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    : Qu'est-ce que la Valeur du Carbone ? Cinq définitions.

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    http://sapiens.revues.org/index793.htmlNational audienceWhat is the value of a tonne of CO2 that has not been emitted into the atmosphere, or in other words, the carbon price? It all depends on what you mean by value! The purpose of this note is to elucidate and illustrate five frequently used definitions of the carbon price for one tonne of carbon (as in carbon dioxide) avoided: 1. The expected mitigation of climate-change damage, 2. The cost of reducing CO2 emissions, 3. The social cost of carbon, 4. The politically negotiated value and 5. CO2 market prices.Combien vaut une tonne de CO2 non émise dans l'atmosphère ? Tout dépend de ce qu'on entend par valeur ! Cette note recadre et illustre cinq définitions différentes fréquement utilisées: 1. La réduction espérée du dommage du changement climatique, 2. Le coût de réduction des émissions de CO2. 3. La valeur sociale à l'optimum, 4. La valeur négociée politiquement et 5. Le prix de marché

    Letter from Frances N. Pelton to John Muir, 1861 Feb 3

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    [4] who died that we might live. John, pray for me and my family, that we may all be sharers in that great salvation. Mr Radclif has left this town to preach at De Soto, a town upon the river north of here. Not many tears shed about his depart- ture. I went over to McGregor last Sabbath and heard the Baptist minister, Mr. Moor -- liked him very well. I must close. Little Fannie is sitting by the side of me trying to get hold of my paper. She sends you a great many kisses, and says [she] wishes John would come back again. Write soon Ever your true friend, F. N. Pelton00259[1] Prairie du Chin, Feb. 3d, \u2761 Well John, I really ought to be ashamed not to have answered your kind letter before this time - but be assured it is not because I had forgotten to do so. I intended to have done so, a week ago, but for some reason I have not found myself with pen in hand, until now. Your name has been mentioned almost every day since you left. We were really lonely without you -- by we I mean those of us who used to sit in the little sitting room around the writing desk. [2] We are all quite well -- even Little Fannie , is getting quite strong. She can walk about by chairs and will soon walk quite alone. I think she would know you. She can speak several words quite distinctly. I hope and pray that her life, which has seemed as frail, may be spared to be a blessing to us in after years. If here parents are not spared to enjoy her society she may make herself useful to others. Surely we know not what a day may bring forth, and how little do we realize it. We are getting along about as we were when you were [here]. Ezra does the chores about the house. Our family[3] is not as large as it was. Cate is gone, and in her place I have a Sarah. Miss Merrill is talking of going soon. John, we have wished you were here many a time since you left. How have you got along at your new business. You must write and let us hear all about your success. You are very kindly remembered by all, and enquired after. Now you must remember your promise to write me occasionally as long as you live. We shall ever be happy to hear of your prosperity we have one common interest in securing an interest in that Savio

    Letter from John Muir to Sarah Muir Galloway, ca 1860 Dec 1-21

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    [4]I thought I would make my bed tip up at any time I pleased for I would sometimes get up at two or three and sometimes at seven it only required one or two days to make it the machinery consists of two rough levers and a knotty cotton string and an iron thin one a clock [pendulum?] The string is attached to a clock set on my washstand I have a little lamplighter to made of two or three little sticks At half past five I am mercilessly set upon my feet waking or sleeping and at the same instant I have a light There is a notice of it in one of the papers I have not seen it but I guess I will hunt it up and send it to you Dear Davie I do most devout -ly desire you to write me a long letter There is much her to lead me away from God I ask to be remem- bered at the throne of grace God bless you my dear sister and dear Brother and your little ones A very affectionate goodbye00248[1]my very dear Sarah sister I hope you and your pretty dear Davie are well and your family I am quite well myself. I think it strange that you and Davie have not sent me a letter long ago. I sent you one from Madison surely you have not received it I am in the world now I dont think I know how I like it I guess it has woed me better than I could expect but most of its love is very hollow I believe, since I left I have never been able to mark the flight of time It seems like seven or eight days since I left home and seems like seven or eight years and it seems like a dream I hardly ever know what day it is or what month it is or what year I dont often think where I am and I dont think I care much I dont think [2]I can tell you what I am doing or not doing And I hardly know how I feel I am not unhappy. I generally whistle when I do my chors I guess I am happy But I suppose I had better wake now and tell you something Pr du Chin is a pretty place. The city is a miserable place, the prairie is seven miles by one or two walled in by bold nearly bold limestone hills, houses are scattered over nearly all the prairie the river runs on one side close to the hills, just apposite there on the very top of the ridge a nationable catholic was buried according to his dying injunction it is so steep and high you can hardly scramble to the top but I mean to try it someday I wish I had you to try it with me Everything seems [illegible] and comfortable in my big home It is dandy society I am in or maybe[3]it should be called polite the boarders are all mannerly and educated. They are great kissers they don\u27t kiss me I don\u27t know as they are very sentimental either It was worth while to see their ladyships and lordships eating turkey and playing blind mans buff on thanksgiving evening in the great hall, they did not succeed in getting me at either buff or fox and geese I gravely repeated Solomons words my son if sinners entice thee consent thou not It was taken very gravely and caused an apology next day I have a great character here for sobriety I have been trying to turn my attention to books and whittle not a bit but as they depend on me for making the f[illegible

