915 research outputs found

    The Role of Task Technology Fit to Enhance Student Satisfaction Towards Blended Learning in Chengdu, China

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    Purpose: Blended learning had become a popular educational approach that mixed the characteristics of face-to-face lectures and online learning in the digital age. This research aimed to examine the factors of task technology fit, confirmation, cognitive presence, teaching presence, social presence, and learner-instructors interaction to impact blended learning satisfaction of college students in Chengdu, China. The research model demonstrates relationships between key varaibles. Research design and methodology: This research applied the quantitative method and questionnaire as instruments to survey 500 students, who majored in art and design subjects. Before distributing the questionnaires, Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and a pilot test of Cronbach’s Alpha were used to test validity and reliability. Data was analyzed by utilizing Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to validate the model’s goodness of fit and confirm the causal relationship among variables for hypothesis testing.. Results: The main findings revealed that confirmation, cognitive presence, social presence, and learner-instructors interaction significantly influenced satisfaction with blended learning, except task technology fit and teaching presence. Cognitive presence and learner-instructor interaction has strong and significant role to enhance students’ satisfaction with hybrid learning. Conclusions: The study has found that the research conceptual model could predict and explain how the factors impact blended learning satisfaction

    A Study Examining Undergraduate Students’ Satisfaction and Continuance Intention with E-learning in Beijing, China

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    Purpose: This study investigates the factors impacting undergraduate students’ satisfaction and continuance intention with e-learning in Beijing, China. The main theories were Information Systems Success Model (ISSM), Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT), and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Perceived usefulness, confirmation, satisfaction, system quality, information quality, service quality, and continuance intention were all interconnected in the conceptual framework. Research design, data, and methodology: 479 questionnaires were completed by students in the four departments of the Beijing Film Academy. The study employed three sampling techniques: purposive sampling, quota sampling, and convenience sampling. To ensure content validity, the index of item-objective congruence (IOC) was utilized, along with a pilot test involving a sample of 50 participants, and the reliability of the measurements was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Additionally, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were employed to analyze the data and generate the findings. Results: All eight hypotheses proposed in the study were supported. Confirmation has a significant impact on perceived usefulness. Perceived usefulness, confirmation, system quality, information quality, and service quality significantly impact satisfaction. Perceived usefulness and satisfaction significantly impact continuance intention. Conclusions: College teaching practitioners should focus to enhance e-learning’s efficiency and student’s motivation to continue using online education appropriately

    Factors Impacting College Student Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness, and Continuance Intention with E-learning in Dezhou, China

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    Purpose: The study aims to identify significant factors impacting junior college students’ continuance intentions to use e-learning at a public university in Dezhou, China. The research model is constructed with key constructs: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, system quality, information quality, self-efficacy, satisfaction, and continuation intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The researcher applied a quantitative method by distributing an online questionnaire to 495 respondents who are junior college students in four majors at public institutions in Dezhou, China. The sampling techniques were applied in this study, including purposive, quota, and convenience sampling. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were used to determine the significant relationships and hypotheses testing results. Results: The findings demonstrate that satisfaction strongly influenced continuance intention. Information quality, perceived ease of use, system quality, and perceived usefulness significantly impact satisfaction. Perceived ease of use and self-efficacy has a significant impact on perceived usefulness. Conclusions: University administrators and teaching staff should pay attention to developing significant factors that encourage students to continue using e-learning more effectively. Educators should consider reforming future learning according to the findings of this research, which will help students acknowledge and recognize the effectiveness of online education

    The Effects of Organizational Commitment and Harmonious Passion on Voluntary Turnover Among Social Workers: A Mixed Methods Study

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    The retention of Social Workers (SWs) is a concern that affects government and private organizations and the workforce. Voluntary turnover among SWs is increasing at an alarming rate. Not only is voluntary turnover rising, but organizational commitment and harmonious passion are declining (Wharton University of Pennsylvania, 2012). This study explored and examined the effect organizational commitment and harmonious passion have on voluntary turnover among Child Protective Services (CPS) SWs. The study used a concurrent mixed method design. Data collected during the quantitative phase provided information on the perceptions of SWs regarding organizational commitment, harmonious passion, and their intent to leave. The qualitative aspect of the study consisted of one-on-one interviews, which provided an opportunity for the SWs to tell their story in a meaningful way and provided a deeper explanation of their perceptions of organizational commitment, harmonious passion, voluntary turnover, and intent to leave. Two-hundred and twenty-six SWs completed the survey and twenty-nine SWs participated in an interview on organizational commitment, harmonious passion, voluntary turnover, and intent to leave. Although the literature suggested organizational commitment (affective, normative, and continuance commitment) and harmonious passion influences voluntary turnover. Results of the study did not support the prediction. However, the results of the study did indicate organizational commitment and harmonious passion levels are low among CPS SWs who participated in the current study. Participants noted low levels of organizational commitment and harmonious passion do contribute to turnover and has a negative impact on the clients and communities they serve. The SWs of this study feel undervalued and need support and respect from CPS leaders to increase their levels of organizational commitment and harmonious passion. The retention of more qualified licensed SWs is critical in improving organizational commitment, harmonious passion, and the quality of care provided by the organization

