampling with no or very little geometry for rendering without recovering the exact 3D-models.published_or_final_versio