13 research outputs found

    Investigating Training Strategies and Model Robustness of Low-Rank Adaptation for Language Modeling in Speech Recognition

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    The use of low-rank adaptation (LoRA) with frozen pretrained language models (PLMs) has become increasing popular as a mainstream, resource-efficient modeling approach for memory-constrained hardware. In this study, we first explore how to enhance model performance by introducing various LoRA training strategies, achieving relative word error rate reductions of 3.50\% on the public Librispeech dataset and of 3.67\% on an internal dataset in the messaging domain. To further characterize the stability of LoRA-based second-pass speech recognition models, we examine robustness against input perturbations. These perturbations are rooted in homophone replacements and a novel metric called N-best Perturbation-based Rescoring Robustness (NPRR), both designed to measure the relative degradation in the performance of rescoring models. Our experimental results indicate that while advanced variants of LoRA, such as dynamic rank-allocated LoRA, lead to performance degradation in 11-best perturbation, they alleviate the degradation in NN-best perturbation. This finding is in comparison to fully-tuned models and vanilla LoRA tuning baselines, suggesting that a comprehensive selection is needed when using LoRA-based adaptation for compute-cost savings and robust language modeling

    VAuLT: Augmenting the Vision-and-Language Transformer for Sentiment Classification on Social Media

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    We propose the Vision-and-Augmented-Language Transformer (VAuLT). VAuLT is an extension of the popular Vision-and-Language Transformer (ViLT), and improves performance on vision-and-language (VL) tasks that involve more complex text inputs than image captions while having minimal impact on training and inference efficiency. ViLT, importantly, enables efficient training and inference in VL tasks, achieved by encoding images using a linear projection of patches instead of an object detector. However, it is pretrained on captioning datasets, where the language input is simple, literal, and descriptive, therefore lacking linguistic diversity. So, when working with multimedia data in the wild, such as multimodal social media data, there is a notable shift from captioning language data, as well as diversity of tasks. We indeed find evidence that the language capacity of ViLT is lacking. The key insight of VAuLT is to propagate the output representations of a large language model (LM) like BERT to the language input of ViLT. We show that joint training of the LM and ViLT in VAuLT can yield relative improvements up to 20% over ViLT on VL tasks involving richer language inputs and affective constructs, such as for Target-Oriented Sentiment Classification in TWITTER-2015 and TWITTER-2017, and Sentiment Classification in MVSA-Single and MVSA-Multiple. Our code is available at https://github.com/gchochla/VAuLT.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Scaled-up Discovery of Latent Concepts in Deep NLP Models

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    Pre-trained language models (pLMs) learn intricate patterns and contextual dependencies via unsupervised learning on vast text data, driving breakthroughs across NLP tasks. Despite these achievements, these models remain black boxes, necessitating research into understanding their decision-making processes. Recent studies explore representation analysis by clustering latent spaces within pre-trained models. However, these approaches are limited in terms of scalability and the scope of interpretation because of high computation costs of clustering algorithms. This study focuses on comparing clustering algorithms for the purpose of scaling encoded concept discovery of representations from pLMs. Specifically, we compare three algorithms in their capacity to unveil the encoded concepts through their alignment to human-defined ontologies: Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, Leaders Algorithm, and K-Means Clustering. Our results show that K-Means has the potential to scale to very large datasets, allowing rich latent concept discovery, both on the word and phrase level

    Few-Shot Spoken Language Understanding via Joint Speech-Text Models

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    Recent work on speech representation models jointly pre-trained with text has demonstrated the potential of improving speech representations by encoding speech and text in a shared space. In this paper, we leverage such shared representations to address the persistent challenge of limited data availability in spoken language understanding tasks. By employing a pre-trained speech-text model, we find that models fine-tuned on text can be effectively transferred to speech testing data. With as little as 1 hour of labeled speech data, our proposed approach achieves comparable performance on spoken language understanding tasks (specifically, sentiment analysis and named entity recognition) when compared to previous methods using speech-only pre-trained models fine-tuned on 10 times more data. Beyond the proof-of-concept study, we also analyze the latent representations. We find that the bottom layers of speech-text models are largely task-agnostic and align speech and text representations into a shared space, while the top layers are more task-specific

    On the Effectiveness of Compact Biomedical Transformers

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    Language models pre-trained on biomedical corpora, such as BioBERT, have recently shown promising results on downstream biomedical tasks. Many existing pre-trained models, on the other hand, are resource-intensive and computationally heavy owing to factors such as embedding size, hidden dimension, and number of layers. The natural language processing (NLP) community has developed numerous strategies to compress these models utilising techniques such as pruning, quantisation, and knowledge distillation, resulting in models that are considerably faster, smaller, and subsequently easier to use in practice. By the same token, in this paper we introduce six lightweight models, namely, BioDistilBERT, BioTinyBERT, BioMobileBERT, DistilBioBERT, TinyBioBERT, and CompactBioBERT which are obtained either by knowledge distillation from a biomedical teacher or continual learning on the Pubmed dataset via the Masked Language Modelling (MLM) objective. We evaluate all of our models on three biomedical tasks and compare them with BioBERT-v1.1 to create efficient lightweight models that perform on par with their larger counterparts. All the models will be publicly available on our Huggingface profile at https://huggingface.co/nlpie and the codes used to run the experiments will be available at https://github.com/nlpie-research/Compact-Biomedical-Transformers

    Conditionally Adaptive Multi-Task Learning: Improving Transfer Learning in NLP Using Fewer Parameters & Less Data

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    Multi-Task Learning (MTL) networks have emerged as a promising method for transferring learned knowledge across different tasks. However, MTL must deal with challenges such as: overfitting to low resource tasks, catastrophic forgetting, and negative task transfer, or learning interference. Often, in Natural Language Processing (NLP), a separate model per task is needed to obtain the best performance. However, many fine-tuning approaches are both parameter inefficient, i.e., potentially involving one new model per task, and highly susceptible to losing knowledge acquired during pretraining. We propose a novel Transformer architecture consisting of a new conditional attention mechanism as well as a set of task-conditioned modules that facilitate weight sharing. Through this construction, we achieve more efficient parameter sharing and mitigate forgetting by keeping half of the weights of a pretrained model fixed. We also use a new multi-task data sampling strategy to mitigate the negative effects of data imbalance across tasks. Using this approach, we are able to surpass single task fine-tuning methods while being parameter and data efficient (using around 66% of the data for weight updates). Compared to other BERT Large methods on GLUE, our 8-task model surpasses other Adapter methods by 2.8% and our 24-task model outperforms by 0.7-1.0% models that use MTL and single task fine-tuning. We show that a larger variant of our single multi-task model approach performs competitively across 26 NLP tasks and yields state-of-the-art results on a number of test and development sets. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/CAMTL/CA-MTL.Comment: ICLR 2021 (Reprint