    “Silly girls” and “nice young lads”: vilification and vindication in the perceptions of medico-legal practitioners in rape cases

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    In this article, we explore perceptions and presumptions in relation to rape, raped women, and rapists, among medico-legal professionals who perform forensic medical examinations in rape cases. We draw upon data from in-depth interviews conducted with forensic medical examiners and forensic nurse practitioners in one area of England. Findings reveal that many of these personnel hold particular views centered broadly on the vilification of victims and the vindication of perpetrators. We conclude that these perceptions and presumptions may hold concerning implications for both victim experiences and evidentiary and judicial outcomes. </jats:p

    In search of a third place: a telecollaborative model for languaculture learning

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    This thesis presents a five-year, global classroom project, in which French and American students study the same texts (literature, film remakes, works of sociology and anthropology), while corresponding using ICTs. Their reflections provide the basis for the development of conceptual and perceptual toolkits, containing consciousness-raising activities on individual and culturally-biased semantic and perceptual differences and similarities. Students compare home culture images and the corresponding images from the other culture(s), in an attempt to arrive at a "third place" (Kramsch 1993), as an intercultural speaker (Byraml995; 1997). Feedback and transcripts from participants are used to assess the effectiveness of this pedagogy of languaculture in broadening discourse options and educational opportunities, and of the role of telecollaboration in student motivation and engagement. The analytical framework draws on insights of Bakhtin, Vygotsky and Flarre and Gillet, focussing on the learner as agent, and language as fundamentally dialogic in nature. Telecollaboration provides access to multiple discursive perspectives and negotiation of meaning, whereby students, especially the more motivated, ask real questions and receive real answers. The global classroom leads to a change in the locus of control, increasing motivation and encouraging students to appropriate their own learning. Significant individual, group and cross-cultural differences emerge in the interpretation and degree of appropriation of the materials and opportunities for intercultural communication. This thesis provides research-informed, pedagogical guidelines for developing similar intercultural telecollaborative courses and makes a creative contribution, both to the dialogic teaching of language as culture and to the integration of new technologies into the curriculum

    Time to separate the men from the beasts: symbolic anticipation as the typically human subjective dimension

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    In this paper it is argued that the dividing line that runs between the human psyche as opposed to any other complex system is made up by symbolic anticipation. The functionality of the human mind as an anticipatory system is entirely caught up in the crucial role that finiteness, shortage or lack plays for human beings. Anticipation for us is the way by which this negative finiteness or lack is translated into a positive longing, want or desire. We take a look at the three dimensional view of Jacques Lacan regarding these matters in a sophistical example and we illustrate how anticipation as a Symbolic phenomenon is distinct from the Imaginary or the Real register. As Lacan points out anticipation creates a symbolic social link which binds two or more interacting humans together in an anticipatory relationship. Beliefs, expectations and convictions are the typically human social links which ground human interaction and set it apart from other forms of social interaction we can observe in other complex biological entities

    The relationship between civic attitudes and voting intention : an analysis of vocational upper secondary schools in England and Singapore

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    From 2009 to 2011, a team from the Centre for Learning and Life Chances in Knowledge Economies and Societies carried out a mixedmethods study of young people in England and Singapore. With regard to civic attitudes, the study showed that there was a greater sense of political self-efficacy and collective (school) efficacy in Singapore than in England. In addition, the group in Singapore scored higher on future voting relative to the group in England. Further, while both political self-efficacy and collective (school) efficacy were correlated with future voting in England, only the latter was correlated in the case of Singapore. For some, the results may seem counter-intuitive. The article reflects on these results, particularly those relating to democratic outcomes

    Understanding Bohmian mechanics: A dialogue

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    This paper is an introduction to the ideas of Bohmian mechanics, an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which the observer plays no fundamental role. Bohmian mechanics describes, instead of probabilities of measurement results, objective microscopic events. In recent years, Bohmian mechanics has attracted increasing attention by researchers. The form of a dialogue allows me to address questions about the Bohmian view that often arise.Comment: 21 pages, no figures; uses RevTeX

    Reenactment: An embodied cognition approach to meaning and linguistic content

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    A central finding in experimental research identified with Embodied Cognition (EC) is that understanding actions involves their embodied simulation, i.e. executing some processes involved in performing these actions. Extending these findings, I argue that reenactment – the overt embodied simulation of actions and practices, including especially communicative actions and practices, within utterances – makes it possible to forge an integrated EC-based account of linguistic meaning. In particular, I argue: (a) that remote entities can be referred to by reenacting actions performed with them; (b) that the use of grammatical constructions can be conceived of as the reenactment of linguistic action routines; (c) that complex enunciational structures (reported speech, irony, etc.) involve a separate level of reenactment, on which characters are presented as interacting with one another within the utterance; (d) that the segmentation of long utterances into shorter units involves the reenactment of brief audience interventions between units; and (e) that the overall meaning of an utterance can be stated in reenactment terms. The notion of reenactment provides a conceptual framework for accounting for aspects of language that are usually thought to be outside the reach of EC in an EC framework, thus supporting a view of meaning and linguistic content as thoroughly grounded in action and interaction