    Investigating eLearning Continuance Through Expectation Disconfirmation Theory

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    This study set out to investigate the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) eLearning participation and completion phenomenon of learners and to explore motivation of CPD eLearning intentions and completions. This study focused on why learners choose CPD eLearning and why they continue in CPD eLearning. Based on the Expectations Disconfirmation theory (EDT) and the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model (1992), a survey was developed and then sent to a cross-section of registered CPD eLearners from the first responder community. After the data was collected 217 responses were analyzed with SPSS correlational techniques and through PROCESS which is a modeling tool. The study found that overall information, service, system, and learning expectations and perceptions of quality are positively related to each other as well as disconfirmation and satisfaction. Furthermore, disconfirmation was found to be positively correlated to satisfaction. Continuance intention and continuance behavior were positively related to each other as well as to satisfaction, respectively. Intrinsic motivation did have a moderation effect on satisfaction as it related to continuance intention and continuance behavior. Although generalization of the results should be exercised with caution, this study offers implications to CPD eLearning research and theory building with relation to disconfirmation, satisfaction, motivation, continuance intention, and continuance behavior. Many variables, ultimately, positively affect CPD eLearning continuance. Learners that are more satisfied tend to continue in CPD eLearning, but also have the motivation to continue in other types of eLearning. CPD eLearning quality and the learner’s motivation should not be forgotten if learner continuance is the goal. Continuance behavior is related to the learner’s satisfaction. All parties involved in the development and delivery of the CPD eLearning should be mindful. The study fills a gap in the CPD eLearning literature. This study had a mix of first responders that had and had not completed the CPD eLearning. This provides a different perspective than most studies tend to gather

    What explains continuance intention in smartwatches?

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    Nascimento, B., Oliveira, T., & Tam, C. (2018). Wearable technology: What explains continuance intention in smartwatches? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 43, 157-169. DOI: 10.1016/j.jretconser.2018.03.017Smartwatch is a recent and significant development in the domain of wearable technology. We study continuance intention and its determinants, using a combination of the expectation-confirmation model (ECM) with habit, perceived usability, and perceived enjoyment, to explain the continuance intention of smartwatches. Based on a sample of 574 individuals collected from the USA, we show that relationships of ECM enhance the continuance intention, such as confirmation, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction, and also the role of habit and perceived usability. Additionally, we find that habit was the most important feature to explain the continuance intention of smartwatches. The paper ends with a discussion of the study's limitations and implications.authorsversionpublishe

    Evaluation of an E-learning training package by nurses for various designations for developing clinical skills and knowledge.

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    An essential component of nurses delivering good healthcare is continuous education. However, nurses’ [participation in continuing education can be hampered by lack of time, limited access to educational resources and cost concerns. Globally, electronic learning has emerged in the last decade as a flexible mechanism to provide education for nurses. The purpose of this research is to evaluate an e-learning training package used by nurses of various designations for developing clinical skills and knowledge at a private hospital in Perth, Western Australia (‘The Hospital’). This study employs descriptive correlational design – a non-experimental quantitative approach. Data was collected via a survey method. The findings from this study provide deeper insight into e-learning as a method of knowledge and skill enhancement for nurses. Recommendations are offered that may help strengthen the opportunities for effective e-learning for nurses, which could ultimately influence quality care and patient outcomes

    Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention of Online Teachers in the K-12 Setting

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    The purpose of this study was to measure and explore factors influencing K-12 online teacher job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions K-12 online education. Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (1954), Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Satisfaction (1959, 1968), Meyer and Allen’s measure of Organizational Commitment (1997), and Fishbein and Ajzen’s Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior (1975), this mixed-methods study was conducted in public, private, charter, for-profit, and not-for-profit K-12 online schools in a single Southeastern state. The researcher used a sequential explanatory design by collecting and analyzing quantitative data and then qualitative data in two consecutive phases. Using a quantitative survey design, the study included responses from 105 participants. The results revealed that K-12 online teachers have a moderate-high level of job satisfaction, which correlates to their affective commitment to their organization and their intent to remain teaching in the online setting in the immediate, intermediate, and long-term future. Participants identified flexibility, meeting student needs, technical support and their professional community as the most satisfying aspects of their job, while compensation, workload, missing face-to-face interaction with students, and inactive students were identified as least satisfying. A logistic regression model indicated schedule flexibility, mentoring, number of students, number of years teaching experience, and affective commitment are predictors of online teacher’s likelihood of turnover. In the second phase of the study, eight qualitative focus group interviews were conducted and analyzed using a constant comparative method; these results confirmed and expounded upon the quantitative findings in phase one. These results inform K-12 online school leaders who seek to retain new hires of statistically significant variables that influence teacher retention

    Pursuing Digital Learning Platform Success: A Meta-Analytic Investigation of User and Cultural Contingencies

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    Digital learning platforms (DLPs) have emerged as highly effective tools to meet contemporary organizations’ learning and knowledge-creation needs. Advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) embedded in these platforms create mobile learning workspaces that deliver ubiquitous yet targeted learning experiences. Scholars have shown a keen interest in assessing the success of DLPs, but most studies have examined only a specific aspect of DLP success. Current findings also show inconsistencies and contradictions that confound our understanding of this important topic. As a result, an integrated and accurate understanding of DLP success is missing. In this paper, we adopt rigorous meta-analytic procedures to consolidate extant findings and reconcile inconsistencies in our understanding of DLP success. Additionally, we extend our meta-analyses to investigate the contingency effects of two moderating variables—user context and cultural context. The results provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of DLP success. Our study contributes to the literature by extending the theory on DLPs and information systems (IS) success and by providing insightful recommendations for practitioners
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